Moonlight War


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"I agree," she said, moving to sit across from him, a slight smile on her face. "I'm also more of a home cooked meal type of person. I love to cook. Maybe sometime I'll cook a big meal for you, if you'd like that. I can make amazing chicken and dumplings. And I'm an expert at cooking chocolate cake."

Gale leaned his back up against the wall and closed his eyes for a moment. "You should totally cook for me at some point them. Man, my mouth is watering already." He opened an eye as he heard footsteps approaching them and quickly sat up as their waitress smiled at them both. She was a petite young girl who was only slightly older than both of them. "Hello." Gale greeted, returning the woman's smile. He looked at Marie next, raising his eyebrows.

"Hello," Marie said cheerfully, returning the smile with one of her own. "This place is lovely! Also, may I have a menu? I've never been here before, and I don't have any idea of what I should order." She looked at Gale and smiled ever so slightly at him, somewhat confused as to why he was raising his eyebrows.

Gale just smirked at Marie, trying to confuse her on purpose. He looked at the waitress again, "yes, may we see the menu please?" The young girl nodded to him and handed them both each a menu. "Would you guys like to start out with a drink first?" "Just a glass of water for me. Marie, what do you want to drink?" He didn't make eye contact with her because he was too busy trying to pronounce certain food names inside of his mind, his face twisting along with the menu in his hands.

Marie shook her head slightly, a smirk on her face when she realized what Gale was doing. She said to the waitress, "I think I would like a glass of water, if you don't mind." She then started to look at the menu, furrowing her eyebrows at the names of the dishes that could be ordered. Everything looked so good, but she had no idea at all what to choose.


Gale sighed and put his face in his hands. "I would so die if we ever left the country. The names are so complicated!" He shook his head and then pointed to a specific dish name. "Can I get that please? Also, could I get-" He was cut off by the sound of applause and someone's voice on a microphone. He blinked and then looked up towards a stage he hadn't noticed before- when did that get there? The curtain was rising up and there stood a woman in a kimono with a powdery face and- wait, that wasn't a woman... Gale's jaw dropped and he jabbed Maria in the side. "Maria, that's... That's... What the hell is Scott doing up there?!" He tried his best to ignore the various men in the room making cat calls, but this was just too embarrassing. He practically died when Scott began to sing in a high pitched voice in a language he didn't understand and dear god, the twirling of that paper looking umbrella was just too much. Gale hid his face in his hands and sunk backwards into his seat. "Kill me."


Marie giggled and said, "That's why I would accompany you, darling. Besides, it's never fun traveling alone!" She ordered fried kalamari and steamed rice, as well as a side bowl of miso soup. Everything sounded delicious, but she had to make a definitive choice. Then she looked over to the stage, clapping her hands with delight. "I do love a good-- Owch! Gale, what was--" Wait, that was Scotty on stage? Their Scotty? She peered at the woman with an intense gaze, then gasped. "Oh my goodness! It IS him! I can't believe it!" She gave Gale a look of impish delight when he hid down in his chair. he rarely ever acted that way, so she would have to savor this moment. "I think it's darling," she said, giggling.

You're never here when I sign in D:

"Scott? Who's Scott? Brother? I HAVE NO BROTHER." He dared to peek through his fingers for a moment but at this moment there were fake snowflakes falling from up above and the lights were bright as Scott began to really belt out whatever it was that he was singing. "I have entered the twilight zone, Marie. This... This..." He groaned and hid his face against the table. "You hear that? Men are whistling at my younger brother. It disturbs me, and its not even the fact that Scott might be gay or something. Men are whistling at my brother." Gale lifted his head up and his cheeks were stained bright pink. "This must be why he never told us. Oh god, how long has he been here?! He's been growing his hair out for months... Months, I tell you!"

Aw shucks! D:

Marie had to laugh out loud when Gale's reaction became more and more mortified. She really couldn't help it; he had NEVER been that embarrassed before, at least, not in front of her. "Maybe we should go somewhere else?" She asked after stopping her giggles. "If it bothers you that much, I don't mind going. It is weird, I will agree. And it's weird that men are whistling at your brother. I don't think they know about the surprise under his kimono."

How have you been?

Gale inhaled and held his breath on a count of ten and his face lost all of its redness. "No, we already ordered our food. Oh dear god he just winked at that tall guy in the military uniform. Please tell me he's not being a floozy or comfort shemale thing for the army. Oh dear god... So many of them are applauding and now they are freaking throwing flowers. This is strange, but maybe it'll be over soon..." Gale shook his head and sighed as more men in military clothing joined the other near the front of the stage. The instrumentals to the song were ending and Scott got down on his knees and stroked the hair of the guy he winked at. "Do you see this? He rolled his eyes. "No little brother... I mean no... D*mn, whatever. Still, he should have more class than this."

I've been pretty good =)

Marie stared in shock at Scott's flirting, finding it somewhat... inappropriate, having been sent to a prestigious boarding school and finishing ladies program. "Well, i can't help but agree with you there. This is beneath him. He could do better than rapscallions who have to seek companions in restaurants and drag shows. Besides, they don't know Scott isn't a girl. They would probably treat him harshly if they knew. he deserves better than that."

I like how your avatar is from Rocky Horror Picture Show. I remember when I first watched that movie... One could not describe my confusion. But its so epic ♥

Gale let out a sigh of relief. "I don't think he's that low- look, he's rolling his eyes if you look at him up close." Scott got off of his knees and brushed off the kimono before giving the crowd a warm smile and then walking away with a blank expression. "I don't think he enjoys this like that- I know that look anywhere. He probably only did that for the attention, I can tell when Scott is annoyed and is doing something for approval. Thank god I know him that much, but this is really a major surprise. Should we try talking to him?" Gale looked back at Marie now and reached for her hand and kissed it since he felt bad for the lack of affection he was showing her so far. "I wonder what mom and dad would say about this. Why would he be dressing in drag like that anyway?"

I'm in a musical theater production of Rocky Horror~ I'm the understudy for Janet, but Frank is my fave!!! <3

"Oh, that's a relief. But I don't know why he's doing this. Maybe he is considering becoming transgender? I have no idea. I think it would be a good idea if we spoke to him. I haven't seen him since I left the co-ed school to be in the girl's portion of the school. It's been years now." She squeezed Gale's hand and smiled at him, then leaned over the table to give him a kiss. "Je t'adore," she murmured, beaming at him before leaning back and sitting in her seat once more. "I can't imagine what your father would say. Perhaps your mother would be more forgiving."

Whats the understudy mean?

"He honestly doesn't seem too effeminate. He still acts masculine most of the time. I doubt he wants to be transgender- this looks more like a sideline thing. For some reason I feel like something is wrong. And wow, that soldier is trying to get backstage to talk to him. Not a bad looking guy, but I don't know if Scott even swings that way. And if he finds out he's a dude I will have to fight. It has been a little bit since I last bloodied my knuckles, but I avoid confrontation for you, my love. You know, I've never really told you that much about where my family comes from. We need to sit this down- and my dad is kind of harmless, I doubt he'd be violent if he found out about Scott. But he would be upset. Mom, however would be in her glory, now that I consider it. She always wanted a daughter and Scott does look pretty... I think I vomited in my mouth for saying that." Gale made a pained expression before hastily taking a sip of water. "No more kisses for now unless you want to be grossed out."

It means that I learn Janet's part just in case the girl who plays Janet can't be in the show or at rehearsal.

Marie observed the occurrence thoughtfully, chewing on the end of one of her chopsticks. Gale was right; something was very wrong. But what could it be? She listened to Gale when he talked about the family, then laughed when he indicated he had puked in his mouth. "Oh Gale, you're overreacting to all of this. I'm sure there's a logical explanation to it. Besides, it's not bad that Scott is a pretty young man. In fact, I think it's a charming look for him." She smiled, then drank from her cup of tea daintily.

I'm so fail when it comes to theatre terms :3

"Guys don't call other guys cute. Especially when its family who are above the age of 10, Marie. And my, this guy is really trying hard to get backstage." Gale watched with amusement and worry as he began collecting flowers off of the ground to form some kind of bouquet and talked to someone blocking his path. "He looks awfully polite though- I trust him to not be some kind of rapist. But wow is he persistent. This is actually kind of funny to watch." The tall man was looking over the shorter woman's shoulder to try and catch a glimpse of Scott and started waving happily. "Looks like he sees him, hah. Look at the way he's grinning!"

Haha, no worries.

Marie scoffed and said, "Gender means nothing! We're all people, and we're all inherently the same." Marie turned her attention back to the soldier trying to get backstage, and gave a soft sigh. "Poor fellow. He's completely clueless about Scott's real identity. He looks head over heels!" She looked back at Gale and said, "I think it's tragic, actually. He thinks he has a chance with Scott, the poor dear. Scott's not even interested in him, you could see it in his eyes!"

Watch that and your life will forever be complete.

Gale blinked when Scott turned away. "D'awww, poor guy. I feel bad and kind of want to introduce them now. Want to see if we could get backstage? I think Scott looked over here a few times." Gale took a much calmer sip of water and watched as the soldier's grin faded. "Yikes, that was harsh. The guy looks like he's a foot shorter with his shoulders all droopy like that. I say we go talk and maybe it'll keep us entertained for a while- it doesn't look like we'll get our food any time soon."


"Yes, I would very much like to go backstage to see him! Especially to ask why he's here and what is going on in his life besides this." She took another sip of tea and then reach out to pat Gale's hand gently. "But remember, we need to be sensitive about this topic, until we know that something we say won't upset him. I'm sure he's just as surprised to see us as we are to see him. but this makes me wonder... are all the girls that work here actually boys?"

I want someone to draw a picture of Spain doing this since this guy is Spanish even if he's kind of bad at speaking it. Oh my god I watch this video once a day, sometimes more.

"Don't worry, I may be iffy about this but I still love Scott. I'm curious though but I'll be plenty sensitive." Gale looked around at every female working here and raised an eyebrow. "If not, they are pretty convincing looking. Come, let's go." He stood up and took Marie's hand in his. "Let a gentleman help you out of your seat, miss." He smirked at her before heaving her up off of the floor. "So how do we get in? Do we tell them we know the truth or just say Scott is my family?" Gale watched as Scott walked back out in a different kimono and his hair tied in a high pony tail, and now Gale chuckled when the soldier managed to get around the girl blocking him and handed Scott the bouquet of flowers in a hyper manner. Now that he looked more at the soldier he almost looked foreign. "How often do we see blonde people around these parts? And his hair is pretty long for a man in the military... Now that I look at him, his uniform is kind of different."

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