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No website is safe, so if you absolutely must have a myspace, only talk with people you know. You never know who some internet stranger is. Also, don't give out a plethora of personal information, and avoid adding pictures just to be extra cautious. Send ypur friends pics using personal e-mail.

I really wish people would stop whining about Myspace.
No website is 100% safe. Not even TamaTalk.

It all depends on how much information about yourself you give out.

If you don't give out information, you're gonna be fine. It's all about how you carry yourself online.

Myspace can be safe, if you dont give out information,pics,ect.

if anybody ask you personal infromation just ingore them.

or just add people you know in real life.

The people that got killed or whatever, probably gave out their adress, so thats their own fault.
No one could track you down from just a pic, there are probably heaps of people in the world that look like you... or have the same name as you you dont even have to post a pic or fill out that info if you dont want to.

Fill out Fake info if your'e that worried.
thats not true some people can get your persoanl info by braking in to the fire wall there are ways and even to get a profile on myspace u have to put your address name age it just no safe

Did you know a fourteen year old kid got uh.. I can't say the word, but she actually had a relationship with a "teenager" that was "her age". She gave out too much info, like her adress, state, age, and school. The guy was actually a sexual preditor. The nineteen year old found her, and you know the rest. Her mother is now sueing MySpace for thirty thousand dollars. That is the big deal! :gozarutchi:
What the heck...Why would she sue Myspace. Shes just gonna end up wasting her money on a trial she can't win.

And besides Myspace's safety all depends on the person.

If your gonna be stupid and give out your exact address, city and school, then your just asking to be stalked.

Yeah, I agree with that... anyone here could be a pedophile.
Pedobear! D: D: D: Ohnoes!

Good point however, tamaw/pants. It's probably because everyone on here is so nice, too. It makes everything seem over-safe.

isn't there some way u can only hav it open 2 ur buddies?? even at that, my sister has aim [ yea i kno we're not talking bout it! ] and she had it open 2 her friends only. still, she got a perv's message some how and was asking and was all disgusting like "do you purr?"!! creepy... *shivers* just goes 2 show u cant trust any site... so u might think differently, but personaly, i do NOT approve!! :(

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thats not true some people can get your persoanl info by braking in to the fire wall there are ways and even to get a profile on myspace u have to put your address name age it just no safe
Really? I didn't. I don't even have my first name listed on Myspace.

If you type in any part of my real name, you wont find me.

Myspace doesn't even ask for an address, and you wouldn't need to fill it in anyway. All it asks for is a zip code, which isn't required to make an account.

The only thing you need to join Myspace is a first name, which you can change later to a blank space(what I did), an email address, a username and a password for said username.

Nothing else is a required space and you DON'T have to fill it out.

Don't want people to find you? Make your profile private and delete your real name from their database.

Don't want random friend requests? Make it so the person trying to add has to know your email address or last name(which you can delete from their database as well).

If you're smart about it and actually use your brain and common sense, Myspace can be safe. It's no more dangerous than TamaTalk.

i hate myspace. its stupiid. seriously, u can get like, stocked or sumething.

Did you know a fourteen year old kid got uh.. I can't say the word, but she actually had a relationship with a "teenager" that was "her age". She gave out too much info, like her adress, state, age, and school. The guy was actually a sexual preditor. The nineteen year old found her, and you know the rest. Her mother is now sueing MySpace for thirty thousand dollars. That is the big deal! :(
[SIZE=14pt]They won't win. in fact, that's the most retarded case I've ever heard of. Suing myspace because their ignorant daughter gave out her address, phone number, and last name? it's HER fault. Myspace didn't do anything. They won't win. That case will just be a waste of time.[/SIZE]



i hate myspace. its stupiid. seriously, u can get like, stocked or sumething.

[SIZE=14pt]You can't get "stalked". I don't know where you got that from. That's a load of crap. Unless you are retarded enough to give out your address, phone number, etc... you won't get stalked. You chose if you want to get stalked. Nobody forces you to do it.[/SIZE]



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[SIZE=14pt]You can't get "stalked". I don't know where you got that from. That's a load of crap. Unless you are retarded enough to give out your address, phone number, etc... you won't get stalked. You chose if you want to get stalked. Nobody forces you to do it.[/SIZE]


You can get stalked from any website, regardless of how much personal information you put out. :|

You can get stalked via email, over myspace (without giving out information, just having a page is enough to get stalked), or over a chat room.

They could get your IP address, match it up with your computer, and get personal information from there.


I have no idea why you think people CHOOSE to get stalked, or that people force you to get stalked. It's a scary thing to deal with, and nobody chooses to be stalked.

You can get stalked from any website, regardless of how much personal information you put out. :|You can get stalked via email, over myspace (without giving out information, just having a page is enough to get stalked), or over a chat room.

They could get your IP address, match it up with your computer, and get personal information from there.


I have no idea why you think people CHOOSE to get stalked, or that people force you to get stalked. It's a scary thing to deal with, and nobody chooses to be stalked.
Exactly. I don't know why many people live with the delusion that if they don't give out personal info they can't be tracked down or harrassed.

myspace isn't safe its stupid and whats the point of it????? i use to have 1 but i deleted my hole profile when i found out that so people got killed cuase of that web do u have 1 if u do your puting your self in alot of danger!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I don't know why people are so into my space. If my Space went down and never came back up, 90% of kids would go crazy...

And who ever said you had to put your real info? If anyone is dumb enough, then... you can get stalked on any website, even here at Tamatalk...

Exactly. I don't know why many people live with the delusion that if they don't give out personal info they can't be tracked down or harrassed.
True, but if you sign up for any website in which you can post imformation on, you need to know what can happen, how, and the consiquences. If you don't know, well that's your ignorance.

[b.T.W. I don't think you can really get tracked from just an IP adress. If that's true I don't think the internet would be so popular. If you actualy can track people via IP address, could someone show me a link explaining all of it?]

True, but if you sign up for any website in which you can post imformation on, you need to know what can happen, how, and the consiquences. If you don't know, well that's your ignorance.
[b.T.W. I don't think you can really get tracked from just an IP adress. If that's true I don't think the internet would be so popular. If you actualy can track people via IP address, could someone show me a link explaining all of it?]
I think it's possible, but I don't know how many people would be willing to go through the trouble of doing it.

IP addresses are assigned to the house that receives internet access.

That's why I was able to get onto a site I had been banned from(for stupid reason) after I moved to my sister's house.

I'm not sure exactly how someone would go about doing it, but I'm sure it's difficult to track an address from an IP. I'd hope so anyway o.o'

True, but if you sign up for any website in which you can post imformation on, you need to know what can happen, how, and the consiquences. If you don't know, well that's your ignorance.
[b.T.W. I don't think you can really get tracked from just an IP adress. If that's true I don't think the internet would be so popular. If you actualy can track people via IP address, could someone show me a link explaining all of it?]

Your IP address is basically a home address for your computer. If you have the right technology, people can get your IP address, find what town you're in, and get access to other info.

Ok, well then I'm guessing if someone did actualy try to track someone down, they'd most likely just get the information from some unsuspecting person instead of getting the technology. Either way, putting personaly info such as your school, phone number, adress, you and your parents name, ect. just increases you chance by alot.

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