Obama's speech.


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If the only thing he addressed in the speech was staying in school to become successful in the future, I think it was stupid that he had to be the one saying it. Our teachers and parents could have given us the exact same speech. There was no need to bring politicians into the mix.
Maybe if a bigger role-model AKA THE PRESIDENT told them to, they are more likely to listen.

And this isn't the first time a president has given a speech to school. -.-

There are more than those two reasons for listening to the speech. Some people just genuinely wanted to hear what he had to say. Some people wanted to be enlightened. There are more; the reasons are infinite.
Just to add, (I'm not disagreeing completely..)

I know some people would just watch the speech for Obama and his 'coolness', and not listen to what he is saying. I'm not saying no one listen, I'm just saying some people were probably watching for just Obama. I'm sure I wouldn't want to sit through a 55 minute speech, Obama or not. That's just me though. Some people, as you said, would love to hear him talk.

Random, but I love Glenn Beck. xD He tells the truth about whats going on.

Well, we watched it today. And I don't understand why so many of you are opposed to it.

He wasn't talking healthcare. He wasn't talking politics.

He was talking about kids and how we should do our part in school. For god's sake, will one of you please tell me why you don't want him to talk to kids about staying in school?

Are you opposed to education? Because I don't see why you would be. It's pretty vital.

To he honest, I'm getting the feeling that you're opposed to the speech simply because Obama was giving it.

If the only thing he addressed in the speech was staying in school to become successful in the future, I think it was stupid that he had to be the one saying it. Our teachers and parents could have given us the exact same speech. There was no need to bring politicians into the mix.

As Diva said, Obama wasn't talking politics, or healthcare, or money. He was doing his bit to give the future of America an inspirational message that would help them stay through school. I honestly don't see why so many people have a huge issue with that. Sure, parents and teachers could have been telling you words to the affect, but it is TOTALLY not the same. Yeah, it had the same message as the timeless "Stay in school, kids." But this was like a half-hour long inspirational speech by the President. Not the same thing.

And from what I understand, a lot of the people putting up the harshest arguments against this speech didn't even bother watching it. If you're not informed about what you're talking about, saying "No I don't like Obama so the speech was stupid," is not the way to go about spreading an educated opinion. If you didn't watch it, you honestly don't know a thing other than 'Obama made a speech about school.'

The point is, all he said was good. It was exactly what some teens needed to hear. No politics or anything - just helping kids stay in school. There is NOTHING wrong or stupid about that.

Esther, I think I love you.

You're right in every sense.

It would not have given me the same "wow" factor as if my mom or dad or teacher had told me.

And I doubt many people did watch it--because of the simple fact that it was Obama talking.

If you watched it and disagree with his speech, please, tell me.

As Diva said, Obama wasn't talking politics, or healthcare, or money. He was doing his bit to give the future of America an inspirational message that would help them stay through school. I honestly don't see why so many people have a huge issue with that. Sure, parents and teachers could have been telling you words to the affect, but it is TOTALLY not the same. Yeah, it had the same message as the timeless "Stay in school, kids." But this was like a half-hour long inspirational speech by the President. Not the same thing.

And from what I understand, a lot of the people putting up the harshest arguments against this speech didn't even bother watching it. If you're not informed about what you're talking about, saying "No I don't like Obama so the speech was stupid," is not the way to go about spreading an educated opinion. If you didn't watch it, you honestly don't know a thing other than 'Obama made a speech about school.'

The point is, all he said was good. It was exactly what some teens needed to hear. No politics or anything - just helping kids stay in school. There is NOTHING wrong or stupid about that.
I didn't say he was talking about politics. But he IS a politician, and whenever you bring a politician's opinion to a school, arguments break out. At my school, there are many people who support Obama and many people that are anti-Obama. So people would be bickering with each other all day about "oh this was so inspirational" and "don't make me puke"

So I think it would be better if it was the teachers that had to do it. I mean, we've all heard "stay in school" before and "if you don't stay in school you'll grow up to be a bum who looks for donations on street corners" so I don't believe Obama will have made a huge impact on kids who really need to know that staying in school is best.

So I think it would be better if it was the teachers that had to do it. I mean, we've all heard "stay in school" before and "if you don't stay in school you'll grow up to be a bum who looks for donations on street corners" so I don't believe Obama will have made a huge impact on kids who really need to know that staying in school is best.
It IS different. The President of our country is telling us that he cares about not only us as individuals, but also the country's future as a whole.

Obama or not. I find speeches very boring.

I was sleeping with my eyes, and listening to it with my ears.

I don't get how anyone could disagree with the speech... all it was was about the importance of staying in school, Whether it was done by a politician or not, you aren't limited to what you're supposed to say.

If having the President do the speech would cause some people to argue, then they just have no sense.. and we shouldn't be allowing Obama not to do the speech just to make them happy :)

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Don't like Obama.Don't care what he has to say.

Flame away, I'm entitled to my opinion.

His healthcare plan was stupid in my opinion.

Who would skip school anyways? It gives me something to do.

I admit, I like school, and would hate to miss it.

Being home sick is torture for me.

I very much dislike Obama.

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