My New V.3!


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Well-known member
Jul 26, 2005
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9:16 a.m

Hello everyone!

I just got a new V.3 thanks to my wonderful daddy! He surprised me by putting it in the mailbox, and then asking me to check the mail. I love very much I've been wanting a V.3 for months now! It's the pink one with the ice creams on it. Tamagotchis are so popular here in my town, that they arn't in stock anywhere. My dad ran all over town looking for them, and finally found them at Target. So now, here I am posting to you in my log. :(

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9:18 a.m

Chio is a teenager right now, has evolved two times already, and is 1 year old. She is turning 2 today. She is currently sleeping.

All of her meters are full. She weighs 17 pounds right now.

I will get back to you later.

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6:06 p.m

Chio is playing happily now. She is excited because I took her to tamatown to go to the mall, then the arcade, and then we went to visit the king. I had to work my butt off to get 5000 points. I played get the most. It gives you a lot more points than the other games that I have so far.

Well, I'll let you know about her progress soon!

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1:50 p.m

Hello everyone. I've been busy lately so I haven't been able to post in my log. Well Chio died a few days ago. She fell down the side of my couch and when I found her, she was dead. I have now reset it, and I now have a teenage boy named Rosta. He weighs 17 pounds, and is dancing around. He has a girlfriend too. Her name is Dazy. Her owner is my neighbor, Jessica. They are going to have a baby once they turn adults. He gets to see her everyday.

Well I'll get back to later.

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9:48 p.m

Rosta is now sleeping. He played for a few hours with Dazy. I'm hoping that he evolves tommarow so I can use the love potion on him. He needs to have that baby with his Dazy.

I'll post more tommarow! Goodnight.

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9:33 a.m

Good morning!

Rosta is still sleeping. He should be waking up in about thirty minutes. I'm watching him all throught the day, and feeding, and playing with him so he can evolve into a good character. I'm hoping that he will get to see Dazy today also. He really likes her. He gave her a ball, a bow tie, a pencil, lots of flowers, a heart, and cake. (He would have given her better stuff if her's wasen't a version one.) But he only has four smilie faces so far, but that will change once he evoloves. Which will hopefully be today.

I will accept any replys, questions or comments from anyone. I would prefer you to PM me so the flow of my intries can keep going, but if you want to post it here, that's fine.

I will write more soon!


10:02 a.m

Well, guess who's awake?

Rosta is playing happily. He isn't hungry and is happy, so nothing is wrong yet. I really hope he gets a nice, cute character. He's that black, weed-looking tama. I don't like the way he looks, but I still love em! They grow up so fast. I can just remember when he was that little black ball with his cute little hat on. Now he's all grown up with a girlfriend, and he's going to have kids of his own. LOL. I'm just glad that I'll be able to visit him in tama twon when he is gone. I'll miss him, but I will always have a part of him here with me. Rosta is turning four today. I bet he is happy about that.

I just found out what he likes.

He likes: French Fries

He hates: Sundaes

I fed him a Sundae yesturday, and he was really mad at me. I didn't know! Well at least until I looked at -Ra-'s likes and Dislikes list.

I'll write back soon!


12:15 p.m

I'm getting very impatient. He still hasen't evolved. I hope he does it soon. I have to watch him every second!

I'll write more later.


9:30 a.m

Rosta is sleeping right now. I had to get up early because I have an orthodonist oppointment today. Anyway, he still hasen't evolved. I guess it was because he actually turned three yesturday, and is turning four today. His screen said he was three, last night, and it says that he is four this morning so I guess he is actually evolving today. I'll just have to keep my fingers crossed.




ROSTA JUST EVOLVED! HE IS A... HANATCHI! Is that big thing his nose? Lol.

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1:35 p.m

I am watching Rosta a lot now. He hasen't gotten to see Dazy in two days now. I can't take him now because it is raining outside. *sigh* I realy want him to have a baby with Dazy. He is only the first genereation. Don't get me wrong, I'm not wanting him to go away, I just want him to have that baby. Dazy, and Rosta are planning their "wedding" right now, then after Dazy has her baby(s), her, and Rosta will go back to tama-planet. Then we can continue the generations.

More updates comming soon!

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5:12 p.m

Great news!

Rosta and Daisy are now partners! Daisy is pregnat now with the baby(s). Both Jessica and I are excited.

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10:11 p.m

Rosta, Daisy, Jessica and I are all very anxious about the arival of the little ones. Rosta has had a big day. I gave him a bath, and then he went to sleep. He has another big day tomarow too. Daisy is expected to have the babys tomarow or the day after. I am so excited! Is it going to be a boy or a girl? Keep your fingers crossed!

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11:19 a.m

Wish me luck guys. I'm going over to Jessica and Daisy's hosue right now to see if she has the baby. I'll fill you in once I get back.

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It's a girl, and another girl!!

Rosta is now the father of a healthy baby girl, Claire, and another baby girl, Daisy, named after her mother. I am so happy! So is Jessica. Rosta, and Daisy should be leaving tonight, or tommarow night. We're off to celebrate!


9:43 p.m

Claire's first day has been great. She is now sleeping with her dad. I hope he stays for one more day. She needs to bond with him. Claire is so cute!! Is that a hat on her head, or ears? I don't know. I think that I might name her something else besides Claire. I'll post a poll about it in What's On Your Mind, so go check it out and vote. I'll let the people decide! (Mabye. ^.^)

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Rosta is set to leave tonight with Daisy. I am getting ready to start taking care of Clare. I'm sticking with that name. It has stuck to her. I can't change it. ^.^'


9:25 p.m

Rosta and Daisy are going to be leaving in a few hours. I will miss him. He was my first tamagotchi in my V.3. And now, he had his first baby. I'm excited that I'm going to be taking care of Claire. The only thing bad about when their babys, is that they're so needy. But I guess that's how all babys are. ^.^'


10:18 a.m

Rosta left last night everyone. He is now on tamaplanet. I miss him, but Clair is here with me. I'm probably going to go to Jessica's house to see if Daisy left, and to see if the other little one is doing okay. Well, I'd better get back to Clair. She is taking a nap right now, but she should be waking up soon.

I'll write back soon!
