Mimitchi's Diary


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Destiny acts like her arm is a big thing. Today, Destiny was wearing a tmaform again... as a Dazzilitchi with red hair and a blue dress. Well, Diary, I've been talking about Destiny alot these days. The updates with Mametchi aren't much, with makiko everywhere we go, we never actually can make any happiness goes around. Destiny is, as I have said, very popular now, and also takes up many pages of you, right, diary? Do you mind if I write about Destiny? These days there's nothing else to write... Destiny is a hot topic, even at school. I know, since Makiko is now trying to become friends with Destiny. But, since Makiko is so attracted to Destiny, then... This could be a great plan!!! OMG, Destiny! It was good that star was popular. One star to stardom, one chance to winning mametchi. but destiny isn't always reliable...


P.S Destiny can heal a broken arm quick, so it took 8 days. Destiny is only acting, Diary, so don't bother. She only keeps her cast on since its a gimmick.

P.P.S Destiny still can't fly, so thats also probably why some of Makiko's friends are acting like servants to her.

P.P.P.S Am I going to make at least a million P.P.P.P.P.S?

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Our English core teacher mrs perfect just told us we weren doing a valentine's day dance, where the grade 7's were going to pick a partner. We had to pair up, and somehow, I got stuck with Mametchi. Destiny was with Kuromametchi. Makiko, i heard, has a crush on both Kuromametchi and Mametchi. So when she was stuck with Toskatchi, the rockstar, she had a temper tantrum. Today, a really pretty Lovelitchi was transferred into our class. She had perfect white skin, and had a full wardrobe full of stuff to wear. She never wore the same outfit for a month until no one recognized it. that's why it seems that she always has new ones. Well, that's her reputation. For most Lovelitchis. If she is the same, than i won't be surprised! She and Makiko's reputations are very similar- I wonder how long it'll take for them to be friends. Today, Lovelitchi made an invention, but not the type of inventions that mametchi made- she made outfit designs on a peice of white paper. She even designed one for me...! But she couldn't design one for Makiko since she said that makiko's body was too uneven. Haha! Lovelitchi's already starting to hate Makiko! But when I walked home with Mametchi and Destiny, I realized that something was wrong. Mametchi was lovesick. He had an expression of staring eyes, in lovelithi's way. she was carrying a little heart handbag that I would as well use as a barf bag. Mametchi was my part-boyfriend! Lovelitchi might ruin my love life, but at least there's Memetchi, Violetchi and Destiny... or is love that important to me? So I slapped Mametchi's lovesickness off his face. He looked at me. "Lovel... I mean, Mimitchi, what was that for?" I stared at Mametchi with peircing eyes. "What's wrong?" I screamed, "You're wrong!" Mametchi said: "Sorry, Lovel..er..Mimitchi, I'm just distracted." "Yea right, distracted by Lovelitchi!!! You keep mistaking me for Lovelitchi! WHY?!" I demanded. Geez, keep cool, mimitchi, is what my concience told me. but I was mad. "Mametchi, you will forget about lovelitchi for now! Destiny's tamaform is used! Make a new one!" But mametchi was staring at the little fading body of lovelitchi walk away in the sunshine. "I love you... Lovelitchi." I screamed when I heard Mametchi say that. So I grabbed Mametchi and kissed him on the lips. Then I left him to rot and started crying all the way back home. Destiny had to fly to catch up with me, but since she couldn't she had to run. But Mametchi told Destiny to stop... I didn't know what he said to her, but I'm sure its something bad. VERY, VERY, BAD.


(What Mametchi said: Destiny, Mimitchi is the love of my life. but she never told me that she liked me, and i'm a shy person myself. using lovelitchi to make her jealous is a way. If I ever do love Lovelitchi, just have a talk with me, since I promise to only like Mimitchi. and P.S= don't tell mimitchi that her kiss was quite enjoyable!)

Remember that Mimitchi doesn't know what Mametchi said, and Destiny wont tell her either!

Probably my longest post :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

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Okay.. Guess what? Both Makiko and Mametchi are fantastic dancers. Somehow, I'm gonna get them both to dance together. I can't dance with Mametchi. I couldn't dance to save my life, and besides, I'm the DJ. Destiny told me what he said about me, and I am furious. Do you know how hard it is to keep a "just friends" relationship up? As a thank-you-for-spilling-all-that-info gift, I bought Destiny purple lipstick. It happens to look fantastic on her. She has also tied her hair to the side. Enough for today, Diary. Bye!

Signed, :mimitchi:

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Feb 6

I am still Furious at Mametchi how could he be my part Boyfriend and say he loves Lovlitchi mistakes me for Lovelitchi and he plays me like Guitar I'm really upset and I don't think I will forgive him for this. Mametchi came over and tryed to make me forgive him but I will not budge so I thought I would just go for a walk to the park. I sat down and Mametchi sat next to me I started crying and said go away for me mametchi I thought you were my friend but you just made everything worst

"it's ok, will you go with me to the dance?"



"I'm the DJ."


"I thought you would ask Lovelitchi, but then Destiny spilled everything. So I bought her lipstick."


"Will you do me a favor, though?"

*In a scared tone* "Y-y-es?"

"Dance with Makiko. Just do it."

"No no NO!"

"DO IT!"


And that's how it is so easy to get Mametchi to do


Btw, he's not my half boyfriend anymore. He's just a geeky friend with an attitude. I got Tosakatchi with Lovelitchi. I think they like each other! :)

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Feb 7. Halfway to the valentine's dance. Lovelitchi and Toskatchi are kissing behind curtains. Like, our school is half elementary, half middle school, so when they lunch monitor the little firsties, they always happen to get into a time where they kiss. I gave Destiny a mere 50 dollars to spend, and I laughed in my mind, wondering what she'd do. Well, tonight when I came home from school, Destiny had a nice car, a little diamond purse and assorted makeup. I stared in disbelief, since 50 gotchi points is worth nothing. So I asked Destiny what she did to get that. "well, I found a broken Kuchipatchi statue on the street. so I fixed it, and I made a little sign saying: Who lost their statue. But when no one came, I decided to pack. Just then, Lovelitchi and her brother, mini Kuchipachi, said that it was a family medallion that she treasured, but lost it on the street. I charged her 3 million gochi points, and she, beleive it or not, paid. It was a joke... but I guess I'm better off to shut my mouth. So I went shopping with the 2 hours left, and I got what I want! here Mimitchi... the 50 gotchi points you gave me this morning." I took the 50 points, but i was still staring at destiny. She is one lucky star...


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Mametchi talked to Makiko today. It was weird. Like awkward-weird. Like, you could lick your finger, stick it in the air, and feel the pure awkward. It was cute, anyway. :)


Mametchi went up to me today and said: Makiko hates me.We fought, so she's going to try to get Kuromametchi. I panicked. Destiny was going to the dance with kuromametchi, not makiko. and if makiko would bribe kuro... then a great idea formed in my head. "Destiny, you're going to dance with Mametchi." Destiny screamed: "NOOOO! Kuromametchi and I already started a loving relationship!" then she kissed Kuromametchi on the lips. "Idiot." I whispered to myself. I went to mametchi. "Mametchi, you can't use Lovelitchi tomake me jealous. You know that very well. I am not someone who can be bribed by jealousy. Mametchi, I would love to forgive you and dance with you, but I'm so afraid I cant." I spinnned on my heels and walked away. Mametchi then started to have a fit of crying. He cried so much that he picked up Makiko from her 4000$ designer shirt and wiped his tears on it. LOL! Destiny was talking to me like Kuromametchi was the best. But even if i'm not in a half-girlfriend relationship, he is the funniest, most insulting-to-makikoest, and so much more I could love about him. But today he smacked me. He screamed at me for dumping him twice in his life. He said: "I've never had someone as mean as you as my friend! It's not elementary school anymore, Mimitchi, so stop acting like a KID!" I stared at Mametchi. He burst into tears and ran home. Destiny was snuggling with Kuromametchi. I asked Destiny: "Why is mametchi so soft?" and Destiny said:"Mimitchi, that's the way he is. he'll be testy at times, but he's your real boy. Otherwise, Mimitchi, what would happen? I wouldn't have met you, and I would have still been trapped in the jar... You would have never released the Destiny stars... You would forget the funny times in life... You see, Mimitchi, that after one thing, a relationship can still go on. You're getting this all wrong." And when I opened my mouth to say something, nothing came out. Destiny was right, but I felt right in a way, too. But at the same time, I felt very wrong. when I loomed over the last sentences Mametchi said, I started crying. "Mimitchi, I will never speak to you again! this is the second time that this break-up happened. And that lying son of a ***** Destiny! She said she'd keep it a secret!" Ok,, so Mametchi was over. But just writing this, diary, makes me cry even more. Sorry, diary, but what would you do in my situation? I hope an answer can come... Before the big dance!!!


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O didn't mind though since he isn't my half boyfriend anymore but now this guy likes me not anthoer one well here it goes all over again sadly hopefully better then last

I am so glad I signed up to be the DJ. *yay single*

I'm sick of relationships. Ugh.

But I am missing Mametchi...

Hoping for a bowl of oatmeal in the very near future.

I think Makiko kept tha shirt.

Feb 9

Im single all right, but thinking about mametchi pains me. I cant stand being me. I wish my life would end. Destiny and her stupid boyfriend Kuro are so much of friends. my only wish is that they dont marry.

Cont plz

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Dear Diary:

I have figured, love is war. If I can't stand being me, then I won't be myself. I will be someone who is not me. In short, I am reinventing myself. Tonight is the last time I will cry and sing to myself at night. From now on, I just won't care.

Signed, :mimitchi:

P.S. Finally got that bowl of oatmeal. Score!

P.S.S. I just realized something about Makiko. She's playing hard-to-get! Gosh, she is so much smarter than me and half the world give her credit for.

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Jan 10

I guess I'll change my personal apperance today. If life pains to be me, I'll disguise myself as someone else. I went shopping with Destiny. It was a bad Idea, since you all know how Destiny is a shopaholic. Well, I got a bit of makeup, a girl's destiny star (since Destiny already left the DSC) and a new binder case, a shiny,diamond-encrusted handbag, and a new schoolbag. It costed more than my budjet could afford, so i loaned the bank and then started selling some crappy inventions for a dollar. I had to sell 4000 of them, but luckily, there were some rich kids who bought them for 5 dollars each :) Well, I paid the bank back and ran off with my supplies. And Destiny's car was my new mode of transportation. Wow. It was never so easy to change my life. At home, Destiny put on some makeup and then started changing me. For starters, I pressed the girl's destiny star. Beep! and I transformed into a Dazzilitchi. Then Destiny coated my Dazzilitchi face in makeup. And I changed into this awesome red shiny dress! and I put some stuff to make it permanent. but was it... Right? Well, Destiny and I looked like sisters. Except she had red hair when I had gold-shiny, and I had a red dress when she had a blue. Finally, I took that 500$ handbag and slipped it onto my arm. I was not mimitchi. I was changed.

-Mimitchi (What) or shall I say Dazzilitchi

P.S=I forgot about Mametchi. He's a nobody. Who is he, anyways?

P.P.S=Am I still the Dj? well, I could get a new boyfriend...

P.P.P.S=OMG! I almost forgot! Mametchi is still my neighbour... and how will i explain my coolness to YM and my parents???

P.P.P.P.S Destiny drives a car because it is legal for stars to drive cars in tamaworld. I cant, so I have to sit in the passenger seat. but since it is a limousine.. well, thats a whole new story. bye!

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(OOC: I was thinkin' more like punk, but that works too!)

P.S. I AM tha prima girl already. Pretty soon, Destinee and I are going to RULE the seventh grade for once and for ALL!!

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Dear Diary:

I have decided to name my new self Bridgette.

Still wondering how Destinee got a car..

I asked her today and she said, "Stars don't have a real age. And besides, when you're a Destiny star, you could get away with just about anything." I replied, "You scare me." She said, "Yeah, I know. Wanna go to the park?"


So we went to the park and ate poptarts.

Best. Day. Ever.

Signed, :mimitchi:

Jan 12

for the first time in ages yesterday and Today have been the best so this is what happened


I was with Destiny in her car and I saw Makikio and she was actually being nice to me and she thought the car was mine so thats one thing I saw Mametchi and he looked like her got over everything so that's good too and I got lots of free things and that so I guess today is my lucky day i just hope it stays that way thought


bye :mimitchi:

Cont. of Jan 12

It's amazing. Nobody had no idea who I was!! I feel.. new. Like i could do anything. Like I could rule the world. It's a great feeling, Diary. It's a really great feeling.

:mimitchi: :mimitchi: :mimitchi:

I love you, Diary.

<3 Love, Bridgette! <3

:) :) :)

Jan 13

Well, I saw Mametchi today. and he was talking to me. He said to me: "Do you know Mimitchi?" "Yes" I said. "Well, wherever she is, tell her that I'm sorry for what I did." and with that, Mametchi walked away. Destiny and I looked at eachother and puffed up into giggles. Makiko then came up to me and said: "Brigitte, let's go to the cafe! I want to show all my friends what an awesome role model you'd be." She motioned to her rollerskates, the diamond-encrusted ones, and said: "Be my guest." I thought she was going to trick me into tripping and bleeding, but instead I did not fall at all. Wow! Makiko was being NICE to ME! I couldn't beleive it. Destiny winked at me and we rollerbladed away. If Mametchi wanted me back, it was OVER for us. 7th grade popularity is not hard to define!


P.S The reason it's over with us is because he is ruining my life. I'd do better without him.

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Jan 14

Dear Diary:

I switched off the Destiny Star and went around town as Mimitchi again. Mametchi came up and said hi, but I didn't want to talk. He asked me if I had met Bridgette, but I said no. He also asked me about the DJ thing. I said I quit and that I just wasn't coming. Then I told him to give the job to the Bridgette girl, and I stormed off. I went back home, turned the destiny star back on, and became Bridgette again. I made sure nobody saw me come out from the house, and went walking in the park.

(cont. Plz)

(Nobody sees Bridgette leave the house)

Jan 14 (cont)

Makiko was talking to me. she bragged about how her porche was made out of gold. Wow. I liked Destiny's limo, but her porche was the prettiest car by far that I've ever seen. Makiko then welcomed me to the "Rich teens club" where everyone there was rich. well, I fit in, but half of me was still Mimitchi, the old me. I was not minding Mametchi, in fact, I didn't care about him, but I would take a while to get used to this crazyness. Destiny, my friend, Destiny, was getting used to the sweetness of this life. (Well, if you took away Kuromametchi from her, then she'd feel the same) Saying that, Diary, is not because Mametchi is taken away, but because my previous life was so different. Makiko couldn't make me any happier, since she used to be my enemy. I will take a long time to get used to it. BTW, tonight's the dance! The Valentine's dance! Should I be Mimitchi or Bridgette? If I were Mimitchi... then Mametchi would be my partner. If I were Bridgette... Who knows which hot bachelor will try on me! Tonight, Bridgette is going to rock this partyyy! Todayyy's... Valentine's day!!! Well, in elementary we did card that had a design like:




╚══`. you. but this year, we had a dance. and the Rich teens club (RTC) is super-awesome!



(cont please)

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