Northlake Academy ~ A part fantasy, part futuristic RP


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"No clue. Maybe he actually wants us to do something," Gill got up, and went over to see Mr. Rael. "Yes, sir?" Mr. Rael scrutinized him for a moment, as if trying to figure out whether Gill was trustable or not, and then he barked out, "You and your buddy, go find these two (*)_*)#)#'s, who seem to have forgotten that THEY CANT SLEEP UNTIL THEY REACH THE (*)&(&()*& CAMPGROUND!!" He nearly tossed the tracker in his hand at the ground, although managed to stop himself. "Here, this is a spare tracker. Take it with you, but don't even think about losing it." He threw it at Gill, catching Gill off-guard.

Flynn gulped, realizing that obstacle wasn't just any regular obstacle, but likely, a skyscraper they would need to jump over. Nonetheless, he kept running. And finally, he saw the end of the forest. "Finally. We're almost at the edge of the forest now." Checking the compass he had been clutching in his hand to ensure they were still going south, Flynn kept running, although slower than he had been half an hour ago.

Natasha jumped violently at Mr Rael's shouting, the badly-hidden mobile phone falling to the floor. Sighing, Nat got to het feet, picking it up. "When we find them I'll call you. One advantage of me bringing this along, huh?" She told Mr Rael, smirking. "Come on, Gill. Let's get going."

Summer made a small noise of relief, taking it as a cue to slow her pace down. "Oh, thank god." She said breathlessly, smoothing her hair back off her face as they stepped out of the forest. "What do we do now? Find civilisation?"

"I don't know. But there's one itsy bitsy problem." Flynn grimaced. "You see, I have no idea exactly where we are. We could be above the Great Lakes, or stuck above land-of-nowhere-Minnesota.. Heck, we might even be in British Columbia. In any case, it would be safer if we just kept going south, and it'd be good if we stayed away from Canadian cities. But, never mind that. We need to figure out how we're gonna sleep, and where."

Gill sighed, and began to head towards the forest. Lovely. He had been hoping for a peaceful evening, spent doing nothing. Ever since he had to come with his pop to the stupid academy, he had had nothing to do, besides help capture some dummies who tried to run away from the Academy because they were homesick. Turning to Nat, he said, "Looks like some kids probably decided to run away. I doubt they actually fell asleep in the middle of a forest."

"Right..." Summer nodded like she had understood. Then she groaned. "Well, we don't have the sleeping bags ot anything anymore, but it probably wouldn't be a good idea to be ouy in the open anyway. But where on earth would we go?" A pause. "Would it be a big problem staying in a small town? Or do they, like, have different accents and we'd stick out? Sorry... I know nothing about Canada."

"Well, you never know with these American idiots. Clever of them to remove the tracker though, if they have run off." Natasha noted, leaning over and taking Mr Rael's tracker out of Gill's hands. "Hm... I'd say keep going forwardd, then left. They really are far away."

"I don't, either. I've never actually been to Canada before. Quite honestly, it would be way safer for us to just stay away from Canadians for now. Normally, we'd be able to disguise as tourists or something, but due to the war.. There's no way any tourists are up here. So.. Yeah." Flynn sighed, and then really wished he had never decided to come to the stupid Academy. This was like something out of a bad movie.

(have to post as gill later, g2g, lunch is over at school >.<)

Summer nodded, although she didn't like it. "So where on earth are we going to go? Staying out in the wild is looking more and more likely..." She sighed. "There's no way we'll be able to make it to the border before nightfall. We don't even know where we are yet!" Groaning, Summer looked up at Flynn. "We're going to have to at least go into a town, if only to find out where we are and what's going on."

Flynn sighed. "Fine. Hopefully, our accents won't stick out too much. And hopefully, we're close to the border. In any case, let's keep walking. Worst case scenario, you can draw us some sleeping bags and we can find somewhere to sleep." Flynn continued to jog at a slowish pace, and unfortunately, at that moment, a pang of hunger struck him. He felt like groaning. He really wanted to try to not eat any food until tomorrow, since he knew he could survive for at least 3 days max without food (Although there was no way he could last mentally more than a day without food). Sighing, he found himself mentally debating over whether to slow down and not burn as many calories, or keep going faster to reach civilization before nightfall.

Although Gill looked like he wanted to say something about the tracker being taken from him, he reconsidered, and instead, nodded. "What bloody idiots. I really would prefer to just go back to the campground, and eat dinner." He kept running, and then peeked over at the tracker. "Uhm. This is gonna take awhile."

"That would indeed be the worst case scenario." Summer agreed, shuddering slightly at the thought of sleeping out in the open, where anyone or anything could find and get them. By now she had managed to catch up with Flynn, walking at his side. "Maybe... I hate to say this, but maybe we should speed up? If we're gonna have any hope of reaching a town..."

"Same. It's a shame we couldn't rope one of the other idiots into helping us. I know full well one of them has a teleportation power." Nat shook her head sadly, looking down at the tracker again. "Left. Dear me, they are far away. Either they went that way on purpose, or they really are just idiots."

Flynn sped up, although a bit unhappily. He pondered on whether to bring up his hunger or not, but he figured that wasn't important. Ignoring his stomach, he began to run again. "God, I really hope we're not too far into Canada, it would suck if we were..."

"They're obviously idiots, either way. Trying to escape from the Academy, or getting lost, both are acts of idiocy." Gill continued to run, annoyed. "Hopefully, we can get back before the sun goes all the way down. This is bloody ridiculous."

"With our luck, we're probably in Alaska and will have to pass through the whole of Canada to get home!" Summer groaned, picking her pace up to try and stay level with Flynn. For the most part she managed, but she once again ended up lagging slightly behind. "I'm still worrying about how we're going to get through the border... we're probably not going to be able to! What are we gonna do then?" Summer fought to control her stress, taking deep breaths as she ran in an attempt to stop herself hyperventilating or something.

Noticing that Gill was starting to speed up and take over her, Natasha sped up as well, occasionally glancing at the tracker. Taking a right and slowing down for a moment to neatly hop over some vines, she nodded in agreement with Gill. "According to the tracker we're about halfway there now. Hopefully the idiots will co-operate and let us bring them to the camp without a fight."

"God, no." He shut his eyes, thinking of how disastrous it would be if they were in one of the northern provinces of Canada. The thought of getting back across the border made his head hurt, and he had to agree- how could they get across? He did have two ideas, but... "Either we'll have to swim across one of the Great Lakes, or we'll have to use our powers to knock out the American guards," Flynn said, "Although I dislike the thought of both." He hated this entire situation so freaking much.

"Yeah, cause I don't particularly enjoy the thought of having to fight with the pesky *%#@^*((^s," Gill muttered as he continued to head in the direction of the dot. He stopped when he came across a bunch of camping equipment, laying on the ground. "Well, well."

"I hate both of those ideas, mainly because I can't do either. What am I meant to do, knock a guard out with my pencil?" Summer mined making a hit before sighing. "Whatever we do, we'll have to make sure we do it quickly. God help us if they call reinforcements..."

"Oh, please. You know full well that I could have them both on the ground within minutes." Natasha told Gill, grinning. When they arrived at the abandoned gear she simply watched it for a few moments before pulling out her phone, spinning it around in a practiced movement and dialling Mr Rael at the speed of light. "I'll tell you ehy the trackers aren't moving. It's because they've left their stuff here. Numbers-" She bent down and rummaged until she found the trackers. "Numbers 45 and 46. Looks like they ditched their stuff and ran off."

Mr. Rael, who was busy eating the lame dinner, picked up his phone, and answered it. "Yes? Hello? ....." He listened to what she said, and then when he spoke again, he did it in an oddly soft voice. "I see..." Mr. Rael felt oddly panicked. This was bad, he could lose his job at this rate. He looked down at his clipboard where he had written down who had what equipment, and easily located who had equipment 45 and 46. Remembering he was on the phone, he barked into the phone, "Find those son of a (*^&%&**(s.", before hanging up. "Stupid kids," he muttered.

"Well, you could draw, umm... Something and then throw it at the guards. I dunno... Okay, can we just figure out how to get over this obstacle when we actually get close to the border? For now, let's just focus on getting somewhere." Flynn sighed for the billionth time that day, and then, after checking the compass yet again, he glanced at the sky. The sun was now all the way down, and it would be getting completely dark soon. He bit his lip.

"What-" Natasha began to speak again, but Mr Rael hung up. Making a noise in frustration, she rounded on Gill. "He said we have to find them, but he didn't even tell me who 'they' were! Names, powers, what they look like... nothing!" She paused, taking a deep breath. "Look. You've got a list of who had what equipment, and I know full well you've seen most of the kid's files..."

Summer followed Flynn's gaze, biting her lip as she saw darkness beginning to close in. "Hey, you're the one with the electricity power. Can't you light the way or set a branch on fire or something?" In an effort to cover up how scared she was, the young girl had resorted to babbling to sound confident. Which she wasn't. "Mr Rael will have brought us camping in the middle of nowhere! How are we going to find a town?"

"Sorry, sorry." Flynn knew he had to try to be confident, but it was hard for him to keep his head up in this situation from ^*^%#@. Sighing, he handed the compass to Summer. "Here, hold onto that. I don't want to mess it up or anything with my electricity." He allowed a spark of electricity to light his left hand.

"Shut up. I can't exactly remember who the heck number 46 and 47 were, but I think one of them had the power to draw and bring things to life or something. I remember looking at the files of this person and thinking how cool the power was. And, I have no idea about the other person. It's not like I'm a living Northlake Academy wikipedia." He rolled his eyes, annoyed.

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Summer took the compass from Flynn, watching in fascination as the electricity appeared. Trying to lighten up the situation, she took a step away ftom Flynn, holding her hands up. "Okay, that's pretty cool, but stay away from me. I don't want to be shocked by however many volts that is!" She sighed, dropping her hands and moving back to Flynn's side.

"Oh, how helpful!" Natasha snapped, frustrated at Gill and his apparent lack of effort. "Right, so we know at least one has that drawing ability- hang on." Once again Nat pulled out her phone, this time dialling her mother. "Mum. Yes, I'm fine. Look, shut up and listen. Do you know anything about a girl that has some sort of drawinh ability - her name, what she looks like, friends..." A pause, before Nat put the phone down. "She says we're probably dealing with two idiots named Summer and Flynn. She also says good riddance to both if they've run off."

Flynn laughed a bit, for the first time that day, and then said, "It's only about 2,000 volts... Eh, to be safe, stay away. If you touch my hand, it'll be the equivalent of being hit by a taser. And if you get fried here, then we're screwed since I can't drag you and get that far. Anyway, keep moving." Flynn continued to jog. Even he was getting pretty exhausted at this point.

"See? My unhelpful info was actually helpful. Now we know who we're dealing with. You should've asked your mum what Flynn's power was, because it'd be nice to know what we're dealing with in the guy's case," Gill said, giving Natasha a cold glare.

Summer laughed as well, but once again only to cover up how scared she was. "Yeah, I'll stay well away." She assured Flynn, a smile flashing onto her face for a brief moment. They continued moving for a while, occasionally passing a tree or two, before Summer spoke again. By that time they'd reached a path. "Flynn. Not to worry you, but I think I'm hearing footsteps up ahead." A pause. "And a language that isn't ours."

"If I ring her back now she won't answer. My mum's messed up like that." Natasha told Gill, matching his glare. "Why don't you call your dear father and ask him? I've used enough of my credit to aid this mess already. Speaking of, I say we start combing the forest."

At first, Flynn didn't answer, but then his eyes opened wide. "Are. You. Serious... This is a problem. I think we'd better run west or east. The last thing we need is for these people to try to turn us in to the EU so the EU can hold us hostage from the US." He grimaced at the thought of being held hostage.

"My dear father is probably busy drinking tequila, this is about the time of night he gets in his shots, so there's no way he'll pick up." He sighed. "I have a good idea. How about we split up, and comb the forest? It'll be more efficient that way, and if either of us sees the bloody *(^*&^&*s, then we could call each other," Gill hoped his suggestion didn't sound a bit too pushy, although he really wanted to get away from Natasha.

asdfkpleasedon'tkillmeI'MBACKsorryIwillpostnowsorryit'sjustIhadalotofstuffgoingonso,yeah,Iwillpostnow. :)

Celia gazed at the both of them with calm blue eyes. She herself was much more calmer than them, but, then again, that was just her. She found this more a game than anything. Quite a dangerous game, to be honest, with all the shooting, and possible deaths and torturing, but a game nevertheless. Giving a small, impatient sigh, "This is all really confusing. The thing is, even if we do get to the US, we don't know that we'll be safe. For all we know, it could've turned into a war zone by the time we're there. We have been in that useless academy, for what, about 3 months now? Who knows that war hasn't broken out?" She chuckled humourlessly, her eyes fixing on her dirty nails which she held out in front of her. "Imagine our surprise when we get there and all we see are a bunch of burnt down houses." she said in a rather cold tone. She lifted her gaze, and shrugged. It could happen. Unlikely, but still.

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