Ice Storm```


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Pikachu Lover

Well-known member
Jun 16, 2008
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If you live in Texas, or in states near it, you probably got an ice storm right?

I did. School is closed today because of it.

Although it's almost 1pm and the ice is almost all gone. But I'm glad we had no school :p

How bad was yours? Mine wasn't bad at all. Except everything ws icy when I woke up.

Well we got some snow and then it froze over. 'Tis fun to sled on. ;3 It's not really sledding, it's more like slipping all over the place.

Today is a Snow Day for me too! I live in MA, so it wasn't exactly an Ice Storm. More like a snowy day, really. But still - no school for me either! x3 *high five*

I had a snow day today. I live in Pennsylvania. :p

The weather this year has been very... interesting. I don't remember ever having this much snow, or it being this cold, for this long.

In early January we had an early dissmisal and a few two hour delays, but no closings, because the foot of snow we got came over the weekend/semester break. That snow still didn't melt, and it hasn't been above 30* F since.

Last night and into today, we got more snow, and we got a bunch of sleet. The roads are really, really icey. Our power has gone out a few times, the television has been randomly shutting off, we lost our satelite for a little while, and the Internet connection was down earlier.

My mom was at Giant Eagle, and said the power went out there three times, and that there were a bunch of cars stranded while coming home. .__.

So, we had an ice/snow storm.

I don't live in Texas. I live in New York.

But when I woke up this morning everything was covered in about 4 inches of snow. Of course my stupid school didn't close. I was soo annoyed walking to school. >.< The snow got into my shoes and it threatened to ruin my hair. D:

At school like half the teachers weren't even in so they made us wait in the cafeteria. >:/

Then school went on as usual. In the afternoon it rained and the snow turned to disgusting slush. That wasn't fun to walk home in either. Good thing I'd decided not to wear my converse today. Dx

Yeah, I heard that on the news.

Ha, I'd love an ice storm at the moment. Where I live its 46 C degrees (115 F degrees).

School is still on. I just wear sunnies, shorts and a t-shirt.

Edit: Got told it was too gross..

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Yeah, I heard that on the news.
Ha, I'd love an ice storm at the moment. Where I live its 46 C degrees (115 F degrees).

School is still on. I just wear sunnies, shorts and a t-shirt.

Edit: Got told it was too gross..
Umm.... Where do you live where it's 115F in Winter? o_o

It dosen't even get that hot here in Summer

^ I think she lives in Australia, Sky. :hitodetchi:

Lucky. I looooove hot weather.

We have no school today again.

Because they didn't clear the roads or anything.

It's about 15* F here.

Brrrr. D:

All I need is for tomorrow to be cancelled, and all my problems will be solved~ 8D -shot-

Well, I live in near Dallas--and we got it. The roads were covered in ice yesterday morning. So that was an amazing day in history. Our school--which didn't let us out when it snowed last year--gave us a day off.

But today, it's back to school for me in ten minutes. D:<

^ I think she lives in Australia, Sky. <_< Lucky. I looooove hot weather.

We have no school today again.

Because they didn't clear the roads or anything.

It's about 15* F here.

Brrrr. D:

All I need is for tomorrow to be cancelled, and all my problems will be solved~ 8D -shot-
Trust me. You wouldn't want this hot weather.

Its horrible in Victoria at the moment. Us Queenslanders are lucky because its been overcast and cool for a few days. :rolleyes:

Texas=Best state in the freakin world.

My school decided to be retarded, and didn't close, even though there was a thin layer of ice coating everything. Do you know how many times I fell? I am really sore right now. On my butt, my thighs, my side, my lower back, my ankle, the side of my head... Oh, and my face, but that's not because of the ice. xD Ice is a hazard to people like me. And my dad isn't happy either because I made him take me to Starbucks three times yesterday. I truly hate winter. Somebody kill me, please.

Canadian Winters are epic.

Especially when your in Ontario.

Oh yes, Ontario.

I'm called stupid because I would want to move somewhere with lots of snow in winter, like Finland. I don't care, I hate Hawaii <3

Regardless, it was icy. The glass door to my house had a coat of ice.

I'd die in Canada. I can't be in temperatures lower than seventy degrees, or I'll start screaming and have an "episode," as my mom likes to call them. I. Do. Not. Like. Cold. In case you haven't noticed.

I hate cold weather.

But I've learned to deal with it. D:

It's about 10* F here at the moment.

With about a foot of snow and ice on the ground.


Like people said, you should spend a winter in Canada!

it snows 30 cm sometimes, but that's actually fun because you can make the biggest, most awesome snowmen ever. :)

my driveway xD

.. snow days comevery often. It's no surprise when there's an ice storm! :p

(p.s. I thought it was really HOT in Texas!??)

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