Help - violent tomogachi


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No offence meant, but are you sure your son was telling the truth? Younger kids make up stories and exaggerate sometimes.

Are you sure? It could be a glitch. Are you sure that the Tama was just playing and your son's Tamagotchi was in poor health? That is strange, and a little suspicious to me. :eek:


thts the weirdest thing ive ever heard about a tama!!!

im sure they wood not make tamas tht violent on purpose!!!


thts REALLY weird!!!

it must be a fake

a well planned fake!!!

i meen how cood a lil glitch cause it to do something as complex as tht???!!!


thts pretty sweet man

but still



no cant be that because she said it managed to stay alive for mare than two weeks

Maybe it was just in bad health... And was playing a game, tug-of-war maybe, that might look like a sword fight, then died right after because its hunger and happy hearts were too low. Then your son got a bit confused/exaggerated/panicked and thought it had been a sword that killed the Tamagotchi.

Here is a little clarification. Some of you who know much more about tamagotchi than I may know if this is possible. Understand that this information is coming from a 6 year old. Also understand that I know almost nothing about these little toys (Thus the misspelling in my first post, etc.) I could use some help interpreting what might have happened, I certainly don't want it to happen again.
The two tamagotchi's played a game. My son's tama won the game. After the game my daughter's Tama, an adult of only a few hours, built a robot and sent it to my son. They send each other presents often. The "robot" is what killed both the adult and child. My son says with a sword or knife. (Sorry I can't remember all the details and dare not ask too many questions.)

I'm relieved that this isn't common. I'm a little leery, because "something" did happened. I'd love some help figuring out what it might have been. He'd had Tamas die and while it bummed him out a little, it wasn't any thing traumatic. This was a big deal - serious tears. My daughter started her Tama over - time out didn't seem severe enough to her. My son still won't let his Tama play with hers. He thinks hers should pretty much live in time out.

Sorry if I sound new to Tamagotchi's and web postings - I am. I appreciate the input.
Wait a minute. You said the girls' Tama was an adult of a few hours... Do you mean it was a few hours old or was an adult for a few hours? Because for a Tamagotchi to become an adult, it needs to be about 3-4 days old. So maybe the pet was glitched.

Well this has to be the wierdest thing i ever heard of. Here are a few reasons that could have happened.

1. Was the girls tamagotchi an old man? It says on a chart I have that he is stuborn and hates to be defeated by yonger tamagotchis. Maybe since he was defeated he wanted revenge.

2. The chart also says that the Taracochi (looks like a potato with hair and legs) Is very mischeivous.

3. Now as others have said it may be the Gozorutchi :D . on the chat it says he excels at thowing knives.

4. You also said it built a robot. The only tamagotchi with that type of technology would be a Robotchi :furawatchi:

5. And as someone said he may have been taking care of it poorly then played tug of war. But I highly dought he was taking care of it poorly because you said he kept it alive for 2 weeks

Hope I helped

Wow!I've never heared of that b'for.It soundes so freaky.You should take it to target incase of a malfuncshon 'cause thats out of the ordnary. <_<

We bought them at Target. Both are tamagotchi connections, my daughters was part of a two pack friendship set, or something like that. My son's was a single. They both have the Bandai trademark on them and the paperwork that came with them.
You said your daughter owned a PART of the twin pack? Where did the other PART go to? Very weird. When it loses a game, isn't it suppose to cry or something? Maybe it was bought, reprogramed, and refunded.....

TDainsure, it is not possible for Tamagotchis to kill each other. You said your son was 6, yes? Well, maybe he doesn't understand how to care for it yet, and then it could have passed away after playing a game of what sounded like tug-o-war.

Best of luck,


TDainsure, it is not possible for Tamagotchis to kill each other. You said your son was 6, yes? Well, maybe he doesn't understand how to care for it yet, and then it could have passed away after playing a game of what sounded like tug-o-war.
Best of luck,

maybye it's a fake tamagotchi?

What happened exactly after she lost the game.

My kids have had their tomogachis for about a month. My 6 yr old son is crying his eyes out because after keeping his tomogachi alive for better than two weeks and finally having a baby, my daughter's tomogachi took out a sword and killed her brother's when he won a game they were playing. Is this normal?
you are obviusly lieing its rediculus! Tamagotchis were made for children and im sure bandie is smart enough not to make them kill each other! im serious! Please dont lie, its stupid and pointless!

oh my gosh I would inform somebody, that's not normal

are you grown up, u have kids

you are obviusly lieing its rediculus! Tamagotchis were made for children and im sure bandie is smart enough not to make them kill each other! im serious! Please dont lie, its stupid and pointless!
don't be so quick to assume!

omigosh! that is very unusual...maybe your son pressed reset on accident? or maybe he was lying so u would get him another one no offense....maybe it was a huge glitch?....i dont know, im sorry that happened...that really sucks! :(


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