I can't get a heart


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on neopets its & hearts (no spaces) does it work /// &hearts ?

who thought of the heart thing? this is cool. thanks!!!!!!! ♥♥♥


Wow! I actualy got it for once!

o▌3▬5½♠♣♥☻2p-╞↔è♥∟hìh o2╤I21Ep



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ok look i have a laptop to (i'm typing on it right now). and i just looked up this second "alt codes for laptop" and it says something like this:

1. ok hold the "Fn" key (its next to the left-side Ctrl key) (and its in blue the "Fn")

2. then hold the alt key

3. as u hold the alt key keep holding onto the "Fn" key

4. now as u hold those keys click the L key

it should work. ♥

PS: i barely found out how!

ok look i have a laptop to (i'm typing on it right now). and i just looked up this second "alt codes for laptop" and it says something like this:1. ok hold the "Fn" key (its next to the left-side Ctrl key) (and its in blue the "Fn")

2. then hold the alt key

3. as u hold the alt key keep holding onto the "Fn" key

4. now as u hold those keys click the L key

it should work. ♥

PS: i barely found out how!
Hm.. okay let me try...



Thanks so much.

To everyone who is on a laptop right now, and is having trouble with it, follow those directions!!!


Holy crap now I know a way to do it! do this execly ♥

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ok look i have a laptop to (i'm typing on it right now). and i just looked up this second "alt codes for laptop" and it says something like this:1. ok hold the "Fn" key  (its next to the left-side Ctrl key) (and its in blue the "Fn")

2. then hold the alt key

3. as u hold the alt key keep holding onto the "Fn" key

4. now as u hold those keys click the L key

it should work. ♥

PS: i barely found out how!


  • 123456789*

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Darn, I found a really cool smiley one but it won't work on her.


?=alt 11 ¶=alt 20 4=alt 42 ¢=alt 311 Ü= alt 410 =alt 7410 "=alt 541 I' trying to get a heart

TamaW/pants what code did you do to get the smileys

plez dont spam thank you

ok ill try

its not working


PS i have a laptop

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♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ xD This rocks!

♣♣♣ =O OH cool! Theres more!







XD LOL Thats so awesome


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