I'm upset


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I am very pi**ed off at one tamatalk member.someone tell me...

is 12 too young to have a boyfriend?
well, in my opinion, yes. but all matters is yours. If you think it's to young then it is too young. If you think it's enough, then it is enough! And if you don't mind, who is that member? if you don't wish to post it, can you PM me? Or if u don't wanna share it at all, then that's fine

I understand...It depends on what type of person you are... If you think as a boyfriend just as a very good friend that's a boy then I think it's okay...But If you're the type of person that will be heartbroken if your "boyfriend" "breaks-up" with you, then no, that will just make you have bad childhood memories. That's just my opinion though. Oh, and tamagirl777 I sent you a PM!

Well, in my opinion, kinda. B)

Nearly every girl in year 7 has had a "Boy friend" B) They wern't even real boyfriends! B)

I'm the only one that hasn't--(Well, actually, I'm not, but the other girls lie and pretend they all have.)

yeah, I am 13 and i don't have one.... Though I go to a all girls school so all I had was primary school crushes....

Okay, you want to talk about reality, most relationships don't become real until after high school. Most of you will not agree with me but then again most of you are younger than me and have not had the chance to look back and reflect on all the years of people going out with someone for two weeks and then "dumping" one another and all that jazz. Two days after the last there is someone else.

Having said that, there are the rare few occasions that are real as I know my sister married her highschool love and they are still together 14 years down the track and have a daughter. My first love was when I was 9 and lasted for 2 years. So really you are never too young to have a boyfriend.

Puberty starts at about 9 for most girls and later for more boys however that doesn't negate the possibility of attraction and attachment. B)

Well, Thats fine. Its you're life... You're plan! I don't have one.. I am 11. But thats because... Well, I can't explan that. My firned sort of had a 'boyfriend' but something happened. She is 12

I have a boyfriend, and I'm 11! :furawatchi: It's all up to you. And, also, I think it doesn't really matter what age you are, just how mature you are. That other Tama member should not just judge someone like that. I usually try to avoid stuff like this, but now I am speaking up! I would be p***ed off too! You should just forget about it! That Tama member must be immature


Well, I don't have a boyfriend, and well, I am all slow at growing and all that and I am not particularñy interested. For me, 12 years old is perhaps a little young for proper love, nooffense, because well, I live in a different place from you and habits are different. Also, I havenothing against someone having a BF or a GF, there is absolutely nothing wrong. But I don't really want one. XC

everyone is different, everyone matures at a different age, and maybe your idea of a boyfriend at 12 is quite diffrent to what you will think at 16 or 18, i don't know, but you should at least be able to be friends - GF/BF if that is what you want to call it - it doesn't matter. perhaps a true boyfriend won't really happen til you are older, but who knows?

don't be angry with that person tho - they are only expressng their opinion - which is what they are entitled to do i guess.

  I don't think it is too young.  Which member is it?  :)   :)  






It was Omis... but we worked everything out, so it's ok. I do have a boyfriend...and I think Omis might be a little jealous, but I think he was just in a bad mood.

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Okay, you want to talk about reality, most relationships don't become real until after high school. Most of you will not agree with me but then again most of you are younger than me and have not had the chance to look back and reflect on all the years of people going out with someone for two weeks and then "dumping" one another and all that jazz. Two days after the last there is someone else.
Having said that, there are the rare few occasions that are real as I know my sister married her highschool love and they are still together 14 years down the track and have a daughter. My first love was when I was 9 and lasted for 2 years. So really you are never too young to have a boyfriend.

Puberty starts at about 9 for most girls and later for more boys however that doesn't negate the possibility of attraction and attachment. :)
I do have a real relationship... my boyfriend and I have been going out for two years. :)

everyone is different, everyone matures at a different age, and maybe your idea of a boyfriend at 12 is quite diffrent to what you will think at 16 or 18, i don't know, but you should at least be able to be friends - GF/BF if that is what you want to call it - it doesn't matter. perhaps a true boyfriend won't really happen til you are older, but who knows?don't be angry with that person tho - they are only expressng their opinion - which is what they are entitled to do i guess.
you have a very good point...

It was Omis... but we worked everything out, so it's ok. I do have a boyfriend...and I think he might be a little jealous, but I think he was just in a bad mood.


I am glad to see everything is worked out.








Then what on Earth are you worrying about!
*Smacks Spring on the back of the head for having a silly insecure female moment*

Yeah! And if you have one in real life why are you worrying about a cyber-relationship?!

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