[NEWS]This makes me sick


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Sep 14, 2005
Reaction score
Tannum Sands
In my town *Removed* Tamagotchis have officially been banned from all stores in the whole town, parents are worried that the small pet on a screen is screwing with there kids education. The children at my school have made petitions and handed out pamphlets but nothings seems to work! Everyone who already has one it's fine for them but the people who want to buy or sell to bad for them, they will be arrested and put in jail for 200 hours! This is a cry for help what do you think we should do, we wrote a letter to a news channel(several) e-mailed news channels, we even wrote a letter a council of the city but we were suspended from school for it. ME and my friends made a plan to go to *Removed* and buy our Tamagotchis there, what do you think it's the best we have got. If you have better please tell me, it makes me sick!

I have removed elements of this post because they contain details to your location. I'm just making sure your safe B) - Note from Guide

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poor you i hope this makes you feel better

my friend got a tama before me so at school she got to connect with everyone and the time i got one they were banned from my school and they stillare. :furawatchi:

*Moved to appropriate area by Jappyx*

That's not good. I do not see how they affect education. I mean, seriously, they ultimatly are teaching children responcibility. If anything, they are teaching rather than not teaching. :furawatchi: . Hope it's all sorted out!

Darn. Thay're GOING to ban tamagotchis here because you can gamble. (slots) I know how you feel. :furawatchi:

god. poor you. You got suspended from school!!!!! That is soooooooo mean! (all of it) horrible adults.

try to convince your parents into signing the petition by saying:mom! dad! you got it all wrong! tamagotchis don't get in the way of education! it teaches you responsibility of taking care of a pet!.(try e-mailing the news and tell them that tamagotchis teach kids responsibility of owning a pet.maybye just hpefully it will work,or you can ask the mayor to do a vote thing for tamagotchis asking if you wanna bann them or not.ooooo!!! i will make a poll right now!).

Noyrotchi_Lover and Hazza_Legend please do not swear. There are younger members on this site.


As for the Tamagotchi Ban, I don't really care because it will just make my Tamagotchi Connections value higher...I am sure Bandai won't give up though. They will make a new Tamagotchi without the game slots. If you still want to buy more you can buy them off eBay.




*Quote Removed by Rock'in Robotchi*

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yea! i agree! :)

*Quote Removed by Rock'in Robotchi*

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WHY IN THE WHOLE WIDE WORLD would you get suspended for writing a letter to the city council!?!?!?!?!?!?

I mean, besides, why would they expect the head of the council to listen to what in they're opinion, is just a silly child's letter?!?! And anyways, what would they do about it? all they care about is money and the city


(Remember, this is just my opinion. There's tons of other opinions on this site!!!!)

In my town *Removed* Tamagotchis have officially been banned from all stores in the whole town, parents are worried that the small pet on a screen is screwing with there kids education. The children at my school have made petitions and handed out pamphlets but nothings seems to work! Everyone who already has one it's fine for them but the people who want to buy or sell to bad for them, they will be arrested and put in jail for 200 hours! This is a cry for help what do you think we should do, we wrote a letter to a news channel(several) e-mailed news channels, we even wrote a letter a council of the city but we were suspended from school for it. ME and my friends made a plan to go to *Removed* and buy our Tamagotchis there, what do you think it's the best we have got. If you have better please tell me, it makes me sick!
I have removed elements of this post because they contain details to your location. I'm just making sure your safe :lol: - Note from Guide
aah! That must be terrible! Move to another country! Or buy one on Tbay!

maybye you could go on a strike! that might work.if not..go crazy!

that is soooo stupid about what happened!!! well the good news is in my state,ny tamagotchis will never be banned.

That is the most horrible thing possible :chohimetchi: . Tamas are educational in a way, they teach responsibility!

Try going on Tbay.

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