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Yay! 8th Page! :D

Not only has this log reached the 8th page, it is also 5 months old today! :)






missvioletchi and Oliver

This isn't exactly a tama update, but I guess it sort of is. Ya know what, lemme just continue :)

So you know how I looked at iD L's? Well I decided, even though I have a lot of money right now, that I want to work to earn the money, and it would give me time to figure out whether I really want it or not. So I decided to sell doggy treats! There is a super busy dog park by my house and it would be perfect to sell there! Lets see how much I can make in a week...

Also, I'm going to Seattle this weekend, so I wont be able to update probably. But dont worry, I'll be back! :)







Oliver got married to a beautiful Violetchi today! :) He went to the Date Place, proposed to his love, and then they got married! :) They'll have a baby after the weekend. I think I might leave my TamaGo at home. I'm not sure if I want to bring it...









Missvioletchi, Oliver, and Violetchi


(PS Shout out to my best friend Memetchiluva464 who just started a log of her own. Click HERE to read it! :) )

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My plane leaves tomorrow morning at 8:00 am, so this will be the last post I am making before I depart to Seattle!

Nothing new has happened overnight with Oliver and Violetchi, so there's nothing too new and exciting to report. I did find out that Oliver loves kabobs, though :) I'm still awaiting new remodel themes. Why won't they come??? :(


In other news, Tamatown is STILL down. Hopefully when I get back from my trip it'll be up and running again!! :)

I'll be back soon, but for now this log is on pause! Sorry!

:( ||





Missvioletchi, Oliver, and Violetchi


(PS I was checking out some iD L websites and this is what I found: CLICK HERE. If you can understand any of it, please PM me! :) )

I kid! :)

I'm coming back with one more post. I just wanted to say...I BOUGHT AN iD L!!!!! :D :D :D :D Yes, that's right! I bought a brand new pink iD L off ebay just a few minutes ago! It cost $60, not including shipping. Then for shipping it was either $12 for delivery between August 2nd-15th, or $15 for delivery between July 19th-22nd. I'm an impatient person, so I chose the $15 shipping. It will arrive at the latest on July 22nd, so by next weekend I'll have an iD L to log about! :D Okay, I'm sure you aren't too interested in all the shipping details and blah blah blah, so I'll just post a pic of my new iD L!! :D


Also, I was checking out cute stickers on the website I posted last post, and in the corner I saw a picture of two girls that remind me of me and my best friend (aka Violetchilluvr3) ;)






Missvioletchi, Oliver, Violetchi, and an ordered iD L!! :D

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I'm back from Seattle and I LOVE it there! :)

Wow, I have a lot to report! First of all, happy birthday to my best friend Memetchiluva464!!!! :D Second of all, my iD L just arrived!!! Well, at my dad's house. I'll see him tomorrow afternoon, though, so I can start it up then, or maybe he'll come drop it off at my mom's house! :D

Oliver and Violetchi had a baby girl, who I'm naming Rayna. If they leave tonight I'll take care of her tomorrow and get my last character on my TamaGo for a bit *sniff*. Yes, I'm pausing my TamaGo to take care of my iD L. But maybe later I'll start it up. I just want to get a feel for the iD L, since it'll be very different from what I'm used to.






Missvioletchi, Oliver, Violetchi, Rayna, and MY iD L! :)


(PS Click on the picture in my signature!!! :D )

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Good morning!

Yesterday night I went to take care of my TamaGo (For the last time) when I saw that the batteries had run out. Well that's okay because it was sort of perfect timing since...I got my iD L!!!! :D

My dad dropped off my iD L at my mom's house. I thought I was going straight home after dance, but instead my mom wanted to go get frozen yogurt with some friends. So we did, and even though my red velvet ice cream with extra cookie dough bits, coconut, and hot fudge was amazingly delicious, I wanted to start up my very first color tama, all the way from Japan! When I finally got home it was around 9ish, and by then I couldn't stay up late taking care of a baby, so I just decided to open it this morning. When I got up I was super excited, and I immediately texted Dani (aka Violetchilluvr3) and asked if she was up. I wanted to video chat her while I opened my iD L, but I had to take a shower and eat breakfast first, so I made the "iD L Olympics", which was basically me just running around doing all this stuff ;) Being the only competitor, I won, so I made myself a gold medal ;)


Anyways, back to my iD L. So I put some batteries in, typed in the date, blah blah blah, and for the user name I looked up my name on google translate in Japanese and tried typing it in, but I'm not sure if I did it right. Then a baby girl, Choribotchi, hatched! :) I decided to name her Amaya, which means "night rain" in Japanese. We went to go play a game and got 140 GP's for beating the game with Mametchi running, then for Kutchipatchi's burger eating game we only got 20 GP's 'cause we're not the best at it yet. :rolleyes: Then I guess I took pretty good care of her, because she evolved into a Kingyobotchi!! :D They are so incredibly adorable!!! I'd say my first hour with the iD L was really fun! :)



I love how when she eats a kitchen shows up behind her! :D


Look how cute she is sleeping!!


When I pressed the middle button she showed up outside. Its nice and clear out today, just like by my house!


Kingyobotchi cuteness!






Missvioletchi and Amaya

Hi hi! :)

I love the iD L!! If you are ever thinking about getting one, do it! They are a little on the expensive side, but its worth it completely! There are bunches of features so you'll never get bored, and its so bright and colorful! :)

When Amaya was still a baby, she weighed about 30g's, which is really a lot for a newborn. xD When I found out how to play the games, I played them until I had 3000 GP's and she was down to only 5g's as a Kingyobotchi. I've been pretty much taking perfect care of her, but I can't now because I really want a Moriritchi, and when Amaya is a teen I need to get 4 care misses EXACTLY. :p It's hard because I'm usually the opposite way (bad care, billions of care misses, etc), and I can't bring myself to do that now. Hopefully she'll get one or two care misses during my dance class today and one or two during my volleyball camp! Anyways, after saving up a lot of money, we finally had enough to buy a new living room. I can't see it too well because the big "Happy Birthday" celebration stuff is still set up in front of it, but its pink and blue and has a big window. :) Then, with the little money we had left, we went to Tama Depa and bought the Popular Fruits seeds. We planted them last night, and this morning a bunch of grapes popped out! :) We took them to the Tama Marche and sold them to a nice Mamapatchi for 100 GP's, which'll go straight to saving up for cleaning supplies! They both seemed very happy about the trade :)





Just a few minutes ago I caught Amaya transforming into...Painaputchi! She got 500 GP's for it, plus I'm on the right track to getting a Moriritchi!



I can't wait until she evolves tomorrow, 'cause that means that we can finally get her a pet and happy symbols! :) The weather is really nice, so I think we might go get some Shiny Tools seeds to plant, because one of Moriritchi's happy items is a Tamamori tree that you grow from those seeds.





missvioletchi and Amaya


(PS I'll find a better way of taking pics of my iD L, just for now the webcam is the best I can do ;) )

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This isn't an update on my tama. I just wanted to drop in to say that there may be a BIG change to this log: the name. Me and my friends have already been talking about what I should do, and I have some good ideas, I'm just not sure about what exactly I want to do with it yet. If there IS a change, though, I'll let you know by posting it here. If you are confuzzled about which log is mine, just look at who started it. It'll be on the first page with my username, missvioletchi, under the "who started it" column. Thanks! :) Hope everyone's having a spectacular day :)







When Amaya woke up this morning, there were no birthday decorations in her living room. Finally we can see what it looks like!!! :) Its pretty adorable with a bow, a bean bag chair, presents, and a huge closet to keep all of her stuff in. She cant wait to remodel the rest of the house, once we get some more money :)

During her last few minutes as a Painaputchi, Amaya finally got the last care miss needed for a Moriritchi! About an hour later, as I was watching my iD L intensely, light started bursting from her, and she evolved into...Moriritchi!!!! She's so fluffy and cute, plus she matches her room perfectly. ;) We immediately went out into her backyard to see if the Shiny Tools seed she planted would blossom to reveal a Tamamori tree, one of her happy items, but instead an ice shaver popped out. Yum! :) We took a short trip to Tama Depa and got another pack of Shiny Tools seeds and planted them right when we got home. Hopefully these ones will grow a Tamamori tree ;) After all this Amaya had worked up an appetite, so we headed off to the Tama Cafe for a breakfast of Tropical Fruits. She gobbled it down happily and jumped up on the table, erupting in sparkles! Then she was surrounded by sunflowers, hearts, and the word "Happy" while she received her very first happy symbol! :) I'm going to wait until tomorrow for her to get her next happy symbol (the Kiramori scrunchy) 'cause I think Amayas had enough excitement for one day. Maybe later to beat the heat we'll have some snow cones ;)















missvioletchi and Amaya

You may have noticed the name change. Same log, same me, just different name. :)

I love how absolutely adorable Moriritchis are! Yesterday she wasn't really in the mood for a snow cone, but she did want to go to the park and enjoy the beautiful weather. There she met up with a Hapihapitchi and really wanted to bring it home! They played soccer a couple times, and finally she was allowed to adopt her! She named her Sugar, which is twins with Violetchilluvr3's Hapihapitchi, Cookie. :)


Then this morning Amaya woke up and ran outside to see if a Tamamori Tree had been grown. Sadly, a cane popped out. She has happy with this, but was kind of hoping for a Tamamori tree. To lift her spirits a little, we went shopping for the Kiramori scrunchy. She got super happy and earned her next happy symbol when trying it on! :)




After, she was enjoying the heat and decided she wanted a snow cone. She was so proud that she had grown the ice shaver all by herself! :)








missvioletchi and Amaya


(PS My name is Holly, so in the logs name thats why it says "Holly" :) )

Thank you for the 7th person who rated my log 5 stars! :)

Amaya woke up this morning to a dirty house, which she quickly tidied up and sang while she worked :)



At 9:10 she got the last happy symbol for being an adult for two days. Then she went out to her backyard to see what the weather was like and check on her garden and Sugar. It was a very rainy day, so she decided to stay out just for a minute to see what she grew. Out popped a Tamamori tree (finally)! :) After a yummy breakfast at the Tama Cafe she decided to use it and get her very last happy symbol. After taking it out she decorated her living room with what looked like Christmas decorations and got really happy!! :)





Then all of her happy symbol stamps joined together and did a little happy dance with her :)




I'm going to get her married tomorrow. I wonder which bachelors will be there for Amaya! They grow up so fast :')





missvioletchi and Amaya

Okay, I'm really not feeling well and before I fall asleep I wanted to update my log.

I was really sad to watch Amaya leave on my way home from my dance competition today. I figured it was time, though. She met a very nice Sunopotchi who she fell in love with, went on a couple dates with, and presented him with a ring. Then an egg appeared with her at her house and a Yurapatchi popped out. I named him Haruki, which means "shining sun". Soon he evolved into Kaubotchi.

In other news I got a USB port that has infra red, so I can hopefully download some items. Just as soon as I figure out how to work it. :p





missvioletchi and Haruki


Sorry I didn't update yesterday, I was VERY busy (as usual ;) ). Haruki evolved twice! First he evolved from Kaubotchi into Hanikamitchi. Ya know, the guy who looks like he works at McDonald's? ;) I'm not sure how many care misses he's gotten. I'm taking really good care of him, and the only times he's left unattended is when I'm riding (horseback riding :) ) which is about 4 hours, and then when I have other stuff to do, but he's been pretty well taken care of. Then he evolved into Mametchi. Guess my hard work payed off ;)








missvioletchi and Haruki

Thank you SO much to mochatchi34 for the really really nice fanmail!! You seriously put a smile on my face!! :) :) Thanks for reading!! :D Fanmail is always really appreciated! :) :)

So not much has happened with Haruki lately. He got a pet (I'm not sure which one, I think its Rubitchi) and named her Miss Fluff. :)


I'm waiting until tomorrow to get his happy symbols, and I'll probably get him married tomorrow as well. We did go visit Amaya briefly, and they both started crying. Aw, family reunion! ;)







missvioletchi and Haruki


(PS Sorry for the suckish post, I'm really in a hurry!!)


I think you all deserve this three-part post :)

Haruki has gotten the perfect care that all Mametchi's love and need, but I've been waiting to get his last two happy symbols until now when I had my webcam to show you! :) The items were a little expensive, but worth his happiness. :)

First up was the experiment kit from Tama Depa, which sprung beautiful flowers!







Then Haruki wanted to play with the royal king crown he bought (for 3500 GP's, btw. :p )






*Stay tuned for parts 2 & 3 which will be following soon*

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*Starting from where I left off*




Then, since he earned all 4 of his happy symbols, Haruki did a cute little dance with all of them in his beloved King's crown. He's the king of happiness!!! ;)



Then, as if this wasn't already an exciting day, he decided to go get married! Three lovely choices came up: an adorable Lovelitchi, a cute Perotchi, and a smiling Moriritchi! Haruki decided to go with the Lovelitchi, and they happily went on a couple dates together after kissing and fireworks. Then Haruki surprised her by presenting her with a ring! Finally, after one last date, he returned home for the last time with an egg. Out popped a Momoirotchi, who I named Mai, meaning "dance" in Japanese. As you may know I'm very passionate about my dance!! :)








*Stay tuned for the last post in this 3-part series*

*From where I left off*










Then within the hour Mai evolved into a super cute Paletchi!!! Hopefully she's on her way to becoming a Pichipitchi!! :) :)


I'd say this was a pretty good posting day after not posting for a little bit! ;) You'll have to bare with me, though, because I have a sleepover party tomorrow at 2:00. I'll try and post what teen Mai evolves into in the morning, but if not, see you Sunday! :)





Holly and Mai


(PS Thinking about making a youtube account for my tamas. Thoughts?)


I come with some good news, and some bad news. Let's start with the good news, shall we? :) This morning Mai got really angry and evolved into a Sabosabotchi, and I must admit-she looks darling! :) This also means that she's on her way to become a Pichipitchi, plus she got 500 GP's for the evolvation!




Now here comes the bad news. I have to pause Mai until tomorrow. I know what you are all thinking: "Seriously you have to pause your tama?" and "Wait that's not even possible on the iD L!" Well to answer those questions "Yeah, I do, and I seriously dont want to but I have to." and "It is possible, with a little trick." So the trick I'm using is I'm going to go to the clock and have the set the time thing on, and leave it that way. And the reason why is because I'm going to a sleepover party tonight and I kind of want to relax and have fun with some friends I haven't seen for a while, who also aren't very, um, fond of tamagotchis. Okay, I guess I'm thinking about taking it. Maybe I will. Wow, this paragraph is getting really long! I'll update as soon as I can :) Bye for now!





Holly and Mai


I stayed up super late last night and got around 2 hours of sleep, so naturally I'm exhausted. I'm about to fall asleep but I decided to make a quick update on my iPod. Tomorrow Im so excited because I get to go to tennis camp with Violetchilluvr3, my BFF :) This can only mean one (well I guess two in a way) thing: a lot of connection and...Giragiratchis!!!! :D In other news I think Mai got too many care misses (I lost count xD) so I'm expecting a Violetchi. That's it for now!





Holly and Mai


(PS Sorry about any spelling mistakes/typos/etc.)

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