How Often Do You Brush Your Teeth?


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once in the morning once at night, more often if teeth feel gross n.n

I have many cavities, but it's not really my fault, I have really weak teeth, my old dentist failed and didn't bother fixing teh holes, or telling me about them or the weak teeth thing, so by the time I changed dentists after he retired, I had two huge cavities that might need root canal.

oh, and two teeth had cavities in them before they'd started to come through, really random o.o;

I want one of those so bad. I have the crest spinbrush, which is the best you can get if your parents are cheap, hehe.
Do you use ebay? You can get great deals there and I think that's where my parents got them.

I brush before school, chew gum after I eat in school and brush before bed. Sometimes I feel nasty so I brush a little bit during the day too.
I use a Sonicare tooth brush and ohmaigawsh, best. toothbrush. ever!

I've never had a cavity. :}
I used to have a Sonicare (7-8?)years ago. I have no idea what happened to it o.o'

I never really liked it to be honest.

ever since i got my braces off ive been obsessed w/ white teeth so i brush morn & nite w/ whitening toothpaste, i chew whitening gum, and i used to have whitner hahaha =D

Always at night, when I put my flouride on (I have Braces)

And Some times, In the morning. It somtimes depend on what I eat for Breakfast

But Its Healthy to brush 2 times a day

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