Left or Right?


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Well-known member
Jan 20, 2006
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Pretty Self Explanitory.

Which hand do you write with? Imma Lefty =D

k- :p

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I'm a Lefty!
Proud of it too.

Did you know only 10% of the world in actually left-handed?

Now I feel really proud.
Southpaw Yay!!

2500 lefties die each year from right handed products! D=

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I'm right handed, but I can do a lot of things left handed, so I'm mixed handed. (Not ambidextrous because thats when you can do equal things just as well with both hands)

I'm a right handed person, although I know a lot of people who are left handed. :p

It doesn't really matter what hand we write with - when we were three years old we were all ambidextrous, but in the end we often favour one hand more than the other and use that hand.

In Occidental writing anyway it is simpler to be right handed, and if we are writing Oriental texts like Chinese or Japanese kanji, it is probably more advantageous to be left handed.

I'm a little bit faster with my right hand, but sometimes when my hand gets tired I'll switch over to my left. I'm better at things like catching, throwing, and cutting with my left hand though.

Wow, Im surprised at the number of lefties!

Its hard to do certain things, ie crafts, because most are meant for righties!

right to the righty! i'm all the way right handed. but my bro, aunt, cousin, and a few others are left handed

I'm right handed. I heard this thing once than lefties are smarter and righties live longer. I wonder if it's true.

I write with my right hand. I know most people do. But there are some people that I know who are left handed like my friends Sarah and Gabriel. ^_^

I can write with both...its weird...I tend to write with my left, rather than right...o.o

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