How often do you take a shower?


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How often do you shower?

  • ..............shower? whats that? O_O

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  • OMG! I havent had a shower in like....AN HOUR!

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  • Every other day cuz.............O_O

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  • Everyday cuz -looks at above answers- O).(O

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  • Uhhhhhhhhhhh...............No comment.

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what does (sp?) mean and i do wash my hair alot lol
Sp means Spelling....

Last year, when I was in the 6th grade, there was a kid in my PE class would not take a shower for like, a month. :nazotchi: I swear, he smelled so bad, my teacher went up to him one day and said "Ok, You need to take a shower everyday ok?" and so the kid didn't listen to him. And now that he's in the 7th grade, he buzzed his hair off so then no one would notice the grease. :kusatchi:


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Augh x.x' There's a guy like that at the teen center I go to. He reeks and his hair always looks greasy. He wears the same pair of pants everyday and only wears two different shirts. A few other girls and I are convinced he never bathes or does laundry. *shudders*


There's these two guys at my school, one's in my class, the other is in my friend's class and they're brothers. And they both wear the same pants every day. x_X My friend said she told their mom (LOL!) and she just said "I know." o_O

But anyway... It was funny because one day this girl just walked up to them and said "You stink." xD and the older one was like "Umm I don't think it's us." and the girl was just like, "No, it's your pants." and walked away. xDDD My friends and I were just cracking up when it happened.

If I don't have a bath/shower The night before, I have a shower the next morning.And wash my hair every 2 days :kusatchi:

At my school there is this girl with warts all over her hands and she has headlice and never tries to get rid of them and she smells like the worst B.O I have ever smelt and she smells really strongly of pee :nazotchi:


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omg! no shower for 4 days?!?!?!?!?!/? i only do that at summer camp! lol! thats funny!

I take bubble baths everyday, because I find it relaxing to pour some 'Relax' Aromatherapy bubble bath in the hot water and read for like an hour xD. Afterwards I finish off with a shower so I can wash my hair and stuff.

I wash my hair in the shower every 3 days or so.

My hair is really dry and if I wash it more, it looks an "absolute fright" dah-ling... frizzy and unmanageable about 20 minutes after it has dried... :rolleyes:

I take a bath in the evenings to relax and read a book too :rolleyes:

It also warms me up - our house is old and drafty :)

i <3 bubble baths i like the bubbles lol :) - smiles - its relaxing actually

there is this dude in my class who wears this black shirt that now looks white Omg ppl think hes dirty i feel a little sorry for him at the same time grossed :X

*gives a high five* I HAVENT BATHED SINCE *counts back* DECEMBER 28th!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GO US!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OK, wow, I thought going at least a week without bathing or showering was just a myth...

Seriously, though, take a shower. Or bath. Whichever you'd prefer. But really, you have to get rid of the muck at least once in a few days...

meowbark, sorry to say, but even if you don't feel it, you can still be dirty. Hardly anybody can feel that they're dirty or not. If you think you only have to take a bath 'cause you have dirt and mud all over you, the world would seem like a junkyard. And anyways, you need to bathe/shower whether you're dirty or not. It's bad for your health if you don't at least once in a while. :mellow:

I take a shower once every day. It feels disgusting to only bathe once every week or so...

i take one every day..

some times i have to but other wise,..

couse i walk every day and stuff..

and run

but bak on topic

ya every day!!

u have to bath at least 4 or 5 times a week or more its more sanitary lol ^_^ i mean not to offend anyone sorry if i did but once my mom and i were watching T.V and there was this lady who has not washed her hair in 10 years!! @_@ she must stink lol :x


There's these two guys at my school, one's in my class, the other is in my friend's class and they're brothers. And they both wear the same pants every day. x_X My friend said she told their mom (LOL!) and she just said "I know." o_O

But anyway... It was funny because one day this girl just walked up to them and said "You stink." xD and the older one was like "Umm I don't think it's us." and the girl was just like, "No, it's your pants." and walked away. xDDD My friends and I were just cracking up when it happened.
Me and Mandy knew someone named Jacquline that bathed every 1 Year, and never washed or changed her clothes. She stunk with B.O. We felt Oh so Relived when she went back to China for good!


Ugh, well I take one every night before I go to bed, smetimes I forget to though.

I need to go take one right now.. because I haven't took one since Thursday night.

Every single day.

Dude, have you heard of that guy that didn't take a shower for like a year? Eww, much?


I take a shower every single day. Sometimes twice a day. If I don't it drives me nuts.

I find it disgusting that some of you people haven't bathed or taken a shower in weeks, ewww -No offence-. You might not look or think you are dirty, but you are.

I shower every other day and I wash my hair every 4th day or something

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