Moonlight War


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Hige sighed, his eyes were filled with surprise, but then they filled with gentalness. "...I...I do to..." He whispered. "...I do to..."

Axie beat the crap out of the humans on their half of the city.

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Jordan closed her eyes and rested for while. Atleast until something hit her.. Another bullet. She yelped in pain. Hidden gunmen... Wonderful.. she thought through wincing.

Hige shot up, his leg buckled. He fell back down painfully, then stood with no support, but it hurt like hell and he was a bit slouched. "...COWARD! COME OUT AND FIGHT" He yelled horsly, standing in front of Jordan.

Axie stabbed one and threw him, then turned and smacked into Sora. "...GAH! Sorry..." She murmured and continued fighting.

Sora: It's fine... *throws a human... and does a wrestling m,ove that kills him*

Willard: *still shredding and drank more blood* GROSS.......

Sorrow: *stabbing humans*

Jordan stood with extreme difficulty, then stood beside Hige. "Hige!" She yelled as more shots fired.

oh....this can get very interesting...

Hige glanced for the hidden gunman. Anywhere. "...COMON!" He yelled as a bullet grazed his shoulder. He winced and stood his ground.

Axie faught, throwing one human into another.

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Jordan looked around, anywhere, everywhere, and heard a bullet shoot only inches from her head.

Axie ended up fighting back to back with Willard. "....Eh, I wouldnt say its boring anymore, would you?" She said, throwing a human a good 10 meters.

Hige put his hand on jordans shoulder for a second, then turned into a wolf and went in the direction of the bullets.

Jordan coudln't believe it for a moment, as the gunmen now turned their attention to Hige. "HIGE!" She screamed, but could now do nothing.

Hige ran in a limp, zig-zag pattern. He lept at the gunman, faltering a bit but still strong, rage in his eyes, fangs barred, fur britling....

Axie smiled and slaughtered the humans like the fire burns the trees.

Gunfire exploded from.. Everywhere. Bullets grazed her shoulder, but there was nowhere to take cover. All she could do was watch Hige in fear.

Hige tacckled the gunman, his fangs sunk in his neck. The gunman fired random shots at the air, baut already with was too late. Then the fire turned on he and Jordan. "Aw ****" He mumbled, then was caught up in the battle. But the gunman had made a mark; Higes ear was bloody, but it was nothing major. He was mainy concerned about Jordan.

Axie shoved one up agenst a wall and finnished him off, then turned and killed two more.

Jordan was shot in the stomach. At their advantage, the other gunmen opened fire. Jordan was on her knees, her hands covering her head.. As if it would do anything to protect her.. She was losing a lot of blood now. She was very pale.

Hige glanced at Jordan for a second. Then fury rose in his chest. Everything from then on seemed to be in slow motion.

He jumped at the first gunman, ripping him limb from limb. But there wasn't time for this. Jordan needed help then, and if she didn't get it....he didn't want to think about it. He ran throught the gunfire to her, the bullets grazing him. He stood in front of her, letting the bulles hit him as a shield. He would let no harm come to Jordan as long as he lived....

The blood splattered. the body fell. higeclosed his eyes. and then scilence was all that was heard to him.

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