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Well-known member
Feb 15, 2007
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HI! Welcome to my log! I have a V3 and its shell is blue with butterflies and flowers on it. My parent left yesterday, so now I have a baby.... no wait.... IT EVOLVED! I now have a toddler! It's not doing anything now, just walking around.... so I'll just post my Tama's stats!

Name: Lily

Age: 0

Generation: 6

Gender: Girl (This is my 6th girl!)

Happiness: 3 Hearts filled(Gotta feed it an apple...)

Hungry:4 Hearts filled

Weight: 19 lb

Training: 2 bars

Oh! The stink lines are coming up on my tamagotchi! (That means it's about to poo...) Now it's going on a duck shaped toilet... (I went to the toilet icon BEFORE it pooped) Now it's happy and I need to feed my tamaotchi sushi... Well now it's not doing anything... so SEE YA!


Well.... my tama isn't really doing anything except for rolling around (I think they do that when they're bored or something) it's stats aren't different except that it's now 20 lb. (I fed it that sushi....) Oh yeah! I forgot to tell you which tama I have! I have that tama that looks like it has a mohawk.... I don't know the name. Oh drat! Now it's hungry! Gonna feed it a scone! See ya!

tamasrock123 ;)

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It's hungry again? Isn't it a LITTLE too soon for it to be hungry???? Maybe not? Well, that's okay.... I guess I'll feed it bread! I just played ball with it! It fell down though.... It looks kind of funny when it's angry!

tamasrock123 :rolleyes:

Well. Lily is rolling around AGAIN. Also, I just let Lily dance to the music of a boombox. I love the music of the boombox and the dancing of the tama. I guess it's intresting! Oh yeah! I'm checking the shop right now.... everything's on sale! Nothing to buy except...... A TICKET TO HAWAII! Should I buy it???? Well, if I did, my tama couldn't use it yet. It's only a toddler....

tamasrock123 :rolleyes:

Oh no! Lily's crying! Ok I praised her so she now has 3 TRAINING BARS! Yeah! I've heard you have to have a full training bar before you have an adult, to get a Mimitchi or Mametchi. I'm not sure if I believe that.... Oh great! Lily's rolling around yet again. I think toddlers like to roll! Plus, I have 9221 gp (From playing Bump and Get) Only 778 more points until I reach the limit! (9999 gp) That's all for now!

tamasrock123 :rolleyes:

Sorry for posting so much, but I have to say everything that happens to my tama! I changed the time so that the shop refreshed. There were 2 shovels and a genie lamp in the shop when I refreshed! Of course I bought all 3 of those items! Time to use them all..... I used my first shovel and got.... a snake. Lily lost one happiness heart. (I hate to see Lily sad.) I afraid to use my second shovel.... but here goes nothing.... yay! A tart! That makes my tama happy! Time for the genie lamp! (I don't like to save things like this...) NO!!!!! The genie made a storm cloud appear over my tama and now it's crying under the rain! GASP! All of Lily's happiness hearts are empty! Oh great. I have fed Lily 4 snacks (which was really stupid to do.) and now she has a toothache! I gave her medicine so it's fine. All of this may happen if you take risks! Oh also stink lines appeared on my screen so I let it go on the toliet.... now I better feed it some cereal or something! AND as I say that, it starts to roll again!!!!!! My tamagotchi is now 32 lb.... I think I better play some games with it! Buh- bye!

tamasrock123 :rolleyes:

Nothing really happened except Lily she only has 3 hungry hearts filled..... and she's been rolling. Well I guess I better give her a meal! BYE!

tamasrock123 :rolleyes:

Ok, here I am! Several things happened today.... let me tell you about it... well first things first, my tamagotchi evolved into a teen! It's a tamagotchi that looks like it has rockets instead of legs! Another thing is, it's finally 1 years old! Yay! Also I got 2 shovels from the shop. One shovel gave me +100 points and the other one gave me a snake. It lost one happiness heart so I fed it a cone. Then, when the shop refreshed, I got a fishing pole! I got to use it 4 times! My first 3 tries.... they were rusty cans. I fed it 3 apples..... and it got a toothache. So, I gave it medicine, and it got better. Then, I used the fishing pole one last time and got 500 points! Then the shop refreshed AGAIN, and I got a chest. When I used, it I got 200 points! (Which is a rip off because the chest was 200 points.) Also, Lily turned her back once, and beeped even though all her hearts were full. So now I have 8 training bars! Here are my stats...

Name: Lily

Age: 1

Generation: 6

Gender: Girl

Happiness: 4 hearts filled

Hungry: 4 hearts filled

Weight: 30 lb

Training: 8 bars

Well, that's it for now! Lily's sleeping, so nothing's happening. I'll tell you what happens tomorrow! See ya!

tamasrock123 :mametchi:

Yay! Good Morning everyone! Not much happened..... except Lily was in a bad mood so I praised her! Her training bar is now full! She also pooped.... so yeah that's all! Bye!


OK, I'm back. Not much happened yesterday except Lily turned her back on me 2 times.... but it doesn't matter because my training bar is already full. What happened today? Not much except Lily turned her on me AGAIN. ( Still doesn't matter) Also, I bought a plant from te shop.... and I got 100 points! The best thing that happened? Lily turned 3! She should turn into an adult today! Well anyway, here's Lily's stats....

Name: Lily

Age: 3

Generation: 6

Gender: Girl

Happiness: 4 hearts filled

Hungry: 3 hearts filled

Weight: 36 lb

Training: ALL FILLED UP!

Oh yeah, I have 9,969 points! Only 30 more points until I get to 9,999 points! Well, that's all, I guess I'll go feed Lily bread or a scone or whatever!!!

tamasrock123 :huh:

Nothing really happened except I got this chest.... I used it and got 200 points..... also my my tama beeped, even though it didn't need anything..... that's ALL....

tamasrock123 :)

Well, nothing happened last night except I bought a genie lamp. The first try, I got a black raincloud and it rained and poor Lily. All of her happiness hearts were empty, so I gave her 4 snacks.... and she got a toothache. After I gave her medicine, I tried the genie lamp AGAIN. This time, the genie didn't even come out! Anyway, today, Lily evolved! She is now a creepy frankenstien tama. I have no clue what she is. Also, she is now 4 years old. I bought a shovel in the shop and got a snake. That didn't empty any of Lily's hearts so that's good. After that, I did the unthinkable. I got champion on Sprint! I could never get past Round 4 in that game.... so now I have 9,999 points, which is great! Ok then, here are Lily's stats:

Name: Lily

Age: 4

Generation: 6

Gender: Girl

Happiness: 4 hearts filled

Hungry: 3 hearts filled

Weight: 39 lb

Training: FULL

I better feed Lily some cereal! BYE!

tamasrock123 ;)

I bought a chest from the shop a couple of minutes ago. Unfortunatly, it turned my tama into a baby! The "baby" hopped up and down, angry. Of course it turned back into frankenstien..... but when I checked Lily's stats, her hearts were all empty! I fed her 4 meals and 4 snacks so it was ok. Oh, I also figured out my tama is a Decotchi. It's a good character... so I guess that's all! See ya!

tamasrock123 :)

Well.... nothing happened today. I had to pause it all day (I go to school, duh) so nothing happened. It didn't turn 5 yet, but that's because I paused it. I let my Deccotchi wear make up..... she looks a liitle weird with make up on. I guess that's all...

tamasrock123 :)

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Yeah, I paused my tama today at school.... But, Lily turned 5! Yay! I found the code for a love potion, so now I have a love potion! Well, Lily just pooped, but now she's in the bath. I guess she has to get out of the tub..... there! I got rid of the poop! Here are Lily's stats:

Name: Lily

Age: 5

Generation: 6

Gender: Girl

Happiness: 4 hearts filled

Hungry: 3 hearts filled

Weight: 43 lb

Training: FULL!!!

Well, that's all.... I better feed Lily some sushi! BYE!

tamasrock123 :ichigotchi:

Well, I bought a chest from the shop..... and now I think, it was a waste of my time!!!!!! The chest cost 200 points, and when I opened the chest, I got +200 points. Well Lily's doing fine, so that's all!

tamasrock123 :furawatchi:

Ooh... a lot of things happened today! Well, I connected with my friend today, but it didn't work! A huge X was on my screen..... I guess I need a new battery. I downloaded my tama, so it's alright now...... Before any of that happened, I used my love potion. I connected a V4 with my V3 and it didn't work. Read about it: Anyway, another thing that happened is that I connected with ANOTHER friend, and I connected but my friend failed. I was the only one playing and I won! Also, my tama turned 6 and I'm expecting the matchmaker to come tomorrow. Well that's it for now!

tamasrock123 :furawatchi:

I put a costume on Lily..... I don't know why. The stink lines came up so I rushed to the toliet icon and it pooped on the toliet instead of making a mess on the floor. Here are Lily's stats:

Name: Lily

Age: 6

Generation: 6

Gender: Girl

Happiness: 4 hearts filled

Hungry: 3 hearts filled

Weight: 39 lb

Training: Full.....

I'm going to feed Lily now.... I might even go to Tamatown. In less than half an hour, Lily will go to sleep.... BYE!!!!

tamasrock123 :huh:

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What happened? Hmm.... I got a V4! I connected my V4 with my V3. Lily will not turn 6! The matchmaker will not come! Here are Lily's stats:

Name: Lily

Age: 6 (still....)

Generation: 6

Gender: Girl

Happiness: 4 hearts filled

Hungry: 4 hearts filled

Weight: 50 lb

Training: Full

I just went to tamatown with both of my tamas..... Ok that's all. Oh yeah, by the way, my V4 tama is a boy (My first boy!) and his name is Andy. Ok bye.

tamasrock123 :blink:
