How many accounts do you have?


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Well-known member
Dec 26, 2009
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the suburbs.
oh god, I have SO many accounts. I have one to make topics that I think will get closed, I have one to look like I'm a tamagotchi fan, I have one to make me look like I'm a bad kid who curses all the time, I have one to seem like I'm about 9 years old (in fact, I have absolutely no specific personality on there. sometimes I make a post with horrible grammar, sometimes I sound like I'm actually smart, it's just random...) I have one that I just rant on (which I can't log into, and was my favorite account D: ) and then...there's this one. the one to try to get popular and have a decent username...(god, what a fail that was.) and I will NEVER name them. ever.

all those accounts are my attempts to figure out which personality will make me look cool on TT. NEXT!

and, this will get closed in...3...2...1...alright guides. come and get me.

3. my first one, FUNKYMUNKY (when I was 9 xP), and I forgot the password and made a new one, Jamie__Rox. (with my friend Jamie, explaining the username..)

And I hated that one and made this.

And I hate this one too, but I just don't want to start all over , haha.

Admittedly making different accounts claiming to be different people is not smart btw.

I've had three-- In my more concieted days I was #1actress. After that, I was xXxSpiderbethxXx. That got too long for me, so I made this one, which I plan on staying with for a long time. :)

Not including roleplaying/derp accounts (TC), I have seven: Penguin_07 (?), Missbehave, >...Missbehave...<, Best.Username.Ever, Worst.Username.Ever, Heil Grammatik! (I would have kept that, but it wouldn't work D:) and this one, Heil Grammatik.

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I've had about four.. I think. My first username was tweetygirl1026, as some of you might remember.

Then I made one called Loveismurder or something, i don't remember. I never used it.

After a day with that username i made my x.Saku account. I lasted several months with that account, or a year. I dunno, it seemed like a year.

Finally, I made this one, which I plan on using forever xP

Two, I believe.

TamaT, from 2006, I think. I had that until the beginning of last year. I'd wanted to change it for ages, since I'd come back in Summer '08 and had no interest in Tamagotchis anymore.

It took me forever to find a name I liked and bother to do it.

But now I have this one, KERFUFFLE.

The capitals annoy me a bit now, but never mind.

Let's see here.

cecib ; first account, from when I was 6 or 7

X.Waffles ; the one after that

cynicalBookworm ; MSPA themed

Other derp accounts ; Hardly used.

Roleplay characters ; From MSPA. Almost never use them.

I have three accounts. This is my original. One of them I made for TC, back when I used to chat there all the time, and the other is my backup account. I don't use either one of them, and I think the greatest amount of posts on either one of them is like 70 or something close to it.

Like I said, this is my original account and I'm sticking with it.

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7 are blades.

porygonlord (made when I was 10)


I have seven:

~Stella Mametchi~ (made when I was 10 and obsessed with tamas)

*cici~gigi* (I think I was still 10 but I hated that one)

Totallycammytammy (I don't know why I made that one)

♥♥Sharpay #1 fan♥♥ (I was obsessed with HSM and I would have stuck with that one had it not stopped letting me on)

**Rainbow** (everyone should know this one. I got sick of it)

It`s Teri!! (I tried it with exclamation points like that but it didn't work)

It`s Teri (the one I use now and plan on using for quite some time)

Am I the only one who has only 1? ._. I've never even thought of making new ones, I don't get the point...

Four, I think...

One which I can't exactly remember the name of.



And now Oh Star.x

Waaaayy too many to name. xD

I've officially decided to stop making new accounts and stick with this account from now on. I never really stay on my other accounts for very long anyway.

Most of my other accounts have the name "Leafie" in them somewhere :D


k p


Li'l tama lover#1!!!


Kayte Kathy Katrina

Mrs. Freezie


K Time

x.Kristin </3

[behind the Sea//]

and various other ones I forget, and then TC accounts.

2, one that I'm using right now, and the other [patchis-forest() I think it was] for that glitch that I caused a while ago. I do not use that one.

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