Homosexuality - what is your view?


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I agree totally that a person has no right to have an opinion when something is proven to be a fact. However it is clearly not a fact. I've read on several places that it is not scientifically proven. But feel free, with proof, to prove me wrong.

(Also take in to account that there may be false studies)

If it would be a fact then it could be possible to see if an still unborn child will be gay.


Kids have no sexuality, it's kind of obvious. Most heterosexual boys liked to spend time with boys more, isn't it correct?

But there are some kids aged 9-10 who claim that they really like same sex more, telling their parents they want to marry another boy or girl and so on. Of course their parents bash them for that, making them hide this until they are adults.

At age of 10 hormones start to work and boys and girls are getting more interested in lovey things, or just casual ones. Some boys want to wear princess-y clothes, or play with dolls, etc.

Plus, have you heard that gay men/lesbian women like some kinds of scents more than heterosexual people do? It's another proof that it's all about genes.

But it might be about hormones too, actually...

We have read that homosexuality is inherited and that it is not inherited. There is obviously some skewed study in there but the question is, which one is skewed? 'Tis a genetic fact that there are gay genes. so I will find some studies later that say it is genetic and look for some that say it is not. :^)

My point being I (or someone else) will show y'all the studies that say it is inherited and I or someone else can find the studies that say it's not. Anyone can look for these.

Edit: corrected my horrible spelling!

That said, I agree with TM's below post completely!

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I think you guys will find that there are a variety of scientific studies that prove both "facts". Herein lies the problem.

Maybe in the future there will be more published evidence to support one or the other viewpoint.

Will it ever be enough "proof" ? Somehow, I doubt it because there's one thing I am sure of - there will always be people who feel a driving need to say "I am right and therefore you are wrong (and I can prove it)"

Homosexuality is fine. I think it's barbaric people discriminate against them.

Someone being homosexual does not in anyway harm someone who is straight. Plain and simple, so I dont understand why it is even an issue.

Someone being homosexual does not in anyway harm someone who is straight. Plain and simple, so I dont understand why it is even an issue.
There are instances where being homosexual could harm someone who is straight (such as the spread of AIDS across the world).

Fear of the unknown is a very powerful thing. That's one of the reasons it is an issue.

Nothing is plain and simple where human sexuality (of any kind) is concerned.

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To be truthful, I dont have a problem with it one bit. I have a frined who is a lesbian, and we are bffs. I am straight of course, but I dont have a problem with homosexuals. They are the same as everybody, a human. Now I can understand people making fun of if an alien lands on earth, but ther PEOPLE? Thats just wrong to make fun of them.

I trust my life in Jesus, he is my center, my hope and my reason to live.

Jesus loved homosexuals. I don't think Jesus ever said homosexuality was wrong. In the time and place when Jesus walked on earth as a human, homosexual people were outcasts, but Jesus loved them and ate dinner together with them.

I just wanted to point this out :p

In my country, people seem to believe that christians hate homosexuals.

Right now homosexuality is more or less of a trend, and it's rather the christians who are discriminated, pushed back and hated.

I personally don't know anybody who is homosexual, but I've noticed many homosexuals standing out in media and such who are really... pushing their sexuality on to everyone else in a manner that would be unacceptable if it was anyone else.

If christians would start demonstrating and openly debated to be more respected and supported, society would totally not accept that.

Many homosexuals seem to be really kind of paranoid, as they seem to think that they are surrounded by hating enemies, when instead it's them being agressive, craving for support and respect in ways that no other minority in society ever really does. That's really what disturbs me, not the homosexuality itself, but the select few ones who think that they are better than everyone else, because of their sexuality being... rarer...?

Most aren't this way of course, and I just wish people would live peacefully together instead of hating.

EDIT: Some spelling :p

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Well, it is true Jesus ate with the sinners, but as he said it, it was because he didn't come to call at the righteous but to the sinners for repentence.


Just to point out: I'm not a gay-hater. I'm against the sin that they commit.

Hmmm... I know somepeople find it disrespectful or weird, but it is mearly a point of view to me. I don't have any issues with homosexuality personally.

I trust my life in Jesus, he is my center, my hope and my reason to live.

Jesus loved homosexuals. I don't think Jesus ever said homosexuality was wrong. In the time and place when Jesus walked on earth as a human, homosexual people were outcasts, but Jesus loved them and ate dinner together with them.

I just wanted to point this out :p

In my country, people seem to believe that christians hate homosexuals.

Right now homosexuality is more or less of a trend, and it's rather the christians who are discriminated, pushed back and hated.

I personally don't know anybody who is homosexual, but I've noticed many homosexuals standing out in media and such who are really... pushing their sexuality on to everyone else in a manner that would be unacceptable if it was anyone else.

If christians would start demonstrating and openly debated to be more respected and supported, society would totally not accept that.

Many homosexuals seem to be really kind of paranoid, as they seem to think that they are surrounded by hating enemies, when instead it's them being agressive, craving for support and respect in ways that no other minority in society ever really does. That's really what disturbs me, not the homosexuality itself, but the select few ones who think that they are better than everyone else, because of their sexuality being... rarer...?

Most aren't this way of course, and I just wish people would live peacefully together instead of hating.

EDIT: Some spelling :p
Doesn't the bible say, "an eye for an eye"?

Doesn't the bible say, "an eye for an eye"?
That's in the Old Testament, and the Bible says many different things. In my opinion, Christians truly base themselves on what is right and good today, not just what is in the Bible. ;)

That said, I believe the Bible holds many metaphorical lessons. Symbolism is big in there, and remember that some issues change with the times. Homosexuality was downright dangerous back in biblical times, but it is different today.

I trust my life in Jesus, he is my center, my hope and my reason to live.

Jesus loved homosexuals. I don't think Jesus ever said homosexuality was wrong. In the time and place when Jesus walked on earth as a human, homosexual people were outcasts, but Jesus loved them and ate dinner together with them.

I just wanted to point this out :p

In my country, people seem to believe that christians hate homosexuals.

Right now homosexuality is more or less of a trend, and it's rather the christians who are discriminated, pushed back and hated.

I personally don't know anybody who is homosexual, but I've noticed many homosexuals standing out in media and such who are really... pushing their sexuality on to everyone else in a manner that would be unacceptable if it was anyone else.

If christians would start demonstrating and openly debated to be more respected and supported, society would totally not accept that.

Many homosexuals seem to be really kind of paranoid, as they seem to think that they are surrounded by hating enemies, when instead it's them being agressive, craving for support and respect in ways that no other minority in society ever really does. That's really what disturbs me, not the homosexuality itself, but the select few ones who think that they are better than everyone else, because of their sexuality being... rarer...?

Most aren't this way of course, and I just wish people would live peacefully together instead of hating.

EDIT: Some spelling :p
in many places, homosexuals are sometimes overreacting to discrimination. But where I live, many Christians (and non-Christians) ARE very, very biased against homosexuals. People will discuss others' sexual orientations with scorn. It's pretty sad.

Doesn't the bible say, "an eye for an eye"?
Well, firstly that sentence is the most misunderstood one in the whole bible, as it has been clumsily translated, and originally is about compensating money-wise for something you broke or took from your neighbor. Also, that's one of the many things in the old testament that Jesus reformed during his stay as a human on earth. I don't know the exact english translation of his words, but he told the people to "turn the other cheek"...? That's what it translates to from swedish but I hope you know what I mean.

Also, isn't this off-topic? ^_^

@ Stefan Bauwens

I don't think Jesus ever mentioned homosexuality being right or wrong, and he did not socialize with homosexuals in firsthand because they were sinners - we all are, and I don't think homosexuals are neither better nor worse than everyone else.

There are no righteous people in this world, and naturally, everyone that Jesus met on earth were sinners. Still he loves all equally.

He didn't eat with thieves, lepres, prostitutes and homosexuals because they somehow were worse sinners than everyone else, but because they were the ones that society branded as lower beings and that society wouldn't accept. He wished to show everyone that they are just as precious and beautiful as any human. :D

Leviticus 18:22 - "You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination."

Leviticus 20:13 - "If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to death; their blood is upon them."

Well, firstly that sentence is the most misunderstood one in the whole bible, as it has been clumsily translated, and originally is about compensating money-wise for something you broke or took from your neighbor. Also, that's one of the many things in the old testament that Jesus reformed during his stay as a human on earth. I don't know the exact english translation of his words, but he told the people to "turn the other cheek"...? That's what it translates to from swedish but I hope you know what I mean.

Also, isn't this off-topic? ^_^

@ Stefan Bauwens

I don't think Jesus ever mentioned homosexuality being right or wrong, and he did not socialize with homosexuals in firsthand because they were sinners - we all are, and I don't think homosexuals are neither better nor worse than everyone else.

There are no righteous people in this world, and naturally, everyone that Jesus met on earth were sinners. Still he loves all equally.

He didn't eat with thieves, lepres, prostitutes and homosexuals because they somehow were worse sinners than everyone else, but because they were the ones that society branded as lower beings and that society wouldn't accept. He wished to show everyone that they are just as precious and beautiful as any human. :D
Ok first of all, there are righteous people. Those who are saved are righteous. You mean there are no "perfect" people in this world. Second, yes, God still loves you despite your sin. But that doesn't mean that it's ok to sin anyways, and it definitely doesn't mean you are saved.

I don't see how homosexuality is a choice. It's like saying having romantic feelings at all is a choice. It's just one of those things that happens when you get older, you start feeling attracted to people of the opposite gender (or the same gender). It's not a disorder, and it's not inherited. It's just what happens. There are some people who have, say, large feet, and that's not a disorder or deformity. It's just the way they grew up. I think homosexuality is like that.

Ok first of all, there are righteous people. Those who are saved are righteous. You mean there are no "perfect" people in this world. Second, yes, God still loves you despite your sin. But that doesn't mean that it's ok to sin anyways, and it definitely doesn't mean you are saved.
I really didn't say that it's somehow ok to sin anyway(sorry if my text gave that impression -_- ), but I haven't in fact even mentioned my views yet, on whether I think homosexuality actually is right or wrong.

According to the bible, those who are saved are those who believes in, and accepts Jesus Christ as their saviour and God, trusts his word and that he is the only way to the father, right?

I really didn't say that it's somehow ok to sin anyway(sorry if my text gave that impression -_- ), but I haven't in fact even mentioned my views yet, on whether I think homosexuality actually is right or wrong.

According to the bible, those who are saved are those who believes in, and accepts Jesus Christ as their saviour and God, trusts his word and that he is the only way to the father, right?
yes, but this is getting extremely off topic of homosexuality.

yes, but this is getting extremely off topic of homosexuality.
Actually it isn't quite right what he says. It's not enough to believe and all. You must besides that also repent of your sins and do them no more.

Anyway I think I have proven enough with previous posts in this thread that homosexuality is a sin according to the Bible.

So if you want to be a Christian it is obvious you gave to repent of the sin(if you commit it) and be against it.

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