Moonlight War


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Miranda wandered into the heart of the rapids, deciding to buy some food and drinks for her and Nick to share at the inn. Once she had purchased them, she walked to the inn to wait for Nick to show up. It was painful to think of parting, and although she was too proud to openly admit it, she had strong feelings for Nick. She didn't know if it was love, but she wanted to find out, and give it a chance. Resting her hands on her lap, she sat down on a bench outside the inn, patiently waiting.

... I don't even know who you two are discussing...

And TurboTama is a Castlevania fan from what I see >:]

... Yes.

Isaac look pleased with Dani's words and even more so with the affection. Especially because his collarbone was his weak spot. He let out a small gasp, his cheeks pink. "Thanks, Dani~"

"Read this spell. Just read it." Gorv held the book up, pointing to a specific passage.

Nick had taken a while to show up- longer, even, then the hour they had allowed- but eventually returned, a jacket lighter and with a lightly peeved expression on his face. However, when his eyes fell on Miranda, his expression softened considerably- enough, even, to see from a distance. He walked up and put out a hand to her, smiling comfortingly. "I've gotten us a room, sweetheart- lets get out of the street, hmm?"

"Thank you." He whispered in reply, eyes closing. "I love you, thank you..."

Miranda, upon seeing Nick, held the bag of groceries in one hand and jumped to her feet, then jogged forward to meet him. When she examined the expression on Nick's face, she gave a soft sigh, then noticed the change of Nick's apparel. "Someone bartered for your jacket? Or did they steal it?" Miranda asked, taking Nick's hand and walking into the inn. Of course, she knew enough about cities and towns to know that many things didn't come cheap, and you could easily lose everything you own for a commodity. The war made things scarce, that was for sure.

Vriska nodded and glanced at the words on the page quickly, before starting to recite the spell. She opened her mouth and spoke, her voice taking on an eerie, almost hollow quality. It almost reverberated, like a gong or a bell in a cathedral. As she chanted, her form seemed to become more and more solid, until she was finally in a regularized form. "Wonderful," she breathed, examining herself in a mirror.

"I think I know." Dani whispered, his breath ghosting over Isaac's skin, his chest, and then Dani was out like a light, blue eyes trapped behind feminine lids for the remainder of the night.

Willard hand not been asleep for long when Axie heard the shuffling again, and then a loud knock upstairs, as if someone was trying to get in. Vaguely, she wondered if it was the patrol or security or whatever this place had as a form of deterrent (Soldiers, maybe) and then experienced a moment of brief anxiety, wondering if there 'rescue' would come too little too late. Maybe the entire conspiracy had been found out. Her fear were not fully banished when Vin apparently answered the door, only to curse and mutter aloud as if this was an unexpected visit, but somehow the informality of the greeting settled her nerves.

But the way the conversation carried on, with Vins flamboyant and angry tone and the hushed but dry tone (all muffled, of course, but the thickness of the cement above them) was enough to warrant curiosity, and Axie carefully set Willard aside to try and get a glimpse of what was going on.

"Bartering." He said,and not without some distracted look on his face, but tone of voice was light. "I needed some cash, you know? When they beat me on the side of the rode, I lost pretty much everything. They left me with," He lifted up his free hand and made a ziro with his thumb and fore finger, "Ziltch. Jack-sh*t nothing. I got money to pay for the inn, though, and a little extra by pawning off some other trinkets I had on me."

Miranda said, "Well, some people are beyond desperate, which is sad, but an unfortunate part of life." She squeezed nick's hand, then went to their room, opening the door slowly. It wasn't anything fancy-- in fact, it was pretty decrepit and dank. But it was better than the factory, and it was much better than the streets. Besides, there was a stove and no holes in the ceiling. So Miranda was content with the room, and smiled slightly as she knelt down and tended the stove. "Now, if you would, sit down and relax, it's probably what you need best."

Willard awoke when he felt his wife shifting him in his sleep, and he was about to lean up to kiss her good morning when he noticed the serious look on her face. He blinked, confused at first, but then he noticed Vinn speaking. He sat up quietly, an arm around Axie to help him get up. His back cracked loudly in the process from the uncomfortable position his body was moving in, but he payed no mind to his back right now. Willard was too interested in what exactly was going, unaware of the possibility that the rescue plan may have been discovered. Yawning, he looked Axie, wondering what was wrong. The Italian was always slow when he first woke up.

... I ignored you, BG D:

Forgive meeeee!

Gorv looked pleased. "You had enough ability to actually make this spell work- congradulations. You could've had what it takes to cast spells!" He gave her a friendly smiling, patting her on the shoulder with a dinner plate sized hand. "Hmmn... I've never felt another ghost before. It's weird to be so cold, yeah? But as long as we are solid, I suppose it is fine then."

"Probably." Nick murmured, quietly, but he opted instead to watch Miranda tend to the temporary household, his green eyes following the quick and knowing movements of her hands, though even in housework her movements were sluggish and habit could not hide exhaustion. He weighed his options and decided that anything was possible. "I think rest is probably what you need, too." He murmured, finally sitting on the edge of the bed and kicking off his boots. "More then me, at least. You should get the bed."

Axie, despite the situation, managed to shoot his some resemblance of a smile before putting a hand to his mouth to keep him from speaking. She slowly moved to the other side of the cage and began to push the door open, aware that any crack or creak could give her away should the soldiers be listening hard enough. The lab they occupied was not large by any means, but had a tendency to echo regardless. Finally, with the door ajar and the 'children' undisturbed, she made her way to the ladder, gazing up at the hatch. It posed a large obstruction between her and her goals, and she was at a loss of what to do.

Willard's eyes narrowed as he watched his wife leave the cage with the skill of some type of ninja or something. He didn't exactly care enough to think deeper into his comparisons, now too curious at what Axie was planning. He was still half asleep, but he was atleast able to grasp that she had something up her sleeve. Sure, Willard wasn't exactly known for being too great at reading the atmosphere, but he was capable enough to notice suttle changes in the mood. Axie? What's going on? He hoped he wasn't so sleepy that he was failing at trying to get into Axie's mind to communicate.

Axie shrugged as a response, trying to pick out words from the muffled argument that seemed to be taking place upstairs, and with little success. It seemed like whoever was up there- a group, maybe- was not winning over any of Vinns favor, which could be pretty bad for their little group. Eventually she lost patience in waiting around though, and made for the latter (regardless of whatever noises it would make in her ascent), only to have the hatch open itself. She froze, but relaxed slightly as a very disgruntled, red-faced Vinn stuck his face through the hole, his ever-present frown scoured deep into his face. Behind him stood some sort of figure, tall but otherwise indistinguishable from this point of view. "Well- Oh, you. Axie. Get your husband and your kids and whatever, your ride is here."

Willard was watching Axie now, suddenly concerned. He was about to go after her, but then he looked at Catalin and Avar. He decided against leaving, figuring Axie would be fine. She was within his range of vision as well. He tried listening to what was going, but he couldn't exactly make out words. Maybe some argument? Ah, there was Vinn's voice. The vampire could easilly recognize Vinn's angry voice anywhere, seeing as a youth he often caused the older man trouble. But now wasn't the time to make humor out of this, so he stopped thinking of past memories, trying to listen in more.

Axie paused at what Vinn had just told her and then, slowly replied, as if the words themselves could make or break the plan or the situation that the group had found themselves in. "Were leaving."

Vinn was not amused by the delay, however, and his irritation (seemingly from his previous encounter) only seemed to steadily increase as the moments ticked past. "Yes, yes, now hurry up before I decide I would rather keep you here!"

Willard shot up, not liking the tone in Vinn's voice. Did they get figured out? "Oh no... No no no!" He started panicking, and shook Catalin's shoulder's, and then Avar. "Wake up, wake up, wake up!" His voice came out sounding whining, but he didn't care. He peered into the darkness around him, eyes shifting back and forth nervously. He ran his fingers through his knotted hair, unsure of what to do. A lump was forming in his throat, wondering why the hell Axie wasn't back with them yet. "Wake up!" This time he almost yelled- he couldn't tell if he did, for all he could hear was his heart thumping violently in his ears.

Marie was now being escorted to school by a military officer, due to the fact that the war had spread to the country of Alvance, where Marie was currently living. At random, a bomb would be dropped in the downtown area, and nobody knew if the academy would be blown up or not. So the school was taking as many precautions as possible. Marie found the idea absurd, and was glad she would be graduating soon, and would be able to move back to the forest lands with her family.

Gale had been following Marie and the military officer in the shadows, eyes never leaving them. He had been extremely cautious as well lately, not exactly enjoying the idea of his love going to a school in the middle of a bombing area. There was no way he would ever let her go while she wore that ring upon her finger, the young man had decided. He could only wait till after the officer had gone away before approaching Marie. Why? He had never exactly told her, and didn't plan on it until he was ready to tell her.

Marie could sense Gale nearby, ever conscious of his presence. Not that she minded, really. He made her feel safer, and his aura was more reassuring than that of the officer who walked her to school every day. She eyed the delicate ring on her finger and smiled, before dismissing the guard at the school doors. Then, she snuck around to the lawn portion of the campus, and sat on a bench underneath a tree, waiting for Gale to come speak with her. Sometimes, she heard the roaring of a plane or an airship up above, and it caused her to pale, panic evident in her eyes.

As soon as the gaurd of sorts vanished in the distance, Gale made his move. He jogged over to his beloved beneath the tree, not hesitating to pull her into his arms. "How much longer is it till you no longer have to be in such a vulnerable place?" He whispered, green eyes closing at the sound of the air ships above. "The hut is safer than anywhere else I know, and the sooner you are out of harm's way, the sooner I will be able to sleep again." To prove this point he pulled away and pointed to the dark circles forming against his typically pale skin. He furrowed his eyebrows as he studied the look of worry on Marie's face. "I'm so sorry we have to live like this." He stroked her cheek.

Up in the clock tower, Gorv was watching the young couple embrace beneath the aged tree. "That tree has been there since this school was built." He closed the forgotten spellbook he held in his hands, looking at Vriska now from the corner of his eyes. "Remember what it felt like to finally fall victim to your mortality? I know I remember mine, you see. I remember my life flashing before my eyes as I fell from that window." He pointed to the grand stained glass one that decorated the front of the academy. "I never told you how I died, did I. I was murdered by someone. Who? I do not know. They shoved me through the glass and I fell, and died the instant I hit the ground. My body was a horrible mangled mess, and watching my son cry over it during my own funeral was absolutely awful. He doesn't even know that I'm here anymore. He was never good with the supernatural- always the textbook kind of person."

"Oh darling," Marie breathed, giving him a quick, torrid kiss. "Oh love... only a few more weeks now... And soon I will be free to return to the hut, far away from all this warfare, this... madness!" She felt grieved when she saw the worn look on Gale's face. "I promise you, i will do my best to return to you as soon as I can..." She looked at him a while longer, then murmured, "Your thoughts betray you. What is it you have to tell me?" His aura seemed.... off, for some reason. She felt wary just thinking about it.

"I... I do not remember mine so clearly. You see, mine was not a painful or out of the ordinary death. It was peaceful, and because I was a medium, I was quite ready to embrace this world of the beyond. I still have some unfinished business left to attend to, but that is a concern of my own, and I do not wish to tell you about it." She smiled at Gorv sadly, then watched the couple embracing. "So young... and to be faced with such trials. How can the world endure it? How can people remain ignorant to the destruction?"

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