I'm so sad! *Cries*


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Well-known member
Sep 10, 2006
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New York; United States
Hi everyone,

I've been meaning to make this topic for a few days now, but I never did it.

Anyways, the reason I'm making this topic is because I'm really sad because my dad is going on a trip out of state on Monday and he'll be there for a while. I cry every night because I miss him already, even though he hasn't gone yet. I need advice. How do I get through this???? My dad is the best, I can't live without him. He has never been gone so long before, so I don't know how to cope with my sadness. I want to know how you guys have dealt with a strong sadness, I remember how much I was sad and how much I cried when my dog died, but this is so much more different.

Thank you so much for reading this. I appreciate all the views and all the replies even more.


I'm soo sorry!

Why don't you try getting like a nice pic of you and him, or just him, and look at it anytime you feel sad...or you could try talking to someone, like your friends, or relatives...and he probably has a cell phone...you can call him...i hope!


My dad goes away on business ALL the time. When I was little my dad would go to Korea for 4 weeks at a time. I cry everynight when he's gone. Just call him everynight and talk to him try not to thing so much about him. He'll be home soon. Don't worry. Be Happy!!! :(


I'm sorry- I do think it's awsome you have such a strong relation with your dad that you are already missing him!!!

Don't try to pull away from him. Some people do that because they feel as if they grow farther away from the person the pain is less- that's not true.

Spend as much time as you can with him, help him out more, that stuff.

Maybe draw a picture for him before he leaves to take with him- he can hang it on his wall in where ever he's staying or in his suitcase.

He'll be back before you know it- might as well make the best of it!!!

Hi everyone,
I've been meaning to make this topic for a few days now, but I never did it.

Anyways, the reason I'm making this topic is because I'm really sad because my dad is going on a trip out of state on Monday and he'll be there for a while. I cry every night because I miss him already, even though he hasn't gone yet. I need advice. How do I get through this???? My dad is the best, I can't live without him. He has never been gone so long before, so I don't know how to cope with my sadness. I want to know how you guys have dealt with a strong sadness, I remember how much I was sad and how much I cried when my dog died, but this is so much more different.

Thank you so much for reading this. I appreciate all the views and all the replies even more.

It's ok Gotchi Girl96 !! My dad is Right now in California at Caltec and I am not crying !! Just clear your mind and forget that your dad is leaving

Thanks guys, great advice. My mom will call him every day I'm sure. Oh God, my eyes are tearing up just reading this. Thanks for all your help. You don't know how much I appreciate it.

Hi everyone,
I've been meaning to make this topic for a few days now, but I never did it.

Anyways, the reason I'm making this topic is because I'm really sad because my dad is going on a trip out of state on Monday and he'll be there for a while. I cry every night because I miss him already, even though he hasn't gone yet. I need advice. How do I get through this???? My dad is the best, I can't live without him. He has never been gone so long before, so I don't know how to cope with my sadness. I want to know how you guys have dealt with a strong sadness, I remember how much I was sad and how much I cried when my dog died, but this is so much more different.

Thank you so much for reading this. I appreciate all the views and all the replies even more.

Oh my gosh! My brother is like

going to Cuba for 2 weeks! And me

and him are real close, so i know how

you feel.

Just keep your head up and try to

be happy. He'll come back!

Just try to think of happy thoughts

of you and your dad together. It

makes me feel a little better


Call him everyday and put a pic of him in a frame next to your bed.

Hi everyone,
I've been meaning to make this topic for a few days now, but I never did it.

Anyways, the reason I'm making this topic is because I'm really sad because my dad is going on a trip out of state on Monday and he'll be there for a while. I cry every night because I miss him already, even though he hasn't gone yet. I need advice. How do I get through this???? My dad is the best, I can't live without him. He has never been gone so long before, so I don't know how to cope with my sadness. I want to know how you guys have dealt with a strong sadness, I remember how much I was sad and how much I cried when my dog died, but this is so much more different.

Thank you so much for reading this. I appreciate all the views and all the replies even more.

My dad was gone for six monthes, TWO times. I know how you feel.

If your dad brings a laptop with him e-mail him. You could also call him.

Hi everyone,
I've been meaning to make this topic for a few days now, but I never did it.

Anyways, the reason I'm making this topic is because I'm really sad because my dad is going on a trip out of state on Monday and he'll be there for a while. I cry every night because I miss him already, even though he hasn't gone yet. I need advice. How do I get through this???? My dad is the best, I can't live without him. He has never been gone so long before, so I don't know how to cope with my sadness. I want to know how you guys have dealt with a strong sadness, I remember how much I was sad and how much I cried when my dog died, but this is so much more different.

Thank you so much for reading this. I appreciate all the views and all the replies even more.

im sry :(

well i no this wont help but u got us :(

anyway,......u can call him every nite,

ummmm u could rite him a letter every day

PM me if u need any help :p

Hope this Helps

I know how you feel. I have been really sad too. :( I'd tell you why but it's a REALLY long story. I tried to keep my mind off it. It helped a little. But try to keep yourself happy and think of stuff other than what's making you sad. Hope I helped a little!

Everyone has been a huge help. Thanks. My dad is sitting in the room watching TV right now, I don't know if that's considered spending time with him but he's home with me every day, so that's good. Keekster94, if you wouldn't mind, could you post what's making you sad? If not, please PM me. If you don't want to that's OK. I'd just like to know.

Yea its good to express your feelings about your dad. You can do it hear if your comfortable. We will listen.

Well, I never actually mey my dad, so I may not give the best advice...

Just try to keep in touch with him, or keep a picture of him near you. But remember, no matter where in the world he is, he'll always love you! :)

i once told my dad when he was going somewere that if he goes ill turn emo and start cutting myself.........IT WORKED :]]

-hugs gotchigirl96-

my advice is not to ignore the fact that your dad is gone. that makes it worse, since its at the back of your head nibbling at you all the time. call him, it will make you feel much much better.

Everyone has been a huge help. Thanks. My dad is sitting in the room watching TV right now, I don't know if that's considered spending time with him but he's home with me every day, so that's good. Keekster94, if you wouldn't mind, could you post what's making you sad? If not, please PM me. If you don't want to that's OK. I'd just like to know.
Ok i'll post it...

Well first of all you should know that we live(d) with our grandma because my mom couldn't afford to pay the bills. So we moved in with her for a while. Now here's the story:

Thursday (4/12/07) after school my grandma wanted to make Chinese food. So my mom cleaned the kitchen so there would be enough room for them to cook. When my mom was done cleaning, she started cutting up the stuff you put in the Chinese food (I don't know what the stuff is called). My grandma came in the kitchen and started yelling at my mom because she (my mom) was cutting the pieces too big. My mom said "Ok. Then i'll just cut them smaller! It's not a big deal!" But then my grandma got an attitude about it and yelled at my mom more. My grandma said "Just forget it i'll do it myself!". Then my mom said "No mom i'll get it!" But my grandma just kept yelling at her. So then my mom was like "Whatever mom go ahead. You do it." Then my mom set the knife down. Then my grandma yelled at my mom AGAIN! She said "Stop throwing the knife!" and my mom said "I didn't throw it. I set it down." My grandma threw a pot on the ground along with other stuff. My mom told her not to do that and to stop throwing stuff. My grandma went downstairs to the basement. Then she came back up to the kitchen and started cussing at my mom and calling her rude and nasty names! So then my mom said "Come on guys we're leaving. You don't need to be around his." So we packed up some stuff and left. I was crying while we were leaving because the kitten my grandma has is really cute and likes me more than everybody else and hates my grandma. I miss the kitten sooo much!


I go on TamaCHAT and some of the people there aren't making me feel real great. Maybe this (the story up there ^) will kind of let them know how i've been feeling lately and hopefully it will give them the idea to be NICE to me instead of being RUDE to me! :) :) :eek: I'm not going to say their names though. But if you want to know who they are you can PM me.

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