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Well-known member
Mar 15, 2009
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Well, many TTers here seem to get injured on a daily basis, so why not make this topic? Share your random painful injuries...

My most recent injury is from playing violin, which was pretty amazing... I'm not gonna explain how I got that because most people aren't gonna understand unless they play violin. Also, once in PE, I kneed my face and had a giant bruise on my knee and my face. In basketball, during a tournament game, I jumped to get a rebound, got pushed, landed on my knee and elbow. Most of my injuries are knee related.

I sprained my ankle at tennis.

I love how my coordination blooms from tennis, but I hurt myself there the most. I ran into a net once. xD

Every day I suffer about seventy minor injuries.

Recently, I burnt my hand on a straightener. Because I was interested as to what would happen. But that's the only mark that's ever really been left.

Most mornings I fall down the stairs, off my chair, out the door, out of the car, etc. It varies, really. I fall into the most interesting places at very unexpected times. Which is always highly inconvenient when I'm trying to do something. But really, I'm used to it. Everyone knows me as the clumsy one; it's just part of who I am. I've never met anybody quite like me with my capability to fall anywhere, anytime, with anyone, in any situation.

And then I met Ksenia and Feebee and Michelle and Desy, and everyone else who is also clumsy. And I felt happy. <3

The ground hit my friend's face once =]

Another one of my friend's suffered from a forehead burn scar from a straightener.

And a little kid who's class is in the same hallway as mine was hit by a tree. Quote: "The tree hit me!"

I get bruises all the time, and have no idea how they get there XD

I've broken both index and middle fingers on both hands in completely idiotic ways.

I trip a LOT.

I'm accident prone.

Most of the injuries I am involved with are myself injuring other people..

But some of the injuries I have gotten:

A bruise under my eye because a kid threw a football at my face by accident. (I thought he did it on purpose so I threw it back and hurt him T.T)

I hurt my body trying to fit in the gap between the pool ladder and the wall.

Trying to break a record in ski school so I went off a jump and did a '360' (more like a... 23 xD) I couldn't move my elbow, and my ski boot smashed against my leg and made a big red mark on my ankle. (I tried to convince to my friends it was a hickey ;P) infact, i took a picture, it's right here (I got it a long time ago so it was worse back then.. now it looks like nothing)

oh... and today at the airport we were riding in those subways were you hold on to the rails, and I lost my balance, bumped into an old lady and hurt my head a little..

Most of the injuries I am involved with are myself injuring other people..But some of the injuries I have gotten:

A bruise under my eye because a kid threw a football at my face by accident. (I thought he did it on purpose so I threw it back and hurt him T.T)

I hurt my body trying to fit in the gap between the pool ladder and the wall.

Trying to break a record in ski school so I went off a jump and did a '360' (more like a... 23 xD) I couldn't move my elbow, and my ski boot smashed against my leg and made a big red mark on my ankle. (I tried to convince to my friends it was a hickey ;P) infact, i took a picture, it's right here (I got it a long time ago so it was worse back then.. now it looks like nothing)

oh... and today at the airport we were riding in those subways were you hold on to the rails, and I lost my balance, bumped into an old lady and hurt my head a little..
Nice photo haha :) & you hurt your head on an old lady? :\

On the bus yesterday, coming home from school, Soraya, Caitlin and I were throwing paper at Luke's friend (In year 11 :) ) and hitting each other. I hit Caitlin really, really hard, and she hit me in the back of the head, then I hit her thigh and then she dug her nails into my arm, and now it's all bruised from that haha.

Then Soraya pushed me off the seat and I fell on my bum :L

Then, going from English to science, I had to go down the stairs, and I was talking to my friend Dan, and I fell on the stairs, and he cracked up laughing at me! I was like "OUCH YOU IDIOT DON'T LAUGH!" Haha.

And plenty of other... *Cough* accidents..


Well. Yesterday I injured myself in a hospital. I ran around the corner running from Jordii because I took her wallet to go find a vending machone and while running I was looking back and smacked into the family waiting room area wall. (Not good. Its where you wait when they have terrible news about your loved ones condidtion.) Like 3 nurses came to see if I was okay and offered me a pain relief. I'm off to the hospital in 5 minutes. They'll probably remember me.

Like Easterberry, I seem to hurt myself on a daily basis.

Today was sports day... self explanitory really [OMG! GREEN WON FOR THE FIRST TIME IN HISTORY! WOOOOOOO!-Had to say that]. We did many big sporting things and surprisingly, I came 3rd in year 7 girls races and 3rd in high jump from my whole class. And 1st in long jump :)

Some of my injuries were:

-Falling on my bum when I was on stilts [which made me even taller].

-Bumping my head on the blow up squash quart. It still hurted...

-Hitting my head on the bar in high jump.

-A tennis ball from the ball machine hitting my tummy.

-Fell off the baby stilts.

-Fell over when running to do long jump.

-Tripped over the skipping rope.

-Fell over some bunny ears in the dress up game.

-Running into a bin at lunch.

-Dropping my sausage on bread (yes, its an injury to the sausage) get the idea :)

Being tall makes me a target for injuries. Just randomly running into things, killing my head, etc...

No one I know in real life is like me. Then, like Easterberry said, I met her and Feebee and Desy and Michelle and Krystal and a few other people who are exactly like that...

BACK FROM HOSPITAL. I stoled my mums crutches and tried to go down the stairs. Bad idea.

Not one day goes by with out injury. It just happens.

Like my big one of the day was being elbowed in the stomach winding me. It was my fault I jumped on him to attack him and landed on his elbow he put out to defend against me.

I walk in a table and knock my elbow on a chair or table everyday. Recently I sprained my hand by tripping on the school field... when I was walking as slow as I can without standing still. Some younger kids were running past so I jumped out of the way a bit too... much and sort of dived onto the grass and landed on my hand. I managed to trip over in the hall at school in PE and slide across the floor, which was fun but I got trouble because according to the teacher it was on purpose and no-one can be that clumsy. In the library I walked into a table, that hurt, so I carried on walking and walked into another :angry: . When I was nine, I climbed up this wall but slipped and skinned my shin down it. When me and my friends were playing tig or tag, I was at the edge of the pavement (sidewalk) and I got the sudden urge to jump away from the person who was about to tag me, so I did and landed on my knees and scraped them across the road. x_x But yeah, there's loads of random injuries.

I hurt myself on a daily basis. Mostly from my friends pushing me of my chair or me tripping 8D

The worst injurys I've had are getting a piece of metal stuck in my foot (Not nice. I was 7), tooth through my lip (When I was 4) and a twisted ankle (couple of months ago on the schoolo trampolines). Oh, and I've broke my toes a couple of times.

Yes. I trip on a daily basis. Sometimes triped up by the big scary year 11's, sometimes tripping over a table or chair leg, or just tripping over a stone/twig/air particle/own foot ect.

I get bruises from I don't know where. Apparently I take after my auntie. She' very clumsy as well. But trust me. I was a little clutz. Even more than now

Injuries are not fun. D:

My worst injury was...I think from falling off a bike. I was riding so fast and I turned at a steep hill. I fell off the bike O: But not off the hill! xD I would be dead by now! I hit a tree and had some bruises. I lost some blood X.x

Another one of my friend's suffered from a forehead burn scar from a straightener.
LOL, That happened to me. I had the nickname 'Harry Potter' for a week.

I've broken my arm, my finger and my little toe.

I'm generally not a very clumsy person, but I do trip over occasionally.

I fell down a flight of stairs when I was 9.... a girl was like 'OMG are you ok?!?!?' and I was like 'Yeah =]' I just got up and started walking again haha.

I've put my teeth through my lips a couple of times. The worst time was when I was going down the hill on a scooter, the ground was rocky and the brakes were crap.... I crashed and rolled a couple of times, got up and staggered over to the grass. I groaned in pain, but then I cracked up laughing because it would have looked so funny :angry: I had 4 deep cuts inside my bottom lip, which had swelled to over twice its size. I called my dad later on to tell him what happened, but the blood was splattering all over the phone :) I couldnt even smile because my lip was too heavy.

The most recent injury I've had was probably... ummm.. I dont know actually.

Another one of my friend's suffered from a forehead burn scar from a straightener.
That happened to me but with a curler. It scarred and I had to use bio-oil to get it to go away. Grandad delightfully started up a nickname 'Harriet Potter' and it stuck..

Last week: I wanted to see what would happen, so I glued a cup to my arm with a hot glue gun. Then I did it again with a lollipop on my hand.

Resulting injury: Two second degree burns, and a lecture from the nurse about safety. I had to lie and say it was an accident or I'd be shipped off to a self-mutilation clinic where I'd be forced to interact with a bunch of thirteen-year-old girls who tried to kill themselves by overdosing on Tylenol or cutting their wrist with a nail filer. Dx My arm is still wrapped in gauze. I'm am going to have a scar to remind me of my infinite stupidity.

Today: I fell out of the car in the morning, doing a face plant into the sidewalk.

Resulting injury: A small scrape on my knee.

Today: I went too fast on the tire swing, so I fell off, and was dragged a bit before stopping when my foot got caught in the chain.

Resulting injury: My hair got messed up xD

Today: Tripped and fell down a hill.

Resulting injury: My hair got EVEN MORE messed up xDD

Today: Started swinging a stick around, it whacked me in the knee.

Resulting injury: Slightly sore knee.

Today: This guy stole my jacket, I reached over to grab it, and flipped over the desk.

Resulting injury: There wasn't a mark, but I rolled around and moaned in pain for a bit before finally getting back to my seat.

Today: I dropped my shoe under the bus seat [ Long story ] but I got stuck underneath there, and people pretended to rape me while I was on the ground.

Resulting injury: Someone stepped on my hand. It hurt. Plus, I was stuck under there for about fifteen minutes before they stopped pretending to rape me and helped me out from under the seat xD

Nice photo haha :) & you hurt your head on an old lady? :\
No, on the window. ;P

the old lady was kind of soft, actually

Hm, well I'm at school right now (Web Publishing class), and I just went to the bathroom. Walking back up the stairs I tripped and fell face first, tossing my agenda (my pass) in the air and making a huge THUD! in the silent hallways. Luckily there weren't many witnesses, except for the attendence office aids, who started laughing when I got my self up and started smoothing out the skirt of my mini dress. >_>;; xD

I trip and fall on a daily basis, but I don't really injure myself. Frolicking through the woods on Sunday, I fell and got very muddy, and got a bit of rub burn on my stomach from raping the tree (xD), but I haven't been injured, per se.

A while ago in track though, we were jumping on platfroms (I'm a jumper, and we do these types of plyo drills a lot.) and I jumped up on one, and my feet flew out from under me, and I smacked my shin off the platform. O: I got a nasty bruise, and I still have something wierd going on with my skin where that happened. (Kind of like my skin is dryer there... :|)

And last night, I walked in the kitchen to get something to eat, and I cut the corner around the counter to close and walked right into it. xD

I'm clutzy, and get minor aches and pains a lot, but surprisingly I've never broken anything or been injured.

Except for when I got shin splints from track. D: Ouch.

Trip Fall Slam Smack Break Pain Blood. Yeah, it's my life, but I've learned to except it.

Ever since I was little I've been one of those, "Who put this wall here?" Kinda person. I guess I'm just... completely unaware to walls in my house. Or the grocery store. Or the Church. Or someone else's house.


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