Long-Lived Oldies Hatch


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WOW!!! Tamfi is 12 but that's a wonderful Ojitchi there!!! Hey, How you made it? :D :D :D :D
That's a cute keychain. :D
Rofl ! cute keychain ^^ You're an artist !
Hehe awww thanks everyone! Milo is very pleased to have his own little sculpture too - I have to be careful he doesn't get big headed! I made the model out of fimo (a type of polythene clay which you bake in the oven) and attached it to an old keyring.

Milo is 30 years old today:


Here he is playing with a ball:



I'm not a part of this hatch but I just wanted to post to say great job to everybody! I'm not really a fan of oldies so I never had them on my Tamagotchis but I was always curious on how long they could live, and this hatch has always been fun and informative at the same time, so count me as an avid follower.

Keep those fun stuff coming! :D

Thanks alot Ichiro ! This means alot to me. I like to read your post too because you know so much abut tamagotchis it's like you have the answer for evey questions ! rofl !

I'm glad we can "return the favor " here by posting about our Oldies.

Thanks Ichiro, I agree that this is a really great hatch! Milo is 31 today:


We brought a chest and guess what it turned Milo into...


I thought he looked cute but Milo wasn't impressed.


Luckily he was back to his old (lol) self again soon enough although I think the experience shook him up a little!


Hey there!!! OH WAIT!!!! WHAT IS THAT!!! No... it can't be.... WOW!


PICTURES!!!! I had a long time so here is a collage I made with all the happy moments Tamfi and I had those days!!! In addition here is also our new friend!!!! I will explain every picture.


At first, it's an embarrassing moment when I caught Tamfi trying out a skirt that I was about to give away as a gift... You little rascal! he he he... :lol:

Then is our happy trip to N.Y states where Tamfi got really impressed by the beauty of the city! He stoods there shocked and happy. I hardly faithed him to return... :D

We also got a message from king and after a quick visit to his palace Tamfi got his very own scepter! He loved it but allowed me to put it in the souvenir collection! :ichigotchi: :kuribotchi: :tarakotchi: :chohimetchi:

We took a memory picture near my favorite character Mametchi. Tamfi told me they became good friends and that they have so many things in common!!! :newmametchi:

That over there is my IDL teen. I now have Perotchi! xi xi xi I like IDL! ^_^

Tamfi decided to celebrate and have a little bit of mess by rocking with his guitar! He said that if he was young again he would become a solo singer! xi xi xi! ^_^

This is an exclusive photo of one of the tamagotchi board game I have card! ;) It is in greek though so let me transilate you:

The oldest Tamagotchi. He usually says that he as strong as he was in his 20yrs. He enjoys being so healthy. He can't resist to Otokitchi!

[hope it's a correct and clear transilation]

Last but not least a picture of Tamfi while enjoying his BBQ in our special day which I'm not sure if it exists in other countries...I searched in google transilator and found out the englih way to call her. :lol: >Pancake Day< :lol: Yeah! I love this day!!!! :D :D :D :wub:

I also added a spring spirit pictures to wish you all a wonderful spring time!!!

The sun is shining...

the birds are singing..

the wind is blowing softly...

and everything looks perfect in spring season! :furawatchi:

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Cute pictures TAMAmaybeth! Tamfi looks like he's enjoying his oldie years :) . Milo is 32 years old today:


Zebra is 37 today. Not much else to say, but we also got a new friend to join us. I got a Morino today, and it's doing well. It looks like it's a worm so far. Also I'm not very good at the guessing game.

Izzy, I love Milo's Ojitchi keychain!! Very well done! It's so cute.

Ichiro, I'm glad you're enjoying our hatch log! It's nice to hear :)

Lorne is 24 right now -- should turn 25 later today. He's got some new headphones today and decided to try them out right away. He wasn't quite sure about it at first, but after awhile he got into the music and was totally rockin' out!



*SIGH* 10 years and STILL no oldie. That's why I haven't been posting: I was waiting for Austin to evolve.... I shall post whenever he evolves. Until then:

v4: 3 years (Shimashimatchi)

v4.5: 4 years (Ura Togetchi)

Ketai: 2 years (Cheritchi)

Tama-Go: 10 years (Tarakotchi) IN HATCH

... So that's everyone. I WOULD add another Tama to the hatch, but they're all young, as you can see. Pfffft.

One more update from me today because I just had to share this ~

At work we are doing a "Guess who this pet belongs to" picture contest, and since the cat and dog that live with me technically aren't mine, Lorne is my only option if I want to participate. So anyway, we're supposed to all bring in a portrait of our pet so we can all guess which pet belongs to which coworker and tonight I took a portrait of Lorne. There are maybe 4 or 5 people that I work with that have met Lorne, and I suspect many more will be able to guess that I'm the only nerd that'd submit a picture of a virtual pet. I thought it would be fun :D

So without further ado, here is Lorne's portrait!


Lol, I like that idea JLou for what you guys are doing at work, that's interesting. Good way to get to know your coworkers a little better. :) Also, Zebra got really mad at me earlier she was really stressed out, had a busy morning studying for a big exam in my Geology class and so the tamas were played with a bit less than normal. So we're going to try to make sure she doesn't get like that again. I had a feeling that was what happens when they run away and we certainly don't want that to happen. But I was able to look it up and fix it by pressing A and C alternatively.

I love the idea too, and the portrait is really nice ! ^^ I would also post a picture of my tama if they asked me. I had 2 adorable rats , but they both died ... They got sick (cancer) and I had to get them put to sleep :( :( I was so very sad.

Mamie is 36 today ^^

EDIT : OMG I just realised something. 36 is the farther I have ever been with a Tamagotchi. Story of my life time :

When I was a kid, I had a nano puppy. I loved it. But one day it died, but it died on a very special and sad day : August 31st 1997. The same day Lady Diana died at the age of... 36. I remember that day well because I was surprised my puppy and Lady Diana died at the same age (well I was a kid back then xD)

So yeah. New record I guess :p

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Haha aww that's such a cute idea about Lorne JLou. I'm sure everyone will give him the attention he deserves lol! For some reason your post is making me sad Moussette, I hope Mamie sticks around a long time for you :) . Milo is 33 himself today:


Here he is wearing a costume. It's very sweet but I must admit I'll be glad when he turns back into an oldie tomorrow - I've become very attached to my little ojitchi!


Oh my... Mamie scared me tonight. I gave her some snacks so I can play with her, but I accidentaly gave her something she hates (I didn't know x) ) She looked very pi**ed and all her hearts dropped down :eek:

Here is the like and dislikes for the v4. I guess it's the same for the other versions ? Actually I don't know ^^'

So yeah I gave her the "roll cake thing" . Poor Mamie :p

Nice costume there Milo! :D I'm proud for Lorne. He has a beautifull portait and I would actually do exactly the same if I were you! ;) About Mamie I'm really sad and hope she is all happy and fine now! The like-dislike charts are almost different in each version. I'm so glad for all of your tamas! Let's keep on working this! :D

About Tamfi now... He is sweet 15 .He supassed my age and I think he is really whiser. Did you know guys that Tamagotchis know causative structure and correct english grammar?

He really helped me in one exam I had few days ago! Cheaty Tamfi...he he he... :p

The bad news though are that he gets weaker and weaker and I'm afraid of that.. His happy and hungry hearts drop down faster even when he sleeps and he needs constant check! -_- This is why I take him with me at school in a wallet / "pouch" I found. It's not tama related, it's brown and looks mostly like a wallet so none notices! :lol:

{forgive any crappy english mistakes please]

Nice costume there Milo! :D I'm proud for Lorne. He has a beautifull portait and I would actually do exactly the same if I were you! ;) About Mamie I'm really sad and hope she is all happy and fine now! The like-dislike charts are almost different in each version. I'm so glad for all of your tamas! Let's keep on working this! :D

About Tamfi now... He is sweet 15 .He supassed my age and I think he is really whiser. Did you know guys that Tamagotchis know causative structure and correct english grammar?

He really helped me in one exam I had few days ago! Cheaty Tamfi...he he he... :p

The bad news though are that he gets weaker and weaker and I'm afraid of that.. His happy and hungry hearts drop down faster even when he sleeps and he needs constant check! -_- This is why I take him with me at school in a wallet / "pouch" I found. It's not tama related, it's brown and looks mostly like a wallet so none notices! :lol:

{forgive any crappy english mistakes please]
His happy and hungriness hearts are dropping quicker? That's interesting, I haven't noticed that with Milo yet. Has anyone else begun to have this with their tamas?

Lorne is only 25, but I haven't noticed his hearts dropping any faster.


We had the break room all to ourselves for lunch today at work:


Lorne is only 25, but I haven't noticed his hearts dropping any faster.


We had the break room all to ourselves for lunch today at work:

Excellent! I'm glad Lorne is doing well ^_^

As for him dropping his hearts faster, don't expect that to happen. Only vintage Tamas have that feature, so caring for your oldie will require the same amount of attention as an adult: even less.

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