How many times do you lie in one day?


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Not to sound goodie-two-shoes or anything, but I don't lie everyday. I mean, sometimes,when I'm talking to my mom or something, I might just stretch the truth a teeny bit, (but something was still there very simalar to it) or if she asks a question that is almost the same to the truth I may say, "Yeah, basically."

I don't do big lies often.. but sometimes if it's life or death.. yeah. 8P

Lying as in not telling the truth or lying as in lying down?

a lot . i just tell white lies to keep my mom happy P: not that i do anything bad, it's just some things it's better she doesn't know .

I tend to avoid lying where possible. I go entire months without lying...I think. ('cause the gullible hate getting tricked, and therefore often hate to trick people!!!!!!!!!)

I only usually lie in "life/death" situations, often for the benefit of others rather than myself (but I have done it in the past to protect myself in serious situations, ie: small white lies so nobody gets in trouble).

Tama :ph34r: Phantom

I don't tell big fat lies. I did once, and everyone soon found out. It always happens like that. xD

I lie to my teachers. Like, a lot. I don't do my homework very often, so usually it's a scribbled mess written at lunch or I just don't give it in. >.>

I'm trying to stop. Really. But sometimes; things happen, and those things make doing homework seem very unimportant.

I don't lie alot.

And not big lies.

But things like homework and sticky situations, yes I do. I never really lie about myself.

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