My New V3!


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Well-known member
May 22, 2005
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Pittsburgh, PA

March 5th

I actually dont have a V3 yet, but I plan on getting one soon. It sounds like such a cool toy, and I just cant wait! Patience makes everything sweeter! So... this waiting is gonna turn out to be a good thing, in the end. *sits down and waits*

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March 5

I finaly got my hands on a V3. Besides its extremely femanin color( -Top Left), Its perfect!

I called Wal-Mart and they said they had 1 tama left. Me and my mom went down there right away. I was shocked that it lasted on the shelf so long.

The lady on the phone said it was green. I figured it was gonna be perfect- When I seen it, it had the flower pattern on it. I was kinda PO... but it was a V3 and I HAD to have it. I went and bought it. My mom said I could get another if they get any boy-ish colors.

Baby Astro was born a few minutes ago. He's so k00t with his little hat thing. The first thing I had to do was feed the little guy. I believe I fed him some cereal, some Sushi, and something else. I forgot what it was. XD Right after eating, we had to work off some of those extra lbs. So, we went to play that musical note game. Its really fun.^^ So far, my high score is 44. I wonder if I can beat it.

Astro just pooed. *cleans up*

Wow... now he's sick! *gives medicine*

He's so k00t. I wubs him so much, I'm starting to forget about the girly shell. It's whats on the inside that matters. Lol.

*goes off to play games*


*New High Score!*

72 Notes


*New High Score!*

84 Notes

I wonder if I can get 100.


*New High Score*

88 Notes

I lost at 88 due to a stupid mistake. XD


I made it to 100 Notes!!! I will now die happy.


Astro is taking a little nap. He looks so adorable while he sleeps.


After getting 100 once again on the note catching game, Astro called. He was sad. I wonder why... I praised him, and gave him an icecream cone. He seems to be feeling much better now.

We now have 1 training bar!


The shop has a sale going on! Everything is half off. The cool robot type thing, which was just 1400, is only 700. I have to hurry and get a few more points!


Yes! Due to playing the music game so darn much, I managed to get enough points. My first item! A robot action figure! *goes to giv to Astro*

He loves it!

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Whoa! Astro just grew into a child! Astro is now a Tamatchi! How k00t.

*goes to try out new game*


Well, I have school tomorrow, so I must go te bed early. *Turns out lights*

G'night Astro.

I can't wait to see what happends tomorrow!


March 6

I took Astro to school, today. I was bored in my 1st period class, so I took him out and began playing Bump. Weighing at 13lbs, he made it al the way to level 7. I was extremely surprised. The coolest thing is, we got 1200 points from just playing it that 1 time! Astro is a Bump Guru!

In 3rd period, I pulled out Astro and noticed that he had the little attention icon lit. I didn't hear him call because I had the sound off. I checked his hunger and heart gauges- turned out, he needed nothing. So... I had to give him his first timeout. He looked so sad, so I gave him a corndog treat. He loved it!


Astro just called for no reason again. Uh-oh, he's being a bad boy. XD

*gives time-out*

We now have 3 Training Bars.

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Astro just changed into a Young Memetchi! How cool is that?! I must have taken really good care of him.

Its kind of a bummer, though. I wanted one of the new characters. Oh well, I still wubs him.

*goes off to try new game*

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March 7

Guess what! My mom found a new Tama V3! Its the Blue waves kind. Im so thrilled!!! Dont worry about Astro, though. He's in good custody of my sister, and I will check up on him every now and then.

I am pulling the tab out of my new tama as we speak!

*Sets time and Date*

Its only a matter of time before my new baby tama is born. Hmm... what shall I name him? Maybe it'll be a her! I dont know! Ok, If its a girl, I'll name her- Its hatching! Its a girl!!!!!! I shall name her, Miko. She's so k00t.

*goes to attend the new baby's needs.*

Hey! Why dont I connect with Astro! We can play a a game!

How neat! They played the little flag game together. Little Miko didn't win, but it was fun to connect. I am gonna have so much fun with this new baby Tama.

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Just a few minutes ago, Mika changed into a child. The same as Astro was, when he was a child. I think I'll go try the bump game out.

Oh Yeah! I put the codes into my tama. The RC looks cool, I cant wait until Miko is old enough to okay with it.

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March 8

In about 46 munutes from now, I'll be in 1st period class. I plan on having Miko with me ^^. When she wakes up, she'll be in school with me for the first time.

Seeing as I can't have the sound on, I have to check on her every 10 minutes, to make sure she doesn't need anything. How fun. XD

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Now that school is out, I can finally turn Miko's sound back on.

While at school, I managed to catch her little attention light, twice. The first time, she needed to be praised, and the other, she needed a little Time-Out. She now has 4 Disciplin bars! :wacko:

I also bought a pair of shoes, a shovel, and a CD from the shop. These Sale things are great! I love getting items at a discount. Lol.

She cant play with the shoes yet, but I tried the CD. She just looked at it with a question mark on her head. XD How k00t- Clueless tama.

I am going to use the shovel, now. *dig dig dig* Crap! We got a snake. Oh well, those one-time-use items are fun.

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Whoa! Miko just changed into a teen! She grew into a Patapatchi!(say that 3 times fast) She's very cool looking. Its the first time I've ever had a flying tama.

I quickly began to play flag, and I finished round 9 after about 5 tries. I got 300 Points. ^^

Hmm... Maybe I should post her stats:

Name: Miko

Age: 1

Weight: 22lbs

Training: ||||| (5/9 bars)

Gender: Female

*beep beep*

She just called for attention! She needs to be praised. Poor Miko! *Gives pudding*

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March 9th

I just bought a ball for Miko. She tried to balance on it and fell off. It was kine k00t. Lol.

I also connected with Astro, earlier. Miko won! I was so proud. They had to build a castle out of blocks. Lol. Miko won! Yay!

While is school, I cought Miko with the little attnention light a couple times. I praised her and gave her a time-out when needed. She now has 7 Training bars!

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March 10th

Miko hasn't done much today. The only new thing is, she has all of her training bars full. Yup, all 9! Her weight is kinda getting up there, though. She weighs 31lbs. XD We need to play some games.

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Miko is due to turn into an adult late tonight or early tomorrow! I am so exited! My first adult on the v3! I wonder if Astro has changed into an adult yet... I havn't heard from him in a while. far, little Miko has followed the same path as my g1 Bobby! but now i have his daughter, Clara. Yeah i have to give away poor clara to my firend cos i found the one i wanted so bad on ebay, the sky blue one with circles.


March 11

I was right! Miko turned into a mimitchi earlier! I was so happy. I was hoping for a new character, but I still like Mimitchi. :D I couldn't wait to play with all the things she couldn't play with when she was a teen. The RC car is really cool!

Astro is also an adult. Its one of the best tama's I've seen! I have to look up its name later. Guess what I did! My sister gave Astro the luv potion, and we connected both of our tama. They are in love now! They are so k00t. XD

The snuggle and kiss whenever we connect now. I can't wait until they are old enough to have children!


March 15th

Guess what just happend! The Matchmake has just come! Miko is now the proud mother of a baby girl. I'm going to name the new girl Patch, because my favorite tama is Kutchipatchi and I hope it will turn into one. :D

I was going to have Miko mate with Astro, but the matchmake had already come for him and he has had a baby boy. Infact, the boy is already a toddler. Its a Mizutamatchi. Its very k00t.

XD I feel so left behind.

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March 16th

At about 8:10, I set the time to 12:00am so I can say my goodby to Miko. It was surprisingly sad. :furawatchi:

I then set the sime back to 8:10 and began taking care of Patch. I cant wait to see what Patch will bring. After the first generation, the tamagotchi seems to become a lot more fun.


She justed peeped for attention.


Patch has just changed into a child. It appears to be a Kutchipatchi with no arms or legs... Its so adorable!!!!! Maybe its a sign that I will get Kuchipatchi. :furawatchi:
