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I agree. Be her friend if she is a good one. If she isn't, then don't.

It doesn't matter if she is lesbian. As long as she treats you well. And nicely.

I agree with Sweet Kandi. Who cares if she's lesbian?

See? I said her whole post in one sentence!

I agree with SK 100%. Why do people get so freaked out with lesbians? Dear God.

Are you 100% sure she's les? maybe you're friend was just curious to see a reaction or something, it doesn't mean she's gonna be lesbian for the rest of her life. how old are you anyways? younger kids don't even know what the f*** they're talking about most of the time, sometimes even kids my age. :lol: I thought I was bi before but it was just curiosity. 8D plus, why shouldn't you be her friend? if people start labeling you, don't listen to them.

My sister used to be bi... and she went out with a girl, and she lost a bunch of her friends, my parents didn't approve of it, and everyone started to treat her differently. It got really bad, and she got really upset about it. The girl that she was going out with was only "bi" because she wanted attention. She got in trouble with the principle because she was bi and she was going out with a girl! (she was going to a Catholic school at the time (Not implying that all Catholics are like that))

And I, her sister, got confronted about it when my sis and I go to different schools! (people found out because of facebook)

It takes a brave person to "come out" like that.

Anyway... So what if she gets made fun of? And you get made fun of because your friends with her? She's a good friend right? If she's a good friend you shouldn't care what her sexuality is. Just ignore the people who make fun of you.

In my opinion, if you abandon her just because she's lesbian, then thats not very good at all. If she tries to go out with you and you say no, and she keeps bothering you, go ahead and abandon her.

I agree with SK... who cares if she's lesbian?

I had a friend who was Bi once and I hadn't a problem with it. I got made fun of at first, but people started to respect that just because she was like that doesn't mean that I was, too.

She isn't bi anymore, but I still have other lesbian and bi friends.

My sister used to be bi... and she went out with a girl, and she lost a bunch of her friends, my parents didn't approve of it, and everyone started to treat her differently. It got really bad, and she got really upset about it. The girl that she was going out with was only "bi" because she wanted attention. She got in trouble with the principle because she was bi and she was going out with a girl! (she was going to a Catholic school at the time (Not implying that all Catholics are like that))And I, her sister, got confronted about it when my sis and I go to different schools! (people found out because of facebook)

It takes a brave person to "come out" like that.

Anyway... So what if she gets made fun of? And you get made fun of because your friends with her? She's a good friend right? If she's a good friend you shouldn't care what her sexuality is. Just ignore the people who make fun of you.

In my opinion, if you abandon her just because she's lesbian, then thats not very good at all. If she tries to go out with you and you say no, and she keeps bothering you, go ahead and abandon her.

I agree with SK... who cares if she's lesbian?
Totally agree! ^__^

Maybe the whole thing that she is a lesbian is only part of the problem with her mom- if it was a dude, would you still want to be friends with someone who sexualy violated someone else?

I wouldn't and just because she is a lesbian doesn't excuse her from it.

Good advice, but,
Whats so bad if she asks her out? It's an innocent question. Wouldn't the friend feel sad/disapointed if Violetchigirl said: "Ew! I'm not going out with you, I'm not your friend anymore!"

It's like you asking a boy you like out and getting a very rude reply. She could politely turn down her friend.
EXACTLY what I meant!! ^^

No, I don't mean for her to say, "OMG!! You asked me out!! You are so sick and gay and I'm not your friend anymore!!" Of course I didn't mean that! :D

She could do it politely.

And VioletchiGirl, was it your mom that told you not to be her friend. That is quite rude coming from your mom. If she was a good friend, you should hold on to her. :eek:

Maybe the whole thing that she is a lesbian is only part of the problem with her mom- if it was a dude, would you still want to be friends with someone who sexualy violated someone else?
I wouldn't and just because she is a lesbian doesn't excuse her from it.
[SIZE=13pt]Umm... VioletetchiGirl101 didn't say that her friend didn't want to be touched like that. I don't think that her friend would have "Touched" her other friend if she didn't want to be. [/SIZE]


Of course...I shouldn't really be talking. Because she really could have been sexually violated. But yet, I don't think so. >.<'


Who knows!

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Just think of it this way: If your friend decided to ditch you because you were straight, how would you feel?
I'd move on and find new friends that aren't idiots.

People are all different, and people shouldn't be judged for making different decisions from me or you. Or anyone. People who ditch friends for that aren't true friends, and you would be probably better off without them.

But to the rubbing and stuff, invasive much? Jeez. What it is so bad about lesbians, anyway. This whole topic is just a bit pathetic.

Simply, if someone is a lesbian that is their own choice. I have plenty of friends who are not the straightest. I, myself, don't date because I am not sure weather I am really Wanting for the sex I go for, or both.

Be friend with her. If your mom objects, ask her if she would disown you if you were a lesbian. My mom, hates anything that is not her, so it wouldn't be the first time someone asked their parents that question.

This is a stupid topic. If you want to be her friend, be her friend. One of my best friends is gay and he is the nicest person I know (he does the BEST eyeliner in the world!)

[SIZE=13pt]Umm... VioletetchiGirl101 didn't say that her friend didn't want to be touched like that. I don't think that her friend would have "Touched" her other friend if she didn't want to be. [/SIZE] 

Of course...I shouldn't really be talking. Because she really could have been sexually violated. But yet, I don't think so. >.<'


Who knows!
I don't care if it was a guy, girl, lesbian, straight, consented, etc. - KIDS SHOULD KEEP THEIR HANDS OFF EACHOTHER. Period.


You and your mother's logic is disgusting.
If she's your friend, keep being friends with her. Just because her personal life differs from yours doesn't mean you should stop being her friend. That's just pathetic.

If people are stupid enough to make fun of you for being friends with a lesbian, that's their idiotic problem, not yours. You just have to not let it get to you. It's not THAT hard to ignore stupid people.

And to the person who said, 'she might start to like you.' Yeahno. She was a lesbian before violetchi knew. Did she like her then? No. So just because she now knows, why would she start? And why would it matter anyway? Just because someone likes another person doesn't mean you have to like them back.

If a straight person doesn't like every single person of the opposite gender they come by, why would a gay person like every single person of their preferred gender? I don't understand why people always make that assumption about gays |:

Just because a person is gay, doesn't mean they automatically are in love with or even remotely like you in that way.
I totally agree with you.

People around me thinks that being homosexual or lesbian is part of the Emo fad. God, I would pay all of my food money to see those people burn painfully in ....

but you're right.

Bill Watterson once said how you could lead people to the truth, but not force them to accept it. I agree with that, even though it's so annoying how people still can't seem to understand.

I don't know how old you are, but your mom isn't always right either. the purpose of growing up today is to learn from oneself. maybe you have your own opinion - to the "gay" people's benefit or not. It's your choice but dont rub your POV in people's faces! If you want to be seen you must open your eyes and be tolerant.

I don't think you should stop being her friend, because one has to learn to be tolerant. even though i know how it feels to be different, or, being defined as different among square-cut yokels (im so sorry i used that word, i usually only use this word about someone who is intolerant), because i'm... well... not exactly straight myself. But I don't smear it in people's eyes! - like straight people don't "snuggle" (bah) all the time around others. Our society isn't quite ready for us "gay" people yet. :D

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If you were her real friend, you wouldn't dump her just because she a lesbian.

This topic is messed up....If you were her friend why stop now? I'm straight. But Its annoying when people say "OMG SHE WILL LIKE FALL IN LOVE WITH YOU!!!!!" Umm...first of all if your straight do you like every guy/girl that you see? no of course not! I say remain her friend and support her but its your decision. I mean i dont have anything agaisnt lesbians but i think its kind of i dont know...weird *shrugs*


I'm straight, but just because she's lesbian, that's no reason to ignore her, or stop being her friend. It doesn't matter, if they're a nice person, and you enjoy being around her, just be her friend! It's not worth losing a friendship over, just because she's lesbain. Hope I helped. :chohimetchi: :)

If you decide not to be her friend because she is bisexual then you no right to longer call yourself a true friend.

I have two uncles they're gay. (I though they we're just living in the same house because they were close college buddies or something like that. I can't remember, it was a long while ago.) When my mom finally told me, I still loved them in the same way.


If she's a kind and caring person then you should continue being her friend. I would even if people joked me till' no end. It's your choice.


You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink.

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