Moonlight War


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I suspect that sunlight at ten at night would be a bad thing though xD

"Good ol' Scott. He's some kind of worker or something at this restaurant. His first job, you know. He didn't tell me what it was but I managed to weasel the facts out of his roommate. I'm suspicious as to why my little brother's being suspicious, so why not show up unexpectedly? Fun, fun, fun!" Gale clapped his hands. "Plus fish sounds lovely right now."

Yeah, that's true.... *CLEAR SKY DANCE*

Marie giggled and nodded cheerfully, getting to her feet and slipping on a jacket over her low cut dress. "Will you... stay the night with me tonight? Since we won't see each other for a long time?" She held out her hand to him, tilting her head slightly as she looked at him.

... I wonder what would happen if the sky suddenly became sunny at this time at night.

I'd imagine that Sarah Palin kindnapped me or something.

Gale watched Marie for a minute, opening his mouth to say something before closing it a little bit after. He instead settled on pulling the shorter girl into a warm hug, his nose burying itself into her hair. "Of course I'll stay with you. I may act like a jerk at times, but I'd never refuse you. Especially in our current situation. I love you, you know."


Marie buried her face in his chest and let out a large sigh of relief. "I'm so happy to hear you say that, Gale. And I love you too! You've been my best friend since I was a tiny little girl, and I've always loved you, and greatly admired you." She held him close to herself, before pulling away playfully. "Now that you've talked about food, my stomach is growling terribly!"

... 'Nough said.

Gale smirked at Marie before rustling her hair a bit. "Put some pants on- save the pretty dresses for our own company. I like it when you are covered up a bit- especially in this type of weather. There's a bit of a chill out here and the sun isn't exactly gracing us with its company today. So dress up, will ya? A scarf would be useful- what about the wool one Azazel made for you? She and your father want you to visit one day. They have surprise or something- I don't know, I really never listen."

YEEEES!!!!!! <3

It is love.

"Fine!" Marie said, faking a pout at the same time. She slipped out of her dress in the middle of the room, then went to her closet and pulled out a pair of trousers, a lacy dress shirt, and then a jacket and the scarf from her mother. "Okay, okay, I think this will do." She did a small twirl before putting on her boots. She laced them up all the way, and they went halfway up her thigh. "May we go now?"


... as are you.


Gale raised an eyebrow and walked around her, hand on his chin for good measure. He faked a pensive expression, tilting his head a bit as he pretending to observe Marie's clothing intensely. He even raised his hands in the air, holding them at eye level as if recording Marie (even if he lived in the forests of a usually off-limits country, he was welcome to indulge in more modern technologies such as a camera). Gale stopped moving for a moment, humming a bit before going silent and breaking out into a smirk. "Yeah, I approve. Now let's go bother precious Scott- usually when he hides something, it is a good secret, you know? I remember when he tried to hide a pet horse behind a tree when we were younger. I was maybe aged about twelve, and he was I dunno... Eight? Jeeze, that kid aged quickly. I think he takes smaller doses of the growth spell, but only because he got sick a lot. I can't believe my baby brother is already physically sixteen! I'm so old." Gale rested the back of his hand against his forehead in a dramatic matter, letting out a whimper as he fell back against the dull wooden wall of Marie's dorm room.

It's bee-you-tee-full!!!!

Marie laughed and playfully poked gale in the stomach as he leaned against the wall. "Yup! He really has grown a lot! But you're not that old, sweetie! I promise you! Especially compared to my father!" She laughed and tugged at Gale's shirt, trying to drag him outside. "Come on! It'll be getting dark soon, and my curfew will hit, and than I could get in big trouble." She took his hand and led him out of the dorm building.

How have you been, my fair lady~?

Gale rolled his eyes and took a hold of Marie's hand. "Academy's suck- this is why apprenticing is the better choice to make." He opened the door and held it for Marie, his eyes scanning the hallway to make sure no teacher's or Frito was there to bother them. "Ah, the silence of a school hallway. Something I'm glad I'll never have to deal with." Gale huffed and then looked back at his lover, smiling proudly. "I think you look great in trousers, you know that? I feel like it is way more... Liberating. I don't know, I've always liked the idea of a stronger women who-" He cut himself off and flushed red, shaking his head. "Azazel is a demon. I mean Azazel, the witch, not the actual one. But I mean, she's something that so kindly rhymes with witch as well, but grah, the point is she's spoon-fed me all of this feminism stuff and look at me! You should be in a kitchen." Gale smirked now, the color in his cheeks remaining, but his eyebrow raised and self confidence and a high sense of ego radiated off of him. "She's always so 'girls do this, girls do that' and now it is taking over my manly mentality! Hopefully Scott has held onto his pride and is the manliest man of all, only with long hair..."

I've been great! Things are getting crazy, but it's all good.

Marie flexed her muscles then raised her eyebrows at him playfully. "A stronger woman who what...?" She smirked, showing off what years of lacrosse had done for her figure. "And I should be in a kitchen? Well, maybe sometime I'll bake you a cake." She grinned and gave him a quick kiss. "Well, how about I be the pants in our relationship for tonight? I'll make you feel good..." She rubbed her hand on his arm, before taking his hand and leading him down the street.

Bah, everything here had been tiring and my allergies suck so bad right now.

But life is good <3

Gale rolled his eyes, not particularly phased with Marie's word choice. "You have muscles, I'll give you that." He chuckled quietly and pecked her cheek before breaking out into a jog that was just short of being considered sprinting. "Want to just take that vertex time travel-thing I use to get to this restaurant? I'm so hungry and my legs still kind of ache from all of this manual labor I've been doing recently." He stopped at the end of the hallway, looking back at Marie. He ran a finger through his ear-length hair and grinned at her before leaping over the railing of the stairs.

UGH! I hate allergies!!!

Marie followed him just as quickly, pants making it easier for her to keep up with him. "That sounds like a good idea!" She stopped, almost running into her lover, but falling on her rear instead. "I'm hungry too. I swear, I've been studying so much I've had to skip meals." She watched him leap over the railing, then did the same, landing swiftly and gracefully, giving him a triumphant grin. "Ha! You can't get rid of me that easily!"

What part of allergies do you get?

I just get sinus pressure, dark under-eyes and my left eye for some reason creates a lot of mucus.

Icky, I know.

Gale nodded approvingly at Marie's agility. "I have to say, you are in better shape than most of the young men I know. You're even healthier than my one friend who can lift three times his body weight. Impressive." He reached his hand out to her once more. "Shall we do this together than? With us combined, we might make it to the restaurant faster. It's called the Rose Shop, as lame as it is. They picked a distinctly non-Japanese name and I for one don't approve. Where's the exotic touch?"

It usually happens around cats that shed a lot.

My eyes get really itchy and watery. That's the most that happens, usually. it sucks.

Marie grinned and took his hand, squeezing it gently. "Thank you, Gale," she said softly, nodding in agreement. "Yes, let's do this together! I think the rose shop is a lovely name, although maybe they could try and translate it into Japanese. It would make more sense that way, I agree." She started running, pulling him along and giggling. "I can't wait to see Scotty! it's been so long since I've seen him!"

Awwww, but fluffy cats are so cute. D:

Gale nodded in agreement, but then shook his head. "I wonder how he even helps with such a restaurant- as far as I know, Scott is only gifted at cooking potato soup. He's a picky eater, too. I don't recall him ever being fond of fish. He does enjoy pasta though, so perhaps he is a fan of the noodles? It could be." He shrugged, ever the expressive one through body language, and then kissed Marie's hand. He started to whisper the words to the spell, eyes closing for concentration. He gave Marie's hand a squeeze as a way to tell her to join in on the chanting.

I know! I love cats!! D:

Marie began to chant with him, feeling her magic course through her body. She closed her eyes so she could focus better, and felt something like heat flowing in her veins. Casting spells had always been a powerful experience before, because her powers were extremely strong. She squeezed Gale's hand softly, glad that she wasn't casting the spell by herself. She chanted a little bit louder, trying to make sure that she was adding to the spell.

My cat looks like a fat Russian mob boss, just sayin'. He's half Russian Blue, has white feet that look like shoes, and his whole body resembles a gray tuxedo. Freaking fat and chubby and adorable yet smelly Lucky.

Scott nodded in a approval once more, glad to hear her skills with magic were growing more. When he opened his eyes again, they were standing in the middle of the sidewalk in front of a brightly lit, yet softly decorated building with a sign reading the name of the restaurant. He looked at Marie before leading her indoors. The ceiling was surprisingly high for such a small looking building, and there were absolutely no chairs in the entire establishment. This perplexed Gale greatly, but he decided not to comment. All around were people sitting upon mats as various waiters and waitresses, all dressed in foreign clothing, moved about and placed food on the table. The inside was much bigger and was filled with a ton of people. There wasn't a wait though, and that was certainly a good thing. Gale looked at Marie once more. "He's on shift, but I don't see him."

Awwww!!! He sounds adorable!

"Wow," Marie breathed, captivated by the foreign atmosphere. "This is a lovely place! I adore it!" She waited to be seated, scanning for Scotty amongst the workers. "Maybe he's in the kitchen," she said, trying to rationalize. "I'm sure he's here somewhere." She kept looking anyway, trying not to make anything of it. "What do you think of this place, Gale?"

"It's really attractive. I don't think I've ever seen a place like this before in my entire life. I was never much of a restaurant person, either. I'm more of a family dinner, home-cooked kind of guy, you know? But I can appreciate this place because something smells absolutely delightful." Gale sniffed the air for a moment, nodded, and then moved to get a table of two for them. "I think we sit ourselves down. Yeah, looks that way."

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