Man, i hate my neighbors


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Well-known member
Oct 29, 2005
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El Paso, Texas
Mmkay so here is how teh story goes:

My neighbors had a 3 year old kid. So, for christmas they brought home a puppy from the animal shelter. So i was happy for them and 3 days passed and all i could hear from outside was the little kid's laughter. So after 3 day the family left for 2 weeks and left the poor dog tied up with only food and a bag of dog food. Everyday i went outside to check on the dog and she looked miserable! She didnt have anymore water, she kept crying, she was covered is poo and she was starving! So I jumped the fence and fed her, let her go, and gave her water. I jumped back to my house and went to sleep.

Teh next day I look outside and see my neighbors sister tying up the dog again, getting in teh car again and leaving. I got so mad that I called my dad. He came home, untied her, fed her, gave her water. etc. He called the police and they came right away. So a a few cops look at the back yard and take the dog witht them. A few days later my neighbors come back and find a note from the cops on the door. The little kid starts you guys think me and my dad did the right thing?

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Yes, I think that was the right thing to do. If the little kid is sad because the dog isn't there, well... S/he would've been even sadder if the dog had died.

I think you did. I mean, seriously, thats an awful thing to do to a poor defensless animal!

You definitely without a doubt did the right thing. These people who lived across the street from us, years ago, had a dog that they ALWAYS kept in a cage that was so small for him (He was a Yellow Lab) that he couldn't even sit up straight. One day, my mother and I noticed they got a NEW dog.. a little tiny dog.. And they kept him locked up all day in their garage too.

So one day when they went out, my mother and I noticed the little dog was loose from his cage.. we took him, brought him to an animal shelter where he was adopted by a family a few days later. They sent us pictures and everything, and they treated him really well and he looked really happy.

People who mistreat their pets do not deserve to have them.

You definetly did the right thing. That little kid shouldn't have been laughing; it's almost as if s/he was enjoying the poor dog's pain. Well, thank goodness the police came! The dog is off to better care and responsibility now! :kuribotchi: Well done!

<_< you definatly did the right thing,and i bet that the dog is doing all right know

ps:i like the word ps :wacko: :ph34r: :kuribotchi: :huh: :lol:

You did the right thing, as syribo said, "People who mistreat their pets do not deserve to have them."

That was definately the right thing to do... My friend's neighbour had a dog and they had it operated on to have it's voice box pulled out so It couldn't bark at all... I told her to call the RSPCA But she didn't and I was going to. And I once saw these I think It was 2 horses and they were in a tiny space with a bucket of water and a 1 thingy of hay. But I'm sure the owners would put more food and water there for them.

It's sad that people do that. And not do anything about It. You did the right thing... Trust me

That was the right thing to do. Yes, the kid will be sad because there is no dog now. But, I'd be happier with the police taking the dog away because of that than losing it because it was dead. I would also talk to the neighbours about what they did.


You definitely did the right thing! That poor little puppy! I hope he's very happy now, and I'm sure he is. Way to go for you and your dad! ^_^ Like a lot of people have said, "People who abuse their pets don't deserve to have them." :) :p

Mmkay so here is how teh story goes:
My neighbors had a 3 year old kid. So, for christmas they brought home a puppy from the animal shelter. So i was happy for them and 3 days passed and all i could hear from outside was the little kid's laughter. So after 3 day the family left for 2 weeks and left the poor dog tied up with only food and a bag of dog food. Everyday i went outside to check on the dog and she looked miserable! She didnt have anymore water, she kept crying, she was covered is poo and she was starving! So I jumped the fence and fed her, let her go, and gave her water. I jumped back to my house and went to sleep.

Teh next day I look outside and see my neighbors sister tying up the dog again, getting in teh car again and leaving. I got so mad that I called my dad. He came home, untied her, fed her, gave her water. etc. He called the police and they came right away. So a a few cops look at the back yard and take the dog witht them. A few days later my neighbors come back and find a note from the cops on the door. The little kid starts you guys think me and my dad did the right thing?
Thats sad. but atleast you Neighber don't try to kill your big brother ;)

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