Miley Cyrus think of your fans


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Can't really be upset about because celebrities, actresses, and singers do that anyways.

I found out about a month she lip sings on some of her concerts..

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The girl looked nothing like her.

At first at the video I was all "It looks like Hannah but her dancing is bad" and then i saw the change im all "!!!!"

I was watching the video 'bout her double and I was laughing so hard because that she should be ashamed 'bout herself...her double comes out with big glasses then she tries to hide her face for the rest of the time. :huh: xD

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It's soo funny how obvious the change was, lol.

Anyways, SK's right, would you rather a "real" concert by Miley, or having to wait 10 minutes every couple songs?

Well, as I posted on youtube a couple weeks ago about when I saw a video of her switching.(before there was so many videos), I said (I think):

"She could've been not faking, I mean, she might of just got her sunglasses and ran out."

But then, I saw this about 1 day ago. Just Jared Article

and I found that on the internet. It is not the real Miley Cyrus/Hannah Montana.

But People!! Don't make a big deal about it! It was only because of her having to change for the next song.

She did not want to disappoint her fans from one switch. It was only for the last minute. BIG DEAL. I laughed about it aswell and thought, "Oh well. Atleast she never pointed a gun at anyone. Or took drugs, nude pics and stuff."

So, why make a big deal about ONE switch when I saw this 2 weeks ago and said to myself, "Oh well, as long as no-one makes a big deal about one switch." At first I was a bit shocked aswell, but then, I thought "Atleast she isnt a criminal and stuff. I hope no-one would even make this into a publicity scandal. I already knew, and I think you should be a little more mature about ONE switch. Atleast it wasn't for a whole concert.

Laugh at it, say your comments, be a bit nicer and forget about it please. She's a good role model. Don't judge. ;)


BTW: I agree with SK, Mileyroxursox, tamtamkitty, tamaw/pants, ninjas-rock-my-sox and memetchi-411, and the rest who are thinking it's no big deal.

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Just because you hate hannah montana doesnt mean you have to say rude things about Miley Cyrus. Everyone at this post are hannah montana fans and you would hurt a lot of ppl's feelings.
They weren't rude- it's just my opinion.

Anyway, I agree with SK, as always. ^^

Miley cyrus has a stage double!!!!!!!!!! she is being dishonest to her many fans

why dosen't she preform "We Got the Party" as herself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

and not to mention those revealing pictures of herself with a friend!!!!!
She dresses up as Hannah at most of her concerts. The picture of her friends aren't at all revealing. I saw one.

People make such a big deal out of nothing. -.-

I'm not exactly making a big deal out of this

why can she not just do the song as herself instesad really?

in that change she was changing back in to herself

I do think she could have thought of a better way

what do yuo mean the reaveling pictures of herslef with her friend you mean like naked pictures? :wacko: :D :p

Sure, you don't like her, but you coiuld be a little nicer with comments.She only uses a body double to speed up the transformation from Hannah to Miley. Not like she did it 'cause she's to tired and afraid of breaking a nail.
I agree.

And the girl who's the Hannah double's Hannah wig doesn't look like the Hannah wig.

(I saw that video on youtube and I started laughing because the Hannah double was doing the Soulja Boy dance with Joe Jonas)

Anyway...How is she being dishonest? She has a reason to have a Hannah double. the reason is so that she can get ready.

I don't get how it disapoints (sp?) people.


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I have been thinking about it and I don't blame her but maybe her fans would have not minded if she preformed as herself

just saying

they aren't reveling pictures but maybe she shouldn't have been careless if she did'nt want them to be leaked

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