New Year gatecrashers


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"Um, ok, sure?" Eleanor followed Zane. What the hell was going on? To pass time, she talked. "Your name seems familar."

Zane nodded, walking into the room. It was a black room, with a giant computer in the center. "This is the security room." He said, as he hacked onto the system. He went to the security videos, and picked a few. They showed him and Eleanor, when she had her memory. "Watch this he said, as the video began. I hope she re camera's remembers

ooc: HOLY FUDGEBALLS YOU'RE BACK :DDD .Okay, I'm gonna create a new charrie. Ana died because I hate her nao >:

name:Kate Marie Wickerson



interested in:Hetereosexual. That word is fancy ;D

crush:No one

looks:Kate has long blonde hair that reaches her knees, with blood red streaks through it. Her eyes are a dark ocean blue, with glimmers in them, and often have a sad look. Her skin is a creamy color, and is pale, due to a lack of being outdoors. Her figure is normal, and her height is 5"9, obviously shorter than Fizz x3 .

personality:Kate is usually depressed over the death of her parents, and usually spends time inside. It takes alot for her to open up to others, but when she does, she's fine.

species:Half dagon


Eleanor watched the video silently, then turned to Zane, tears in her eyes. "Z-Zane... I don't remember any of this..." she turned away, gulping "I need a moment." Before running out of the room.

Crying, Eleanor ran through the party. She hadn't wanted Zane to see her cry, nor anyone else for that matter. She pulled open a door, closed it behind her, then sank down to the floor and sobbed.

Of course, she had to have gone in Voriz's room.

Voriz smirked. "Hello Eleanor. He said as he closed the door, lokcing it with ghost magic. Before she could se him, he changed his look, looking identical to Zane.

Metax walked over to Fizz. "Hey." He said. "Can I talk to you?"

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Oh my god, someone else was in the room... Eleanor looked up, wiping her eyes. "Oh my god, um... yeah I'll just go..." she muttered, pushing the handle. Locked. Huh? She jiggled it again.

Zane rushed o the door, trying to open it. He tried to pick the lock, but couldn't.

"Eleanor, did Zane show you the videos?" Voriz asked.

Scared now, Eleanor turned to Voriz. "Uh, yes... but I cant remember anything!" she sobbed.

Eleanor was struck dumb. "But... you don't look the same..." She frowned. "So I was in love... with you?"

ooc: Check four posts above. He used a spell to change his looks to look like Zane.

Voriz smiled. "Yes you were."

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ooc: Okay.

Kate wandered in. She knew she was uninvited, but somehow her grandmother heard of this party and wanted Kate to socialize, for once. 'More like get raped, and end up having an even more miserable life' she thought to herself, her expression hostile and filled with distaste. She sighed. "Well, there's no turning back now" she muttered, plopping down into a nearby armchair, and resting her head in her hand.

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Metax waited for Fizz to answer. "Fizz, if you trust me, than come here." He said, as pulled her outside the party.

"Voriz is trying to kill you." He whispered outside. "I need you to trust me." He said softly. "You said that you and your family can die in only one way. How can you die? If I know, I can protect you better." Metax lied.

Fizz frowned. "You sure?"

Kate could sense danger. She slipped outside, and jumped on the roof. She sprouted her dragon wings, so it would be easy to attack if he tried to hurt her.

ooc: Since she's a dragon, she controls Fire.

Metax nodded. "It's for your own safety." He said.

Slith saw a mysterious girl on the roof. "Who are you?" He asked.

Fizz frowned. "Fine. I'll tell. But trust me, if you tell anyone, then I'll lose your trust. Forever." SHe sucked in a deep breath. "The way to kill me and my family is varied. For Ana, it can be any way, since she's still part human. For me, you need to inject me with apple juice. It's very strange, I know. For Zach, you just need to make him eat vegetables. Our family's ways are strange"

"I'm Kate" she said, in a hushed voice.

Metax stared. "Apple Juice?" He tried not to laugh. "I doubt Voriz will ever figure that out." He smiled, and became serious again. "I'm going to protect you." He whispered.

Voriz listened to the conversation as he watched Eleanor. He then sent a message to Kaz, who was also taken over.

Kaz went to the kitchen, putting Apple juice in a coke can. He walked outside.

"Fizz, didn't you want some coke?" He asked, handing her the bottle.

ooc: Is'nt Ana dead?

ooc: I know. But, I mentioned her anyways.

Kate frowned. "I gotta go" she said, swooping into the kitchen. She grabbed a drink from the fridge.

"SURE!" Fizz exclaimed, grabbing the can. Just as she put it to her mouth, Kate knocked it out of her hand. But, it fell on it's bottom, and nothing spilled out. "WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM!?" Fizz snapped. Kate tutted. "More like yours". Fizz snarled, then picked up the can, and drank it down, as Kate's eyes widened.

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