HELP! Using Presents


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New member
Apr 14, 2005
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Hey! ;) Whats up.. This is my first entry on TamaTalk.. But I had a question.. I just gott my V2, 2 days ago.. And I put in all the codes and I gott all the things that I need.. But I was wondering.. How can my Tamagotchi wear his costume and how can he play with his stuffed panda.. I can feed them tha foods, but they can't play with his things.. Help me please :huh:

Well, it isn't a toy it is a costume! When your tama is an adult put it on him or her and they will look like that! Was that your question if not tell me in pm or something!

i don'tnow how to use the codes , but i do know that you can only take the suit off at the time s/he goes to bed :D :D

I will help you!

You will have to wait until it is an adult!

I know loads of stuff, I have 5 tamagotchis!


I wondered with my tamagotchi, but then, when it was an adult, it could use the item!

da codes are a combination of buttons in shop

go 2 da codes section to find em

hi :( .i no how you costume can go off and put it on you go to the games :p then you go to items :) you look for the costume and when you find it you you push button b (middle) and its on. :D to take it off you have to put your tamagotchi to bed he or she never wears it to bed. :p

how do you no whats gona go in your shop nexts. or what can go in your shop and how much is it

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