Homosexuality - what is your view?


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That's just ridiculous. Seriously.

Slaves weren't labelled as a good thing in the BIble. Also, if you read the last few pages well enough you should have read that I had more reason to be against homosexuals.

The reason why God was against Homosexuality was in my opinion because it's selfish, unnatural and from the devil.

That's my opinion, but now at least you have a possible reason. ;)

If loving who you want is selfish, then everyone is.

That's just ridiculous. Seriously.

Slaves weren't labelled as a good thing in the BIble. Also, if you read the last few pages well enough you should have read that I had more reason to be against homosexuals.

The reason why God was against Homosexuality was in my opinion because it's selfish, unnatural and from the devil.

That's my opinion, but now at least you have a possible reason. ;)
But those reasons are, as you said, your own opinions. Did God say that it was selfish, unnatural and from the Devil? I'd prefer more logical reasons.

But those reasons are, as you said, your own opinions. Did God say that it was selfish, unnatural and from the Devil? I'd prefer more logical reasons.
Okay, it's a fact it's unnatural. So that's already a reason.

Also it's unhealthy.

God want's you to behave to his rules, not work against him. Being gay is not from God. If it's not from God it's from the Devil. And the Devil is evil.

@christians: Some laws may not seem straightforward, unlike this one imo, but that doesn't mean you have to disobey them.

A lot of people here are talking about everyone's right to love someone, and how people try to deny gay people the right to love.

I haven't seen anybody here saying that gay people shouldn't love, just that they shouldn't live together as a couple.

I just think that the difference is vital enough to point out. ^_^

Has anyone noticed that arguing about whether or not it is ok for a christto support gays is pointless?¿

Because it is. Most gay people do not wish to be so. no we cant prove it without experiencing it firsthand, but let people have their own views (sayin this to both sides). It is a bit harsh to say homosexuality is from the devil after all you cant prove its not from god. But you can express your opinion without starting a riot. just speak a bit more nicely. ;)

Okay, it's a fact it's unnatural. So that's already a reason.

Also it's unhealthy.

God want's you to behave to his rules, not work against him. Being gay is not from God. If it's not from God it's from the Devil. And the Devil is evil.

@christians: Some laws may not seem straightforward, unlike this one imo, but that doesn't mean you have to disobey them.
It's unnatural? And where did you hear that from? Homosexuality is 100% natural as is heterosexuality. Here's an interesting statistic that I think you should read:

Homosexuality is found in over 450 species. Homophobia is found in only one.

It's not unhealthy if the two participants are not infected with STDs or STIs. And even if they are they could use protection. Such diseases were not even created because of gay couples, as said before they originated from Africa.

Personally, the Devil sounds like a cool and accepting dude. I think I'm going to worship him instead. :D

It's unnatural? And where did you hear that from? Homosexuality is 100% natural as is heterosexuality. Here's an interesting statistic that I think you should read:

Homosexuality is found in over 450 species. Homophobia is found in only one.

It's not unhealthy if the two participants are not infected with STDs or STIs. And even if they are they could use protection. Such diseases were not even created because of gay couples, as said before they originated from Africa.

Personally, the Devil sounds like a cool and accepting dude. I think I'm going to worship him instead. :D
So our standards are animals now? Getting our standards from animals, who cant think for themselves, have no logic, and no morals? Interesting. Another thing, homophobia is such a stupid term. I'm not afraid of gay people xD what the heck!

Ah, worshipping the devil? The one who inflicts pain on people and tries to ruin lives and make people miserable just because he can? Have fun!

Okay, so this is gonna be a couple short paragraphs explaining why I support homosexuality. I'm not gonna reply to any of the anti-gay posts because it's not worth it, as you would just leave a house to burn to the ground rather then putting it out before knocking it down. (metaphor) ^_^

There is nothing wrong with being gay. Imagine you were gay, you're not an evil soul who hates god and chose to be gay, you're just someone who likes the same sex. You might even be bisexual, or pansexual. I hope to see a day where LGBT is supported 100% by every country and gay marriage is legal everywhere.

Onto gay marriage, who are we to decide that marriage should be between a man and women? How can we call ourselves the 21st century when people are still against LGBT. To me, marriage is about love, no matter what your sex is. Love, ever felt it? If you have, just imagine you loved someone of the same sex. A marriage is a secure and emotional way of creating a forever bond between two people, all people, whether they are man and man, man and woman, or woman and woman. No one deserves the right to take away the right of marrying who you love.

Love is what it's all about. Love. If a man loves another man, a woman loves another woman, it's no different then when a man loves a women and a women loves a man. The feeling of yearning for one another, fuzzy and warm inside, your heart skips a beat just when you think about them, it would be horrible to be told to compress that feeling and told it was wrong.

Two words that maybe those against it should consider:



Combine these two words together into a possible scenario. You are in love with someone that is the same sex. The feeling of love is amazing, and you want to be with the person you love that is of the same sex. But you can't. Can you imagine how hard for anyone that would be? Love should never be denied. It is the most amazing feeling in world.

Empathy, try it. Anyone that is against gays obviously has never felt love. :)

So our standards are animals now? Getting our standards from animals, who cant think for themselves, have no logic, and no morals? Interesting. Another thing, homophobia is such a stupid term. I'm not afraid of gay people xD what the heck!

Ah, worshipping the devil? The one who inflicts pain on people and tries to ruin lives and make people miserable just because he can? Have fun!
In no way did I say that we have or should have the standards of animals. Stefan said that homosexuality is unnatural, and I proved him wrong. Homosexuality is naturally found in many other living creatures as well.

"Homophobia: An extreme and irrational aversion to homosexuality and homosexual people." - Google Dictionary
You certainly disagree with homosexuality, therefore you are homophobic.

I'd rather be dancing in the flames with other "sinners" like John Lennon and Lady Gaga than to be up in heaven with judgemental folk. :blink:

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In no way did I say that we have or should have the standards of animals. Stefan said that homosexuality is unnatural, and I proved him wrong. Homosexuality is naturally found in many other living creatures as well.
Not so, homosexuality in unnatural since it's againts nature. It leads to death only.

You certainly disagree with homosexuality, therefore you are homophobic.
Not so, you are not homphobic if you oppose gays. You are homophobic if you hate gays.

Also about the love thing. If you feel love, it doesn't mean it's correct. Imagine you're in love with your mother, sister or even a child. In these cases the love in wrong. Worse still, it's sick.

Also about the love thing. If you feel love, it doesn't mean it's correct. Imagine you're in love with your mother, sister or even a child. In these cases the love in wrong. Worse still, it's sick.
Most cases of that is when the one person has been separated from their other relation at a very early time such as only one or two months old, and never knew they were even related. If it wasn't, that would probably be confusion or something mental. This is off topic though.

If two people love eachother and there is no other complications but they are the same gender, they should be allowed to be together and not disproved of.

Also, look up homophobia in the dictonary. It is someone that has an irrational aversion to people who identify themselves as LGBT. It can be expressed through many things such as fear, hatred, antipathy, contempt, and prejudice. It's not just hatred. It can be fear and prejudice as well.

The extreme lack of empathy here is shocking, doesn't the bible teach you to treat one another with equality or something? Also note that all of you against it are Christains. Why is your religion right? Why is it automatically assumed we all know the bible and that most people here are Christain. No. In my country most people who not identify themselves as Christain. I know more Buddhists and Athiests then I know Christains. I know one Christain and she left her church because a lesbian woman was made some important role there, I don't know anything about church so I can't say what role it was.

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I'm not offtopic with saying this. For me, as you say,being in love with a family member is something 'mental'(I just call it sick). And I feel the exact same way about gays.

You say:

If two people love eachother and there is no other complications but they are the same gender, they should be allowed to be together and not disproved of.
You made that rule. I can make the exact same on for incest.

Yes, many of my posts are towards christians. But, besides it being a sin I find it, like I also said, unnatural and unhealthy.

About homophobia. I do not fear LGTB, nor do I think more bad about them than any other person I believe is sinning.

I get no profit out of this discussion. I debate this article for their sake. I think that's a good enough reason to not call me homophobic. However, I will not say I'm against homophobics, because of the fact that some people may have been named so unrightly and may think therefore, that I'm against them, which I am not.

Not so, homosexuality in unnatural since it's againts nature. It leads to death only.

Not so, you are not homphobic if you oppose gays. You are homophobic if you hate gays.

Also about the love thing. If you feel love, it doesn't mean it's correct. Imagine you're in love with your mother, sister or even a child. In these cases the love in wrong. Worse still, it's sick.
So because gay couples are unable to reproduce it goes against nature and leads to death only? I could say the same about straight couples that refuse to have children. Are they against nature also?

You are homophobic if you oppose, dislike, fear or hate gay people.

Incest is also another very sensitive topic. You will probably disagree with me but as long as two family members are consensual I think it's fine. They are still showing love between two genders (or the same gender) and if they don't try for children -which results in birth defects- I think the relationship is fine. Besides, who am I to tell two people in love that they can't be in love? As long as they don't affect my personal life I'm fine with it.

Relating homosexuality to pedophilia is silly. Homosexuality is an attraction of the same gender, pedophilia is an attraction of people below a certain age. Pedophilia is more so a fetish than an attraction. The thing that sets the two apart is that pedophilia commonly involves an older person wanting to do things with a child that is unwilling and has not yet formed their thoughts about sexuality. Pedophiles often abuse their victim's innocence. A gay couple however involves two people that are willing to be in a relationship.

There is a big difference. Anyway I'm done in this thread. Clearly my words are not changing yours nor yours with mine so how about we just agree to disagree.

Alright, if I'm to be called homophobic because I do not agree with homosexuals, so be it.

But I think it's wrong to call me like that. Because when people hear homophobic, what will they link with it? Hate.

And like I've said more than enough, I don't hate them.

Anyways, I just saw how immoral you are, so I can understand that you'll never change your opinion. If family-love is ok with you, what is not!

Anyways, I just saw how immoral you are, so I can understand that you'll never change your opinion. If family-love is ok with you, what is not!
In the grand scheme of things I do not care about you believing that my beliefs are immoral; I will not change my beliefs to suit yours.

God bless. :blink: xoxo

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If christians should be against gays (I know this was a previous argument) then I assume that if Nigel Owens (a homosexual referee) was the match official for an All Blacks game last year (which he was), then wouldn't Brad Thorn be discriminating against him?

Don't think so. Another thing - Heterosexuals aren't really that affected by Homosexuals as much as Homosexuals are by Heterosexuals. Bullying is common, yes I know that - but for Homosexuals, I'm pretty sure it's alot worse (and by worse I mean severe) for them - leading to things like suicide and self harm, more often than not)

I'd prefer it if this didn't get replied to, as I'm not in the mood for a debate.

edit: oh yeah if my argument doesnt make sense 90 percent of the reason for this post if bc i wanted to use the gif

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Geez guys! Can't you accept one another?

Please, (this really, truly isn't aimed directly at one particular post), but so many of these posts are snowballing from opinions into anger. Some say others are prejudiced, while others say people are going to go to hell!?? :eek: Last I knew, this topic was to discuss homosexuality, and it's off on a limb of totally unrelated opinions which are driving rifts between people.

Just don't be so harsh on each other! It's kind of a mess if someone's just trying to read the topic and they find a whole bunch of resentment on both sides of this debate-esque topic. ;)

Remember, opinions are one's own. By now we probably know each other's opinions on the topic. (if you want to discuss them go ahead if you don't start jumping at each other's throats) Please live and let live (also live and let love, if that's your opinion ;) ).

All this fiery rage that worked its way into the topic is starting to get to me. -_-

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