My Tama Journal


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Jun 27, 2008
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Hello people of Earth! My name is Yellowmoodtama and this is my new and IMPROVED journal about my tamas. I am currently running a v4.5 and that's it (it would be running another v4.5 if my mom would take me to Walmart!). His name is Jack and he's a Hyottokotchi. About a half an hour ago, he got visited by the matchmaker and got married to a Horoyotchi and now has a baby girl called Lyra.


Lyra's called Lyra cause I was watching the Golden Compass movie (not as good as the book) and right at the end of the movie, around 7 pm, the matchmaker came. Of course I said yes and then I got Lyra. Hold on, Lyra would like to say something-

Hi! I'm Lyra and I like milk! So let me ask you one question, got milk? :p

I'm calling Jack's wife Splenda for some reason... Oh yeah! Cause Splenda tastes like real sugar without all the calories! :furawatchi: Since when tamas marry they always have twins, I'm calling Lyra's twin bro, Tommy. Jack and Lyra are sort of upset because they will never be able to see Splenda and Tommy again until they die... But on the bright side, they'll create a strong father-daughter bond!


Tomorrow's the fourth of July! Fireworks! Red white and blue! Ice cream! It's also my little brother's birthday (aww, my brother has the same birthday as the United States!) I'm going to Six Flags (more flags, more fun, SIX FLAGS!) tomorrow so hopefully people will be too busy watching the fireworks and staying at grandma's to go to Six Flags.


I hope you people like this journal/log a lot better than my old one. Happy holidays!-Yellowmoodtama

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Over 20 views! Thanks TamaTalk!


I was sooo wrong about Six Flags. It was so crowded. Jack and Lyra and I went on a few rides. We went on a spinny ride thing that I forgot the name of, Houdini House thing, CatWoman's Whip, and a few other rides. Jack is 7 years old today and is going bye-bye tonight! I'm gonna miss all the good memories....




But on the bright side, I'll have some good times with Lyra too. Jack and Lyra wanna say a few things-


(Jack is green, Lyra is red)

Hi! I'm Jack and I would just like to say goodbye to all of you people out there.

Well, I don't really care what you do. All I care about is going to Six Flags again! More flags, more fun, SIX FLAGS!

It's great to see that you really care about me, especially since I'm never gonna see you again until you go to TamaTown.

Whatevs. I'm gonna grow up and be a superstar! *strikes pose*

That's great. Bye people!

Byes to all you fans on mine! I'm having an autograph signing Tuesday! Be there!

Ok... Lyra's turned into a little diva... I'm going out again to go watch some fireworks! Happy fourth of July to everyone!


So me and my family saw the fireworks. Very perty. Jack and Lyra watched too, only they were asleep. But whatever, they saw them with their eyes closed. And then I almost starting crying because Jack is not gonna be here anymore. I can't believe he had to go out on July 4 :D , but I guess that's how I'll remember him more.


And the end of something is the beginning of something else. When I wake up tomorrow, Lyra will be waiting, and I'll take life from that point on.


Jack I'll miss you and I'll never forget you.


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Since this is my last day with Jack, I want to do a Stats Check:


Name: Jack

Gender: Boy

Generation: 1

Happy: ****

Hungry: ****

Training: lllllllll

Gotchi Points: 79,900

Funny: 517

Gorgeous: 144

Spiritual: 617

Comments: Jack is currently asleep right now, next to his daughter, Lyra.


I'll never forget you Jack!



-When you hatched out of your egg

-The first time you pooed :D

-Your toddlerhood

-Your teenagehood

-Your adulthood

-When you first got a job

-All of the things you got in the mail

-Trips to TamaTown


Goodbye Jack!


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Wow, more than 30 views. o_O Thanks guys!


I woke up around 9:30 this morning and found Lyra crying. It was a really sad moment. I officially named her Lyra and for the next hour I feed her, played with her, and cleaned up her poo. I also got one training bar!


Around 10:30, Lyra transformed into a....


And that's what she is right now. You know what really annoys me? The fact that the first generation Tama pops out of an egg, but all of the other generation Tamas are born like mammals. :blink:


If anything new happens then I'll update it later. Right now, Lyra is going to take her first trip to TamaTown! I'll tell you about it later! Bye!


Just went to TamaTown! Lyra visited Jack and got 500p! And that's about it.... When we got back home, Lyra got to go to preschool! She's been going to preschool a couple of times now.

About a minute ago, Lyra got a fortune (and just pooed)!


Money: ***




I'm not sure if that's what you call them. I just make it up as I go along.


I've been noticing a few things about Lyra that are the same as Jack. She has the least amount of gorgeous skill points (26) while having the most amount of spiritual skill points (91). The funny skill points are in the middle (63). That was the same way Jack's skill points ended up. I'm not sure if it runs in the family, or it's just the way I've been taking care of Lyra. It's kinda weird though... :)


Lyra wants to say a few words-

Hi. Sorry about the way I acted yesterday. I had too much cotton candy.

Hi people! I'm Lyra's twin brother, Tommy!

Tommy, what the heck are you doing here?

Fine, if you don't want me here, then I'll leave. I was just coming to give you a present.

A PRESENT?! Ok, you can stay! So... what's the present?

A sock.


A sock.

*Hands Lyra a single white sock*

Not even a pair of socks?


Then I have a gift for you too...

*Punches Tommy*

Ok, Lyra is going to go see a shrink. Catch y'all later!


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Hello Lyra, Tommy. I am Dr. Kookoohead. I've heard you've been having a problem.

Yes we have, Dr. Lyra punched me and gave me a black eye!

You only gave me one sock as a present!

At least I gave you a sock at all!

Children, children, settle down. Now Lyra, tell me how you feel about the one sock your brother gave you.

I feel suckish.

And how about you, Tommy. Tell me how you feel about that black eye Lyra gave you.

I feel pretty.

Good, good. Now, I need you too to make up. If you don't do this, your soul will live unhappily for the rest of your life.

I have no soul...

I've noticed.

And tell me how you feel about that.

You know what I feel, Dr. Kookoohead?! I feel that you should shut your big yap and let us handle the situation ourselves!

Go Lyra!

Tommy, I'm sorry I punched you. I shouldn't have.

It's ok, Lyra. I shouldn't have given you one sock either.

Are we cool?

Yup, we're cool.

I still get payed for this, don't I?

After Lyra's 'interesting' appointment with the shrink, Lyra went to preschool. She did the little music note dance thing. Then the king came by and gave her a shovel. I kinda forgot what it dug up... :ichigotchi:


And Lyra called for her third training in one day! This is her first day alive and she already has 3 training bars. Hopefully I can sneak in another one by the end of the day.


So my birthday is coming up soon (July 31) and I'm wishing my parents will get me another v4.5 so they can connect, though Lyra won't be alive that long. :lol: I keep hinting at it saying, "I love my v4.5, if only I had another one so they can connect." :ichigotchi:


Well, I gotta go. Bye TamaTalk people!


Is she gone? YES! Ok Tamas, let's pump up the party now!


Get up!

Get loud!

Start pumpin' up the party now!

Lyra just got another training point! Four training points in one day, my new record. Here are Lyra's stats:



Happy: ****

Hungry: ****

Generation: 2

Age: 0 yr (toddler)

Gotchi Points: 89,400

Training Points: llll

Funny: 103

Gorgeous: 40

Spiritual: 117

And yeah, I found out about Lyra's party. Who knew a little toddler could throw such a big party! ^_^

I'm not little. Tomorrow I'm gonna be a teenager.

Well considering you're the size of pea, you kinda are.

Compared to a speck of sand, I'm huge!

I think you need a nap.


Over 60 views?! o_O


I woke up this morning to the beautiful sound of mail coming in. I got another fortune!


Money: **

Love: **

Strength: **


I checked the shop and a TICKET TO GO TO JAPAN was in there! IT WAS ON SALE TOO! For only 10,000p, which I find not a lot. So I bought it. But because Lyra's not an adult, I can't use it. :D And Lyra's angry too, this is what she's saying right now-

%*^ !(*!^* ^$%# (*!&&^!%&%

Beautiful Lyra, thank you. Just a second ago, the mail-dude came again with a letter. let's see what's inside it...


I GOT A HEART! HOW SWEET! And that's kinda all that's happened in my morning so far... so... THAT'S ALL FOLKS!



Lyra transformed!!! She was a Tamatchi and now she's a.... *drum roll*


What will she become next? The world may never know... Anyway, a few minutes ago Lyra and I played our first game of Man-Hole (which we won of course). We are only 47 and a half hours away from adult hood! And soon Lyra will be accepted into school, and blah blah blah.


You know what REALLY annoys me? Jack had almost all of the souvineers, and now they're gone! I have to start ALL over. I'm just not gonna try with the stupid souvineers anymore. You can't even play with them anyway. So what the heck is the point?




Lyra got a [!] in the mail. It turns out it was an invitation to go to school! On her first visit there, I chose to have the flower teacher instead of the regular one. When she got back, a while later, the king stopped by and brought Lyra a pencil.


Lyra's in school right now. Good thing too cause I found her diary. :rolleyes: I know I would be a bad person if I read it, but I can't resist! So, let's read it together (if Lyra's comes home and asks, I can blame it on YOU!)

This is Lyra's Diary. Please enter the password.

Uh... I didn't know there was a password...


Shut up! Shut up! Somebody will hear you!


Amanda (my name) I'm back from school!

Don't come over here! There's a fire!

I don't smell any smoke.


Is that my diary?

No... it's the fire.

*Lyra enters room*

It IS my diary!

I can explain!

We are going to have go have a serious talk, missy!

Help me!


Sorry I haven't replied in a while. Lyra grounded me from the computer for a day. But now I'm back!


So today, Lyra got a snake in the mail :D and a new fortune!


Money: **

Love: *** B)

Strength: *


I've learned my lesson about reading other people's diary. But I also learned that the diray I tried to read yesterday wasn't Lyra's actual diary. Today I found her REAL diary. And I already read it and there are no alarms (thank god!). I found it while Lyra was asleep last night. Here's what is says:


Amanda tried to my read diary yesterday while I was at school. I'm so glad I bought the fake one with the alarm to teach her a lesson. If you ask me, I think human's aren't that bright. Anyway, we also went to TamaTown yesterday and while Amanda was going to the bathroom, I met a Tama named Kevin. He's a Hikotchi and he's sooo handsome. He and I chatted about our lived as Tamas and other stuff. The more we talked, the more I liked him. When we had to go, we decided to stay in touch. But I can't send him a letter if Amanda in CONSTANTLY looking over my shoulder to see if I'm all right. But I guess that's because she cares about me so much. Oh well, I'm manage to send him a letter or call him eventually. I hope when the matchmaker comes for me, he's the one I'll be marrying.


Oo, young Tama love. So today I layed off a little. I mean after all, she is a teenager and you know how those can be. That's all I have to say. So, THAT'S ALL FOLKS!


I accidentally put Lyra on pause for like 5 SECONDS! but it still slowed down the growth process. But today Lyra transformed into a...


Which I'm pretty suprise because when Lyra transformed, her gorgeous skill points were the lowest. But I managed to get them up there in the past few hours. Oh well, I'm not arguing with who she is now. As long as she's cute (heck yeah she is!) I don't really care.

And the whole snotty teenager thing as in the past. This is what Lyra has been saying the past day:

I love the world. I love everyone. World peace everyone, WORLD PEACE!

It's starting to get a little annoying, but it's a heck of a lot better than snottiness. Well, THAT'S ALL FOLKS!


Today Lyra connected with a few of my friends tamas, and every time she gave them a gift, it was something bad. So I punished her. Lyra's kinda mad about that...

World peace to everyone but Amanda cause she gave me a timeout!

And Lyra gotta job today!!!!!!! She's a singer person/rockstar/popstar thing! Woohoo! Not that hard of a job. In about a couple of days Lyra will be able to get married (hopefully to the Kevin from her diary)! She's really excited. And so am I. I hope I get another baby boy, if I do I'll name him... I DON'T KNOW!! Please PM me with name ideas!!




Lyra did her job today. I didn't notice that when you turn the sound on, she actually sings! It's so cute! Anyway, Lyra would like to talk about her job too.

Hi. I'm a singer and I rock! And world peace to everyone! Including Amanda! Oh yeah, I've noticed a few of you wanted my autograph, so here it is:


Ok... Lyra is 5 years old right now and maybe the matchmaker will come tomorrow! If it doesn't then oh well, another great day with my baby girl!




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~Tamagotchi Conversation~

*Ring! Ring!*

Tommy: Lyra, is that you?

Lyra: Yuppers.

Tommy: Why did you call?

Lyra: I think we should prank call Burger King.

Tommy: We're adults, I think we're a little too mature for that. Lyra: Do you really think that?

Tommy: No, let's do it!

"Ring! Ring!*

BK Person: Hello. Welome to Burger King, may I take your order?

Lyra: Yes, I would like a big mac.

BK Person: We don't sell big macs, that McDonald's.

Tommy: Yeah, they don't sell big macs here. Anyway, I would like a Happy Meal please.

BK Person: We don't sell Happy Meals either.

Lyra: WHAT?! What kind of service are you running here?

Bk Person: I think I'll go get my manager on the phone...

Tommy: Yeah you go do that!

*Moment of Silence*

BK Manager: What seems to be the problem?

Lyra: Well, I ordered a whopper, but HE DIDN'T GET IT!

BK Person: What?

Tommy: And I ordered a hamburger with small fries but HE DIDN'T GET IT EITHER!

BK Manager: I am terribly sorry. I will have a little chat with him right away...

Lyra: Yeah, you better!

*BK Hangs Up*

Tommy: That was fun.

Lyra: Heck yeah it was!

Tommy: Call you later!

Lyra: OK, bye!

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I am so mad. Sooo mad. Today at 7 pm, the matchmaker came. And right when it was about to show Lyra her husband, my Tamagotchi battery died. :huh: :( :) These two lines crosed to screen for about a second, and then the whole thing shut down. There wasn't even a "LOW" thing showing up. ;) And the thing is, I just took that battery out of the box and put it in my Tama two weeks ago. How weird is that? If you have any ideas on what might have happened, please PM me cause I am so confused!


So I decided to take the battery out, and put it back in. I'm just hoping the battery won't die again. And now Lyra is 5 years old, I AM SO MAD!! I have to wait ANOTHER day for the matchmaker to come. GRR!!! :D


And Lyra's angry too, this is what she's saying to you viewers:

OMG! I was about to get married! About to have a baby! And what happened?! THE BATTERY DIED! WORLD PEACE TO EVERYONE EXCEPT TO THE STUPID BATTERY!

I couldn't agree more. Well, THAT'S ALL FOLKS!


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Over 150 views?! THANKS VIEWERS!

Lyra is still 5 years old :nyatchi: . I'm still really mad at the battery... Anyway, Lyra got another fortune this morning:


Money: **

Love: *** (I hear wedding bells!)

Strength: *


As soon as she turns 6, I'm setting the clock to 2:59 for the matchmaker to come (again). If the battery dies while that is happening, then I know I'll have to buy a new battery. If my whole Tamagotchi is broken then I'm gonna have to buy a new one. Maybe a v5, or if the v5.5 comes out...


Well, considering it's still morning and nothing has happened yet, I'll post more later. THAT'S ALL FOLKS!


LYRA STILL ISN'T 6 YEARS OLD YET!!! I'm really angry... ^_^ It's been 24 hours!! Bandai you lied to me! This means I'm gonna have to wait till tomorrow to get married. Then Lyra will spend another day with her baby, so in three more days I can actually take care of the baby. This is so unfair. And next week I'm busy so you probably won't be hearing from me for a while. I'm gonna have to pause Lyra and/or the baby all week! I'm mad. :)
