My super amazing awesome tama log :P


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Well-known member
Jul 1, 2009
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North Dakota, USA




Ello! I would like to intoduce meself! I am Bella! (not really but come on everyone loves that name!!!) Anywhooziwhatsits, I would like to say thank you for reading me log. I have 3 tamas (used to have 4.... whatever happened to the other one, idk U.U) One is a MUSIC STAR *claps* and the others are 2 v5 *snorez* I am planning on getting another music star *jumps around* I was thinking maybe the one with the microphones on it....? I ALWAYS HAVE TROUBLE DECIDING! WHY NOT GIVE ME ADIVCE?? but the new tama has to wait for 2 weeks (stupid 10 dollar allowence >.<) But I dont have any stats from my other tamas CUZ THE BATTERIES DIED! how inconvinient. BUT I will have new bats. soon *appluse* So read on!



Funky (my music star....): Who turned out the power?!?!?!? :blink:

Me: sorry i dont have bats. for u

Funky: well get some!!!!!!!!!!

Me: OKAY OKAY! (no need to yell)

[SIZE=14pt]Hello agian! [/SIZE]I got some batteries for my tamas! Whoo hoo! Currently, I only have Funky, my music star going... I am too lazy to start the other ones :p Anyways. Funky is a boy if you didnt know. He is a baby... poor lil guy must have been scared with the power out.[SIZE=8pt] and Funky likes me to write in blue... when i am talking about him at least... He has a microphone for an intrusment. He likes to play asian music (rock on lil dude!) and he has the blue shell, with the buildings and the sax, and whatever. I'll post some pics. [/SIZE]This is really off topic, but are the japanese color screen tamas worth buying?! If so, I am gonna get me one of them :p I bet that i will be too impaient thoug... so bear with me. [SIZE=8pt]anyway, i was thinking of maybe getting an origonal 1997 tama.... if they are fun... but hey all the tamas are fun ^-^ [/SIZE]Funky is currently paused..... XD only cuz i wanna spend every moment of his baby years with him (more like baby minutes... :lol: ♥) OH! may i ask all my readers something?? (if i have readers) do you think that pausing tamas is mean?? O.O anywayy.. I have nothing more interesting to say.... :L Oh and readers, does my thing actually have color? cuz when i read it, it doesnt?? thanks!!! :)


Me: Hey Funky wassup

Funky: nothing. I am so bored

Me: then play a game :)

Funky: I sort of need your help to do that

Me: Oh yea.....

Ps is you guys could help me out and explain how to put pics on here, that would be awesome XD

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[SIZE=14pt]GUESS WHAT! *drum roll*....[/SIZE][SIZE=8pt] funky changed into a Toddler :D amazing stuff.[/SIZE] [SIZE=21pt] as i said before , i dont have v5's going, but i think i might start them tonight. thought i would just share that lil bit of newz *ahem* talk later i supose ♥[/SIZE]

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[SIZE=14pt]WONDERFUL NEWZ! *drum roll*... I started my v5's!!!! *appluse*![/SIZE] [SIZE=8pt]anyway, i am excited to have them going. I have the Culen family (hate the stupid 5 letter rule ><) and the swan family.... i wonder what the theme is :D I love twilight.... [/SIZE][SIZE=14pt]Funky: YOU ARE GETTING OFF TOPIC ><[/SIZE]

well nothing more to say laters

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[SIZE=21pt]OMG.[/SIZE]i am so bored. funky is sleepin... so i am bored out of me mind. >< Funky still likes the asian music (rock on) and he has around 75 points in all for my v5's, well i paused them. I think v5's are sort of boring :D I miss the v4's... but i had a bad experience with them. Lessons number one when you just recently got 4 new v4 tamas.[SIZE=21pt]DONT GO DOWN A SLIDE HEAD FIRST WHEN IT HAS A PUDDLE AT THE END[/SIZE] anyway... this is my year aniversory with my green music note v5. Oh yay! I am so happy that i have kept a tamagotchi for more then a few months! ^_^ Im so proud. oh BTW readers, i would love if you PM'ed me you opinion of my log. Thnx! I know i am rambling but i am so bored. i apologize.... how bout i get back onto the topic of tamagotchis? is that better? I would hope so... I might be able to buy a new tama tomorrow if that is interesting to anybody out there. Yes another music star. What can I say? Funky's child needs to have a friend! Yes I decided that I will not open this tamagotchi until Funky leaves his child. Speaking of which.... when does the match maker come? I know i should know this because i have been a tamagotchi enthusist for about... 4 years.. wow that is a loooonnnng time! I have had 1 v2, 2 v3s, 4 v4s, 2 v4.5s, 3 v5s, and one music star. making a total of 13 tamagotchis, and i have only managed to keep 3 of them. I am so ashamed U.U Omg i should stop talking... i havnt shut up for a long time... i have posted like 3 times today >< bad Bella!!!!! Well i will shut up now

[SIZE=14pt]Read on readers! read on! check in tomorrow for a new post :D [/SIZE]

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[SIZE=21pt]OK i lied[/SIZE]Funky is STILL sleeping. Though it is 10:50 pm.... still i wish he didnt have to sleep.... but I don't like to cheat but messing with the clock and whatever. >< OH! On the plus side.... [SIZE=14pt]TOMORROW I GET MY NEW TAMA!!!![/SIZE]amazinggg! i am going to bring Funky to the mall tomorrow. Nice lil family tip :wub: cant wait! I am so glad that i get to spend my 4th of july with funky♥♥♥ He will get to see the pretty colors @.@ (i might have to mess with his clock for that one...) But ok i promise, no more posts today! PROMISE


[SIZE=14pt]Hello!!!![/SIZE]Funky is alive and well. LOL. At the moment he is singing into his mircophone and now he likes Classical Music :D Wonderful! Now he can play Clair De Lune for me! XD Here is a conversation we had when we both woke up this morning:

Funky: OMG OMG OMG! Guess what Mom!

Me:what?! O.O

Funky: I changed my favorite music! Isnt that awesome. AAAANNNND I went to the nanny and played some jump rope with a hot tama girl

Me: Okay, first Funky we girls like to be called beautiful, or pretty, not HOT. Second, thats wonderful! 3rd, dont go to the school without my permission agian or you WILL get grounded

Funky: FINE! I am so glad that I am going to leave you in about 4 days! I HATE YOU! *runs from room and slams random door*

Me: well then!

Last night funky and I watched the movie bride wars. (actually he watched it and i went on the computer...) He is still just a toddler, but I have a feeling he will change today. That would be nice. He has:

Tone: 118


Origonal: 128


i have no idea if that is low for someone his age or not... i hope its an okay amount (at least) I havent had much time yet today to play any games with him. (sorry funky) anyway i hope i can get my new tama today.... so does funky! he wants his child to have a mate :] well nothing else is going on.... l8tr PS. Funky just got 2000p's!!! Go mr.king guy! thats all i wanted to share :p PEACE

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I,Funky, would like to thank the 50 veiwers that we have had. It is so amazingly rewarding to see people like to read about me growing up. Please send up PM's so we can hear your suggestions and your opinions :) love you lots

♥♥♥♥ Funky

we went to the mall! i brought all 3 of them. Funky and i looked at some friends for him, but we didnt buy anything. i think we'll buy a new friend next weekend. ANYWAY. we walked around and funky and i had a good time. i paused the other 2 becuase they are still babies, and they demand too much attention!! Funky was good and didnt cry out to me too much. he was a good quiet lil boy. Oh speaking of which, funky wants to talk to you:

Hi! I decided to make my color green now, if thats cool. The mall was fun. We looked at alot of possible friends for my child, but none of them were good enough. She paused me for lil bit, but not too long. Mommy was very kind and let me look at everything I wanted to look at. It was so FUN! I cant wait to have a child of my own.... it will be so nice to see what it is like for my mom... to know what it is like to care for a child. But that will be a while because i am still a child myself. But soon, probably tomorrow, i will become a teenager. I cant wait becuase then i will be able to start my band. ROCK ON! :mellow: Thanks for reading guys, it means alot to me and my mommy. <_< keep reading!well thank you for that wonderful.. um... speech? I suspect that our readers like hearing from you! Awwww funky is singing now. Oh i forgot to mention that he changed his music agian. he is a rock'n'roll guy now! Whoo hoo! rock on!!!! :p He has around 160 points in all catigories.... and he is still a Kutchitamatchi.... (the lil orange dude that looks like a mini kupitichi!) i love how he walks cuz sometimes he looks like he is going to kiss you!!!! Aww♥♥♥ Anyway, i will write more when something else happens (or when i get bored :p ) Promise to at least write some more tomorrow!!!


Okay techinally it is tomorrow. Anyways, I am so bored I can barley see straight! But I do bare newz of my v5's. Since I had them paused for so long, they were up until a lil before 12 i think... they evolved and then fell asleep (poor lil guys) both of the families on my v5's have 2 sons and 1 daughter. They is sleeping, and since i started to darn v5's i have to get up at 7 to take care of them >< wonderful. Oh and my new music star might have to wait even LONGER then a week. it could be 2! because i dont have enough restraint to not spend money.... *sigh* What a horrible tamagotchi lover i am. Funky cannot talk right now since he's sleeping.... so no interesting talking tama... But he does have his points up in a good range (i think) I decided that Funky's child's name will be MJ becuase of michael jackson. I know this is off topic but i am so sad that he died, so i am dedicating ALL of my tamagotchis after funky to him.... except maybe one or 2 will be named something different... at least one of the tamagotchis i have running will be named MJ. R.I.P. Michael. ANYWAYS (back on topic!) i think funky will evolve tomorrow. I believe he will leave me by.... this coming wensday. I barely get anytime with the lil guy! I hope i get a mimitchi... I LOVE MIMITCHIS! Can i get a mimitchi if i have a boy tama?? I wonder..... WELL ANYWAY! I hope funky changes his music genre to POP cuz you know... MJ. I got like 50 points for the last CD I made... the CD kind of sucked... OH! The king has come twice today.... pretty cool, right? I am so excited to get Funky all married and whatever and be able to start another Generation.... that will be cool. Well I will post more later today... PEACE!!!!

[SIZE=14pt]Good Morning![/SIZE]I woke up at 7 o'clock and to my delight, Funky changed into Kikitchi! He looks like a little monkey with a bandana around his neck. Adorable♥ Here are funky's stats:







Weight:20 lbs (idk if thats fat :) )

Music genre: rock'n'roll

Gotchi points:4200p

year: 1

I think that Funky is doing pretty good. If he evolves monday, then he will have a baby wensday. Right now funky is practicing his wonderful singing. I love how cuuuute he is when he sings :D Hes so adorable! As for the v5's, they are doing good too. As I said, they evolved into toddlers. I didnt have time to give you their stats last night, so here you go....

Shell: Blue v5.5


tama type: mousetchi

Name: Alice

tama type: tororotchi

Name: Emmett

Tama type: Ahirukutchi



family type: blended

Gen: one

Gotchi points: 2050

bond %: 0



Shell: Green with purple music notes

Name: Bella

Tama type: Sakuramotchi

Name: Charlie

tama type: ahirukutchi

name: reene

tama type: tororotchi



family type: blended

Gen: one

gotchi points: 440

bond %: 0


as you can see i dont take very good care of my v5's... they sort of bore me, but i wasnt happy just caring for funky. thats not enough of a challenge. Anyway, all of them have full hearts. they are all okay one weight (i think) OH and funky would like to speak with all of you:

Hi guys! Look I changed! I am a cute lil monkey now! all of the ladies will be coming to me *winks* anyway, thanks for reading. I know my mom can get a little... chatty, but come on, i love her. i slept well last night, and i think i will tonight too. mom promised to make me a house either today or tomorrow, so thats good. she got the idea to make a bed out of cotton balls! pretty cool, huh? i think she wanted to go to tamatown today... so i think we will do that before we head out for the lake for the 4th. OH HAPPY FOURTH OF JULY :D


thank you funky for your interesting words! yes as funky said, i am bringing him to the lake so that he can see some fireworks and all that. I PROMISE NOT TO DROP HIM IN THE WATER!!!! XD anyway, he is practicing agina, good FUNKY! but thats about it for newz. more later. ♥♥♥



HAPPY 4TH OF JULY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Hey! This is Funky speaking! me and my mom went to tama town today as she promised. we got lots of points and my CD rank went up by 2!!! Cool right?? it is going to take alot of work to get into the golden ranks :p But thats alright, cuz i love playing the games! we won at soduku, the claw game, and rock the stage!!! You know, cuz we rock! We currently have some real live dogs visitin and one of them licked me!!! XP yuck. I really cant wait to see what else i get in tama town! laters!

thank you alot Funky for your words of wisdom. We will be leaving to the lake soon. i hope funky has a good time.... i am working on his house..... i made it out of a Kleenx box :D it is pretty cool if i do say so meself!! :L my v5's arent too demanding at the moment.... they are just bouncing around the screen :p as you can tell, i am more into caring for Funky then I am the v5's but i think it is mean not to care for the v5's while i can D: so as long as it is not too much trouble, i will care for my v5's *bows* lol Funky is bouncing around the screen happily :D i love that lil guy! it will be so sad to see him leave... AW♥ he is being a good boy and practicing gutair! awwww♥♥♥♥

We, the swam v5 family, would like to speak. our mom has been doing a good job... but she HAS been ignoring us a bit... NO REENE! BAD! DONT:


Renee:what?! what am i doing wrong?!

Bella: you are coloring on the walls! why would you do that!!!?

reene: i am simply creating art Bella! Jeez...

bella:well dont "create art" ALL OVER MY WALLS!

reene: god bella shut up! you rnt any older then me, and mom never left you in chargge!

bella: FINE! *storms upstairs to room*

as you can see, sometimes our family gets a lil hectic.... :p but i love my children always!

[SIZE=21pt]OMG[/SIZE] Funky just got a band! Its called King MJ's! Cool right! His band members are:

Penny, on the mic. And Ryo on gutair, like Funky :D to be honest, i think funky will marry penny :D funky wants to talk....

Omg Penny is so HOT! I mean, beautiful! She is soooooo cute! i love it! @.@ I cant believe that i got such a pretty girl in my band!!!!! its AWESOME!!!!!!!! mom came up with the name, luckily the guys didnt mind having the name. its so cool! i love having a band :p its so fun we practice and i can hang with hottie penny! *growls* shes mine ryo! you cant have her!!! EVER!!!!!! :p Penny is a Chamametchi♥♥♥♥! and ryo is a hinotamatchi!!!! i cant wait to see what penny will be when she grows up.. i bet she will be the most beautiful creature ever... *sigh*

well you heard it from him. he loves penny! score! they are destined to marry!!! and they will make cute kids. :p well ta ta for now !!!!

Okay so the 4th of July was fun. Funky stayed up until 8:30, naughty lil boy. His bed time is 8! Oh well, no harm in him watching a few of the small fireworks. He watched us play with sparklers, and smoke bombs, and party poppers, and lil crackler balls... it was fun! we went out on the boat and funky watched all of the waves, and looked at the trees.I think that funky had a good time. Ryo changed his intsrument when i saved up enough money for a pair of head phones. funky hasnt changed, and i dont think he will until tonight or tomorrow. i will tell you when it happens. we sun bathed, and we paddle boated... we did alot of new things that i think funky really enjoyed. the big fireworks freaked me out, but funky was fast asleep. go figure. :D anyway, he was pretty good all day. he and his band practiced (probably just so funky could see penny :p ) funky's points are really getting up there. here are his stats:

Name: funky

age: 2 years

weight: 33lb.s (fatty)



music genre: rock and roll

gen: 1

gotchi points: 3580p

origonal: 595




i woke up late this morning because my alarm didnt go off, and funky was down to one heart in both the hungry and the happy >< now he'll never become mimitchi :mimitchi: nothing more to say

[/color][SIZE=21pt] PEACE[/SIZE]

OMG. Funky evolved! I didnt expect him to evolve until tomorrow, so it shocked the hell out of me when i heard the lil music when they evolve. He evolved into shimashimaitchi (which sort of looks like a cat mixed with a bumble bee) and he is SO cute! they're band place 135th and they currently have... 22,308,966 fans! whoa! how awesome is funky?? Penny turned into Kunoitchi, and Ryo turned into doroitchi. So cute! Funky and Penny will make such a cute couple! thats all i wanted to share :pochitchi:


sorry for the shorter post but i didnt really have time to make a long one. ANYWAY, the King MJ's are in the 5th place for bands! YAY! *claps insanly* more importantly, funky and penny seem to like each other *wink* why i think so is because he CONSTANTLY talks about her and she keeps looking at him during practice. oh and i am pretty sure i forgot to mention that i took the batteries out of the v5's. they are just too boring XD funky and penny are talking:

Funky: OMG penny, your so goregous! even more so since you evolved!!

Penny: *blushes* ohhhh Funky, really?? that is so sweet of you to say :) you know, i am single *wink*

Funky: o_O SOMEONE AS BEAUTIFUL AS U IS SINGLE! wow its my lucky day :D wanna go out??

Penny: I thought you would NEVER ask *kisses funky*

Funky: whoa the room is spinning *walks around drunkinly*

Penny: *giggles*

as you can see, funky isnt exactly smooth when is comes to girls :p

Hello agian everyone! Funky is still doing good. He and I havent been on Tama Town yet today, but I am sure we will. They already practiced, and Penny, as usual, kept staring at Funky. Big surprise. :p They are now in second for bands, and they have... 249,927,824 fans. He got about 500120 gotchi points today from the king. Dang, I wish I had that kind of money!! Funky has been practicing gutair alot, the good little guy. He deserves to play with his toy... hold on. There, now he is playing with his Lap Top. :) he deserved it. :) I hope he has a daughter. But if he DOES get a son, and if I take PERFECT care of it, i can get a Kuromametchi. I havent had a Kuromametchi, but they seem pretty awesome. I still hope to get a mimitchi... if I dont get a mimitchi I want a Mikio. They are really cute!! Curly hair, bows... :D Funky is full and happy. He is so cute! I am really starting to like Shimashimatchis. :p I think Funky likes Michael Jackson's song, they dont really care about us. I can see why... I like that song too :) ANYWAY (back on topic) Penny and Funky had quite an interesting conversation...

Funky: Hey sweetie ♥♥♥♥♥

Penny: Funky! Sweetheart! *runs and tackles*

Funky: OooH! *breathless*

Penny: Sorry, I got too excited :)

Funky: S'okay, that didnt hurt *inside head, screams ow!*

Penny: uh huh... ANYWAY! i thought we could hang out at your house today so i could get to know your mom

Funky: o_O um..... Okay?

Penny: Great! *grabs hand and runs to Funky's house*


Me: *enters room* of course! nice to see you agian penny

Penny: thank you! its nice to see you too!!

Funky: we can go up to my room now...

Penny: so, ms. swan, what have you been up to today??

Me: oh nothing much. i just picked up funky's room XD it was a mess

Funky: MOM!!!

Me: what??

Funky: ugh! penny can we go upstairs

Penny: hold on a minute, sweetie

Me: aww! you 2 have little pet names for each other ♥♥♥♥

Funky: MOTHER!!

Penny: so what was funky like as a baby?? i didnt know him then...

Me: he was a handful. i remember he once wanted to be fed 3 times in 5 minutes XD and then he "made a mess" about 4 times *shakes head*

Funky: *emberassed* MOM!! DONT!!!!

Penny: Really?? *laughs*

Me: but as a child he was alot better. he appreciated me more.

Penny: aww thats sweet!!

Me: yes, he always was quiet, even if he needed something! the poor lil guy would be starving and not tell me

Penny: ahhh funky! your too cute *tackles*

Funky: thanks? *smiles at me*

Me: ill leave you 2 alone.... *mouths your welcome*

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Hello :D Funky is still just a boring old adult :p he will turn 4 today, but at the moment he is only 3. He got paid by his manager this morning when I woke up. The manager gave him 100 million gotchi points. GO KING MJ'S! XD Today I re-started my v5's. I spose that after funky became an adult, I sort of got bored.Anyway, my v5's are the MJ family, and the Jack family. Today is Michaels funeral :p Poor michael. I feel so bad... as you can tell by my tamagotchi names, i am a fan. More on Funky tho... here are his stats:

Name: funky

weight: 34


gender: boy





rhythm: 999

origonal: 999

music genre: rock'n'roll

tamagotchi charater: shimashimatchi

gen: 1

gotchi points: 15004170p

star ranking: 1st

fans: 512,284,494

omg he rocks! :p he has so many fans that he like, kicks @$$ XD. oh here is funkys converstation with penny when she came over today :p Funky: Hey Penny!!

Penny: FUNKY! *tackles*

Funky: do we have to go thru this everyday??

Penny: ;) no, sorry, baby

Funky: lol i was just asking :p i dont mind if you attack me

Penny: yay! *tackles agian*

Funky: OOF! (that HURT!)

Penny: sorry!

funky: s'okay

Penny: can we go to your house agian?? talking to your mom yesterday was sooooo fun!!!

Funky: :eek: Um.... if you really want to...

Penny: YAY! *takes hand and runs to house*


Me: *enters* Why hello Penny! good to see you around here agian!! ♥

Penny: Thanks! good to see you too!

Me: oh by the way funky, your grandmother called, and she just wanted to thank you for helping her clean her house. and she really wants you to have the money you refused

Penny: funky you did that!! AWWWW♥♥♥♥♥♥ *tackles funky*

funky: well yeah.... she needed my help *blushes*

Penny: but she was going to pay you and you said no! aww baby i love you!!

Funky: I-i love you too!!♥♥ :3

funky will never be smooth with the ladies *shakes head*

I just wanted to pay my respects to Michael Jackson. I know some of you may not think this is the right place for this, because it is my log, but I put it here because Funky idolizes Michael. Anyway, Michael Joe Jackson was an amazing person, parent, dancer, singer, and preformer. He was different from everyone else, and he always dealt with what people gave him, bad or good. He was amazing and kind, no matter what the media said about him. He was pressured to be something he was not and he paid th price for it U.U I admire everything that Michael accomplished. Good-bye Michael, I will miss you.

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