i dont noe how to play with my tama!


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Mametchi Lover 1992

Active member
Jun 19, 2006
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hi im her friend and i dunno wat to do with my tama. I dunno how to press the butons, I dont even noe how to look at it, please help me! tell em how to look at it!

What do you mean, you don't know how to 'look' at it?

Well, 'a', on the left, selects the function you want to do. 'B', middle, enters you into that function and the n u use 'a' to select some thing in that function. 'C', on the right, exits that section of the funtion. Icons:

1: Health Meter 2:Food 3: clean up 4: Games 5: connect 6: Praise or punish 7: Medicine 8:Lights 9:Friend/Present wrapping 10: "I need something!"

Tip: Don't punish when it duzent need it it needs it when its all OK and awake, not sick, etc but the "I need something!" icon is there.

maybe you should try reading the instructions.....

Don't worry, they won't that quickly. Best tip is to just explore. You'll get the hang of it soon. ^_^

You're the one who came up w/ that "tamagotchi virus" story. You said your Tamagotchi was 76 years old on the 32nd Generation.

You don't know how to take care of it, eh?

This topic is nothing but an acsuse to raise your post count and to get everyones attention.

what do u mean, u don't know how 2 "look" at it? You use your eyes!!! :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:



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