I'm Not a Gril or a Boy!


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Well-known member
Jul 20, 2006
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realizing regret
When you were little, what were your silly little spelling mistakes?


For spelling, mine was girl. I couldn't get the i and r right, so I always spelled it "gril". That so got on my gran's back sometimes. xD

And quirks, woah, I was pretty much the quirkiest, frumpiest kid around. I wanted to be a "flower spy" which was basically a spy.

...with a plastic floral print bag.

I also wanted to be a bartender princess.

I know. lolwut?

I also believed I could get to Timbuktu [is that how you spell it? o-o I'm relying on my spellchecker for that one.] by getting in my pink hula hoop, and galloping around with the hula hoop upright yelling "NEIGH! NEIGH!"

Oh, I also liked pinapples. I had a pink shirt with a sequin pinapple. I also had a little yellow tartan shirt with lemon shaped pockets. :3

And the worst of them all...


That's right! The burn of that fact! The shock!

I got my first pair at like five, and I totally hated them. But I wasn't really the person I am now, I guess. xD Hot Topic scared the waffles out of me. Pffffffff.

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Ha ha. Yeah, I used to spell Johnny, Jonnhy. (xD)

I was overly obsessed with Hello Kitty. (Still am...)

I believed my older brother all the time. He would always make up stupid stories and guess what, I belived them! (And I mean really stupid stories)

That's all I can remember.


I couldn't spell George.

I spelt it Goerge. My mom's like, "You're lucky you're name isn't George."

And I liked a lot of girly things when I was little. I still have my Hello Kitty pillow case.

Well basically I didn't have too many quirks, but I was OBSESSED with dolls! ^ _ ^ I've grown out of them now but I used to have sooooo many! I guess that's pretty normal, though. I was kind of cheeky too!

Uh, I used to be a bad speller before.These were my common mistakes:





Daianna(Dumb.I even used to spell my name wrong.The real spelling was Diana.)

Pawlin(Dumb again.Spelled my cousin's name wrong.)






And I was too girly and wanted to be a beauty queen.

And in Grade 1, I liked Pokemon and my cousin hated it, so I was forcing myself to hate it.I was not unique that time.

And I thought my drawings with oversized arms, tiny feet, three fingers and no neck was anime.

Hmm...there were probably a ton of things I spelled wrong, but I can't think of any off the top of my head xP I do remember one hilarious thing I believed when I was little though. I thought that if you broke the screen of a TV set, you could jump inside the TV and hang out with the characters from all your favorite shows. xD It was sort of my dream to break a TV screen one day, but luckily I had enough self-control not to break ours. xP Once I told my mom how much I wanted to do that, and she's like "Honey...if you break a TV screen you can't join the characters inside." I thought she was just saying that to make me not want to break our TV. It was quite a while later that I actually figured out that cartoon characters weren't real. :kusatchi: I was sad.

The only one I can actually remember was that when I was like, 2 until about 7, I wondered why we didn't have "those magic black lines around us like cartoon characters do". And why I couldn't do the magic and weird stuff cartoons could do. And why our kitchen sponge couldn't talk and walk like Spongebob. xD

I did that hula hoop thing too, except I pretended that I was a policewoman! xD

Oh yeah--I used to play with Barbies alot, and a threw a fit when I was trying to change the pants and they wouldnt go on easily. So I throw down the Barbie, NAKED.

I used to mix up my 'b's and 'd's, it's quite common though. I also had a hard time telling the sound of a 'z' and 'v' apart, so I would write a 'z' instead of a 'v' and do the same thing in reverse. I sometimes still do that now actually.


I sometimes would spell my name Lnyn instead of Lynn. xD

up until about 2nd grade (I think?).

My uncle took me into that store Spencers when I was like 5 and I saw a Chucky daw and it scared the friggin' bejesus out of me.

(and I wonder why dolls sometimes creep me out..)

I was really girly too.

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I spelled tons of stuff wrong, I'm sure. I can't remember anything right now though. Oh and like LadyOfSorrows, I used to wonder why we didn't have black lines around us like cartoons did. There's other stuff too but I can't really think of it. D:

I couldn't spell Girl in 3rd grade. xD

I used to spell George: Geogre..

lol when i was really little whenever i'd watch a movie i'd take the main character and use them as my imaginary friend...

awkward! lol

and also i used to spell 'chicken' like 'chickhen'

I've always been a great speller actually. In kindergarten, my teacher was amazed by all of the words I could spell xD The only word I ever mispelled a lot was "pretty" I'd always spell "preety" looking back at that, it looks so embarrasing ^O^


Hmm..when I was little my dad convinced me that I was a vampire and I refused to go outside for a week. Lol xDDD

^My dad convinced me I was Fire Demon. OO I can't even remember how. xD I was a pretty good speller actually. I was really girly and really a goody-two-shoes in like, Kindergarden. Now I'm like slumping in chairs, flippin' the bird, people shouldn't bring me out in public. xD My friend Ricky even told me: "You're REALLY different than you were in Kindergarden!" xD So I don't know if it's good that I turned that way or not. lol ^^ Oh, I tried to fly in 2nd grade. I jumped out of a small tree.

I was freakng afraid of the monster under the bed. My dad would pretend he was getting eaten by the monster, and ask me to help. I would sit there and wave bye to him. Such a sweet child.

And I would be like "I don't want to go to cool!" Cool=School

I had awful dress sense. I would pick out the most awful clothes for myself to wear and throw a tantrum until my mom let me wear them.

I couldn't spell Micheal, and I don't think I can still. Because Michael can't be right. Neither can Micheal. D:

lol! when i was small, i did'nt know how to write, all i wrote was squiggles and lines and then i wrote YES/NO.. it sure was funny! i love barbie dolls in the past. i usually dressed them up, gave them a shower and played with them n their stupid car. i used to have a bunny that had a carrot next to it. if u pull it, the bunny will shake. its a toy




and probably a ton of others.

I made alot of spelling mistakes lol but probably my most common one was there as"therr" and teacher as "teehcer",one of my friends use to put letters in front of others in some words like he would put dog as "dogo".

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