New Year gatecrashers


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Voriz smirked, as he released Metax from the spell. He looked at Fizz, possibly for the last time. Quicky he electrocuted Kaz, and killed him.

Slith flew down. This Kate is a problem. Kill her. Voriz told Slith. He sent a pulse of his deadliest dark energy into her.

Kate elbowed him in the stomach, and flew up. "LEAVE ME ALONE! I'VE ALREADY GOT ENOUGH PROBLEMS!" She snapped, her eyes cold, and heartless, though there was rage in there somewhere. She ran up and gave him a blow to his face.

Slith turned red with anger. "And I'm your biggest one." He said, taking out his staff. He hit her as hard as he could, repeatedly.

Fizz fainted, from the drink.

Kate glared. "What the fxck is your problem! Honestly, once you ask who I am, next you're beating me with a staff!? You have serious issues!" she snapped.

Zach heard all this, and he took Eve (WHo is randomly there) into the kitchen, and gasped. Zach growled, and Eve rushed over to Fizz.

OOC: Eve's hair is now shoulder length, wavy, and she has a tan.

Metax fell to his knees. "Voriz took cotrol of my body and found out how to kill Fizz." He cried. "It's all my fault!"

the real Slith stopped. "I'm not in control... Help me." He mumbled, as Voriz took control again. He dropped the staff, and charged his fists with dark energy, punching Kate.

Kate stumbled back, her nose bleeding. Eve gasped and stood up. "I think we've had enough" she said firmly, gesturing towards Fizz, who needed urgent healing, and Kate, whom Zach was helping.

Voriz transmitted something to Slith. Quicky he went in, get a small slice of carrot. He then tackles Zach, an pushed his mouth open, feeding the carrot. He kicked Eve away, and started punching Kate again.

"GOOD LORD WHEN WILL YOU STOP!" Kate snapped. Zach screamed "AHHH! CARROTS! NOOOO!" He yelled, laughing. Suddenly he paled, and fainted. Eve growled. "You.Killed.Zach" she stated, in an angry monotone. She phased, and bit Slith's neck, making a big bleeding wound.

Slith laughed. "You'll be with him shortly." He smirked, as he grabbed Metax's sword. He stabbed Eve repeaditly.

Eleanor hesitated, then went over and took Voriz's hand. "Why can't I remember any of this?"

"If you can get up the side of the building, there's a balconey you can sneak in from." Nick's voice came from behind Zane.

Zane turned to Nick. "I can't fight him alone. He's too strong." Zane sighed.

"Zane took away your memory, so you wouldn't remember me." Voriz smirked.

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Eve screamed, and Zach's eyes popped open as he heard this. He saw Eve getting stabbed and stood up, rage pulsing from him. "Sure, you can kill me. But spare her. Please" he half begged, his eyes filled with fear and rage. Kate stumbled towards the sink, grabbed a cloth and wiped her nose. "Where's Allyson" Zach groaned, knowing she'd probably be immortal by now.

Eleanor gripped Voriz's hand and asked the question that could change everything: "Can you help me remember?"

"What do you think I'm here for, moron?!"

Slith smiled, as he took Eve's soul, putting it in a case. "Don"t worry Zach, you'll be with her." He took Zach's soul, putting it in the same case.

Kate growled. She pressed a gem on her necklace, and a few seconds later she was a dragon. She snarled, and breathed some lue fire in Fizz. A few seconds later, Fizz was awake. "Wha-?". Then she looked at Slith, growled and stood up. "Listen to me Slith. Stop. You're out of control. This isn't you. Imagine would people would think of you. What Ana would think of you. She wouldn't be very pleased, would she?"

OOC: Haha, look at Fizz's negotiating skills xD

Metax looked up. Fizz was alive, but not for long. Slith was about to take her soul too. He got up too, knowing what he had to do. "Slith, I'm sorry." He sighed, taking back his sword. He stabbed Slith, and fell to his knees. "It was the only way." He started crying. Taking the box, he released Eve and Zach.

Eve stumbled out, Zach following. Kate changed back and walked over to her. "You okay there?". Fizz nodded. "I guess. Metax, it wasn't your fault. You almost killed me, but it wasn't you."

Metax flew in the air, crying histericly. He went in Voriz's room, and charged at him.

Voriz raised his hand, and pushed Metax out the window, landing back outside. As he landed, his neck snapped back.

Nick unfolded his wings and sighed. "Look, kid, I don't like you and you don't like me. But we both like Eleanor and-" here he grinned "-both want to kick Voriz's butt. So, here's the plan: I fly you round, we kick butt, you get the girl, everything's happy."

Eleanor waited for an answer xD

Zane smirked, and took out his hoverboard. "Let's go." He said, flying out the window.

Voriz pulled Eleanor closer. "Of course I will."

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