Obama In


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I'm for McCain

Because Obama is islamic.....i just don't think he would be a very good president(thats just my opinion)

I'm a republican

Hmm.. Well I wanted (though I'm not American) Hillary Clinton to win, because she'd be first female president... But... OBAMA all the way! First black president! I dont want to stick to the all white, male presidents.

McCain all the way, I don't like Obama. If Hilary was in, I'd vote for her, even though her book is boring.

Hmm.. Well I wanted (though I'm not American) Hillary Clinton to win, because she'd be first female president... But... OBAMA all the way! First black president! I dont want to stick to the all white, male presidents.
So.. if I said I wanted to stick to the stereotype and vote just because he was a white male that would be okay too? You're basing it simply on those reasons then so can the other side.

Eh.. I mean, just because they'd be a first doesn't mean they'd be best. Not because of race or gender but because of substance and IMHO, I don't think either have it.

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I agree with TWP, just because they're both firsts doesn't mean they're BEST firsts.

I mean, Obama has great energy, but is that enough to lead our nation in the right direction?

And Hilary seems strong and competitive, but will that help?

Oh, and Kipper, don't stereotype on Muslims. Why does it matter if someone is Muslim or not? They could be a good president, even if their faith is Islam.

Yes, the terrorists who did 9/11 CLAIMED to be Muslims and doing what they did for Islam, but in the end they were just horrible people, and that's not what Islam is about at all. In fact in Islam, you're not ALLOWED to kill a person, which is why Muhammed Ali didn't join the army, even if it meant he had to go to jail.


McCain seems okay...but I dunno.

I'm interested to see what will happen in the end... :marumimitchi:


I don't have any say in this election anyway. =/ I personally don't mlike Obama. I'd rather go with McCain.

Obama is a racist idiot. He's not experienced enough and I think that McCain would do a much better job as president.

I see it this way. If Obama is our next president, the world might end before 2012. xD

I'm for McCainBecause Obama is islamic.....
What does being islamic have to do with the presidential campaign? I'm a muslim but that doesnt mean I'm a terrorist. Just cause your islamic doesnt mean your bad.

I think Obama can lead our country. He has so many dreams and hes here to achieve them. In my opinion Obama would make a great president. Of course I'm a democrat.

Oh and how is Obama racist??

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Obama. Clinton is just... I heard some stuff on the news about her hoping that Obama would be assasinated.

If McCain became president, Abortion would be illegal. That would be horrible, for one. I've seen his arguments and they are just not good enough. I like how Obama is going about, though. He has good goals and dreams for the USA.

I watched the news today. I'm now stuck in between. I dont know who to choose. Obama makes me feel adventorous and daring. While Mcain makes me feel safe. I dont know which one but i think I like Obama more.

Obama. Clinton is just... I heard some stuff on the news about her hoping that Obama would be assasinated.
If McCain became president, Abortion would be illegal. That would be horrible, for one. I've seen his arguments and they are just not good enough. I like how Obama is going about, though. He has good goals and dreams for the USA.
Abortion wouldn't be illegal; McCain just does not agree with abortion. It would still be a law that needed to be passed that abortions were illlegal. The country votes on the laws, and if people want abortions to be legal, they will continue to be legal.

I do not like Obama. He doesn't care about our country, he only says how horrible it is. He has absolutely no experience. He cannot run our country. He is also a liar. I don't understand how he can expect people to believe he didn't know what Jeremiah Wright was saying all those years. No president should be listening to and going to the church of a man who says people should say "God dang America" rather than "God Bless America".

I love my country and I want a president who loves my country too. Obama simply doesn't.

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I haven't heard Obama say those kind of things. I believe he does care about our country. There are some flaws to our country and I agree with you fluffums, that Obama could be a little nicer about America, but I think he knows what hes doing. He is not a liar. You dont know if he can run a country or not. You shouldnt just assume. People are saying all these mean things about Obama when there not all true!! I'm not saying anything rude about Mccain even though I dont want him to be president. How do you know Obama hates America? You dont know so stop saying all these rude things.

I haven't heard Obama say those kind of things. I believe he does care about our country. There are some flaws to our country and I agree with you fluffums, that Obama could be a little nicer about America, but I think he knows what hes doing. He is not a liar. You dont know if he can run a country or not. You shouldnt just assume. People are saying all these mean things about Obama when there not all true!! I'm not saying anything rude about Mccain even though I dont want him to be president. How do you know Obama hates America? You dont know so stop saying all these rude things.
Actually... there are several videos of Obama attending the church and even more of his wife cheering on the pastor's wicked remarks at white people and America.

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