Long hair


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I used to have Butt Length hair. xD. When i was 5. Now its Short. Just a Few Inches above Shoulder Length. ^.^

Ahh, yes. From the time I was born to the time I was eight, I did not once cut my hair. Because the tips were naturally blonde. From when I was a kid. I thought that was really cool. It reached about to my waist, and I always had to keep it in a braid.
You know what? It's a giant hassle. I love long hair, but not ever again am I doing that. My hair is now around a foot and I love it at that length, maybe a few inches less.
Same here!

It was down to my butt for the longest time. I got it cut in third grade and I loved it! I gave it to Locks of Love which was another reason for me cutting it. I felt so strange though after running my fingers through it because it would just stop at my shoulders! xD

Right now it's about half way down my back- maybe a little less. I like it this length because I can do certian things with it I can't with longer or shorter hair [like Pyonchit, I had to ALWAYS wear it in a braid when it was longer. x.x].

[like Pyonchit, I had to ALWAYS wear it in a braid when it was longer. x.x].
Lol. My best friend has Really long hair, (like, When she sits down , She sits on her hair, So its a little past Butt length). She ALWAYS wears it in a Braid. Every Single Day, Why? Because Her Mom Told her so. o_O. She never cut her hair in her life (unless you count Split ends, and Trimming her bangs, but thats it)

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My hair is down near the bottom of my back.

I had it in a short bob until I was 9 then I started to grow it longer.

I've got slightly-below-my-ears length hair. :eek:

It's not good to have too long hair because it could get caught in things. Quite dangerous. :mametchi: (No offence to anyone with long hair)

I would like to have hair to my ankles XD That will take YEARS, jesus when Im 21 it will be atleast near mah knee's. You know how hard that type of hair is to take care of!? o.x

I perfer short hair though, anyone who is against short hair say it to my face. I hate people who think short hair is lame

my hair only goes down to the botem of my upper back but my 6 year old sister says shes gonna grow her hair to be like some character in Dr.suze.

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