Is Anyone....


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Well-known member
Feb 23, 2008
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Pennsylvania ;D
I was just curious. If so what types of drawing are you good at? Landscape, real people, anime, other? Post some of your work here, or just talk about it.

NOTE:If anyone is good at drawing anime and is interested in helping me with some drawings I need just PM me.


Myself, I'm not that good at drawing. I'm ok with it when I copy off something, but I can't draw it off of my mind xD I really wish I could though D:


I fail at drawing. But on the other hand, I doodle. You should see my math book.

I suck at normal drawings. I'm horrible at it... so I doodle 8D. Mum didn't know what doodling was, so I worked for like 3 hours just doing a huge doodle page and she was like ''''. Haha.

Drawing is cool though. I could just sit there and watch an artist do what they do... it'd be so amusing, just seeing the pencil drawing all these lines and stuff.

I fail at digital art. I can't even write my name XD I have one of those Wacom things. I never use it. $100 down the drain D:

I'm okay at drawing. I drew a really good grapefruit once 8D

Meh, I'm a anime artist. Not that good. But if you want I can help.

Heads, torso, legs? Just getting the hang of feet and hands.

You got a Yahoo IM or MSN? I could help you, I don't mind really.

All my teachers say I'm good at drawing anyway.

You got a Yahoo IM or MSN? I could help you, I don't mind really.
All my teachers say I'm good at drawing anyway.
No I don't D: Could you just email me? PM me and I'll give you my email. I might just trying drawing myself first, then I'll PM you when I give up from failure XD

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I'm not great, but I'm not horrid.

I'd say I'm decent.

When I sketch / doodle, I draw anime.

I'm working on some graphic art, but I don't do it a lot, because I find it extremely difficult. I want to try and see if a tablet will make my life any easier, but I need to buy one first.

I'm more of an amateur photographer. ;D

i.e. -->

I'm in Art Club though. n_n

You should see some of my friends draw man. I have a lot of friends who draw like nothing I've ever seen before. O: It makes me kind of jealous, hahah.

I do anime peps on my sketch book. I normally just do their heads, and sometimes the top of their body. I sometimes use the computer to do drawing.

I also do quick sketching, and all my friends say I'm good at it. =3. I normally do people, or flowers.

And, and, I do cartoon animals. I make up Sea-bits(Sea horse, and rabbit), hamdog(Hamster and dog) and Girorse(Giraffe and horse) hybrids.

So basically, I like drawing.

I can't put them on, because the format can't be put on Tamatalk Art. =(


I was just curious. If so what types of drawing are you good at? Landscape, real people, anime, other? Post some of your work here, or just talk about it.
NOTE:If anyone is good at drawing anime and is interested in helping me with some drawings I need just PM me.


Myself, I'm not that good at drawing. I'm ok with it when I copy off something, but I can't draw it off of my mind xD I really wish I could though D:

well, i am very good at anime art, and good at cartoon, and sorta at realistic. But my main focus is anime! =D

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