OldSchoolTama's Virtual Pet Log


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Special thanks to my readers and all out there who follow, especially kuchipatchi.is.blue55, ApertureGotchi, Violetchilluvr3, graficks, phnx0313, and TicTax. You guys are so awesome and I hope you continue to enjoy this log! :)

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Another day gone by and my 15th Anniversary iD L is still in the mail. Ah well, there are still days left in the week. *crosses fingers* Catching up will be easier than I anticipated because I didn’t take as many pictures per usual. Onward!

March 3-4, 2012

Tamagotchi iD L

So, my mistake. I actually didn’t wait and took my gal to the matchmaker on the 2nd, where she married Shinshitchi.


They had a baby boy. I named him Yuudai (“great hero”). He evolved into Kaubotchi after an hour.


On the 3rd, he evolved into Bokuhoshitchi, which was kind of a bummer because I had already gotten all the Henshinjo characters in that lineage. I must have gotten really lax with the snacks because on the 4th, Yuudai evolved into Kuishinbotchi.


So sorry about my laziness, you guys. I wanted to get cracking on all the Henshinjo characters I missed (though I could have sworn I’ve gotten the alter egos for Mametchi, Chamametchi, and others a while back…guess I never saved them) but it proved to be harder than I thought, especially with my hectic schedule. Oh well, just gotta keep on keeping on!

We also celebrated Watawatatchi’s birthday on the 4th.



My gal, still a Chamametchi on the 3rd and throughout much of the 4th, visited the garden one morning during this time. It was a surprisingly lovely day outside (for the first time in months) so I snapped a picture of her with one of the happy signs, a heart-shaped cloud.


She evolved into Makiko on the 4th.


Thanks so much for stopping by! Hang tight! A new collection picture will make its appearance soon after my 15th Anniversary iD L arrives!

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Here's the new collection picture:


My family has expanded since my last collection picture in March 2011 so I made a quick

//www.tamatalk.com/IB/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png of everything up closer. Sorry for the shakiness; I was trying to carefully step around my collection while filming. :D
I'll be updating my log in the coming days but I couldn't wait to share the collection picture with you. Questions? Comments? Let me know! Hope you're all having a wonderful day! :)

Goodness gracious, I let time slip away from me again! Well, it’s still been busy but exciting things have been happening too and perhaps I’ll elaborate at a later time. Again, I apologize for my lack of updates lately. This semester has been wild but my time should free up more after April 17th. It shouldn’t take me that much longer to get up to speed, since I didn’t run any Tamagotchis in the last half of March, but as I have limited time for updating, please bear with me as I slowly catch up. Here we go!

March 5-8, 2012

Tamagotchi iD L

Yuudai was still a Kuishinbotchi on the 5th. On the morning of the 6th, I took him straight to the matchmaker, where he and Shigurehimetchi were married. They had a baby girl and so I named her Aimi (“love beauty”). I didn’t get a picture of the transformation but I think she evolved into Paletchi.


Aimi evolved into Sabosabotchi on the 7th, and then into Furawatchi on the 8th.


I then took her to the Henshinjo, where she transformed into her alter ego, Majokko Furawa.



It appears I kept my gal around until the 8th.


On the 8th, she went to the matchmaker, where she and Kuromametchi were married.


They had a baby boy. I named him Kei (“blessed, lucky”). He evolved into Kuribotchi after an hour.


Thanks for stopping by! Stay tuned…

Here's a big shout-out to ayan300. Thanks so much for checking out my log! :)

March 9-13 (ish), 2012

Tamagotchi iD L

So, silly me. I managed to get all of the happy stamps for Furawatchi (Fuwafuwa Castella from Tama Bakery, the Kendama from the Retro Toys seeds, and the Flower Hat from Tama Mori) but the thing is, I had to take off her Henshinjo costume in order for her to put on the hat (maybe you can see where I’m going with this because it’s happened before…with Uwasatchi :p ). Then I lost track of time and the next time I activate the screen, she’s earning her final happy symbol and stored under the book icon wearing the hat instead of her Henshinjo costume. >.



I rarely catch an adult character doing the wiggle dance


What was done, was done, so I took her to the matchmaker and she married Sunopotchi there.


They had a baby boy, who I named Akio (“glorious hero”). He evolved into Furutsupantchi after the hour of care.


That covers what happened on the 9th and 10th. From this point on, my schedule became a lot more hectic and so I stopped logging and taking pictures. I also paused my iD L. I can remember what happened though, judging from the pictures I took after I unpaused it. On the 11th, Akio evolved into Happabouyatchi. He evolved into Bokutchi (such frightening eyes) on the 12th. I remembered pausing my iD L on the very early morning of the 13th because I had clinical that morning. I decided to resume running Tamagotchis again when my 15th Anniversary Tamagotchi iD L arrived.


The next time I looked at my +C’s screen after a while, I saw that Kei had gone back to Tamagotchi Planet. I was unsure as to whether I wanted to continue running my +C and that’s pretty much where I’ve left off with it so far.

So I my Tamagotchis were inactive from around March 13th to March 29th, the day my 15th Anniversary iD L arrived in the mail. I took pictures of this new addition and then on March 31st, got my entire virtual pet family together for an updated collection photo and video. I resumed running my Tamagotchis on April 2nd. Stay tuned for my March 29th post, where I will finally be logging about my 15th Anniversary iD L! Told you it wouldn’t be long before I’m more caught up. :D Until next time!

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***The arrival of my 15th Anniversary Tamagotchi iD L!***

Time for me to tell the story about how I got this gem for my collection! I had always known that I would be getting one of these; it’s an anniversary edition, how could I not? I waited to get one though because I hadn’t saved up yet and of course, by the time I saved up comfortably for one, all the fair-priced ones were sold out, leaving me with the super-expensive ones available on Ebay.

Out of a whim one day in January (and then again a month later, since I got no response to the first message), I decided to e-mail CD Japan (where I bought my regular iD L) and ask them if they were going to get new stock of the 15A iD L. I got a response back saying that unfortunately, they were not. However, they informed me that they were holding a couple of them for a customer who hadn’t paid for them yet. They would be able to cancel the order if the other customer didn’t pay up within 6 weeks after placing the order. All they needed was a reminder e-mail from me.

So on the very first day of the 6th week, I e-mailed my contact again and she was able to cancel the other customer’s order and create an order for me! I can’t even describe how happy I was at this new turn of events.

So I bought my 15A iD L on March 4th, it was shipped via SAL (I usually opt for the cheapest shipping rate possible, as I was in no hurry to get it, as long as it arrived safe and sound), and arrived a little more than 3 weeks after it shipped. I thought this was interesting because it only took exactly 2 weeks for my regular iD L to arrive. In any case, I was so excited when I finally saw that package from CD Japan on my doorstep.

Lessons to take out of this: be patient, persistent, proactive in getting what you want, and don’t be afraid to ask questions. You never know what you’re going to get and it might pay off in the end. It certainly paid off for me: I only paid $52 (including shipping) for mine. :)

So without further ado, it’s my pleasure to officially introduce the newest addition to my collection! Enjoy the pictures!



I love the shimmer!

As I mentioned in my previous log post, I finally got the chance to take an updated collection picture after everything arrived, so you can see that picture if you scroll up a bit or if you click on the link in my signature. I started up my 15A iD L and any other paused Tamagotchis on April 2. Stay tuned for that!

Thank you, ApertureGotchi, for your mail! :)

April 2, 2012

15th Anniversary iD L

I finally got the chance to carefully open up my new Tamagotchi and start it up. After the usual introduction and settings screens, an egg appeared.


A few moments passed and then it cracked open to reveal a baby girl, Memeputchi. I named her Sophie.


Much of the menus, food, items, and functions are the same on the 15A as the regular iD L. There are some new food and items.

The most obvious difference between the 15A and regular iD L (besides the different characters) is that the 15A has different built-in mini games. I enjoy them, as they are more difficult and involve the use of both hands.


The first game is a puzzle-like game where you move the tiles around so that you make the picture of the character that’s displayed on the left. Use the A button to move the cursor to the tile you’d like to move and then press the B button to move the tile. You have 50 seconds to re-arrange the tiles in the correct order. There are 3 rounds in each game and if you complete all 3 rounds, you get the max 200 Gotchi Points. Here's a video, if you’re interested in seeing this in action:

By the way, I made the videos later on in my run, which is why you see Makiko collecting the Gotchi Points in the puzzle game, and Mametchi collecting the Gotchi Points in the maze game. They are the first and second generation adults I achieved, respectively, as you’ll see later.

Sophie evolved into Kusatchi after the usual hour of care.


That’s all for April 2nd with my 15A. I’m really excited to have this gem for my collection!

To be continued...

April 2, 2012 (continued)

Tamagotchi iD L

When I unpaused my iD L, I still had Bokutchi. I saw that he was ready for the matchmaker, so I took him there. He and Makiko were married and they had a baby boy. I named him Manabu (“learn”). He evolved from Yurapatchi into Nannokitchi after an hour of care.


I decided not to restart up my +C for the time being. I figured I’ve already featured all the characters in my log at some point so I’m going to be taking a break from it for a while. When I have more time, I might start it up again or start up another one of my Tamagotchis that haven’t been featured in this log yet. The possibilities are endless! Thanks so much for stopping by! :)

April 3-4, 2012

15th Anniversary iD L

I have clinical on Tuesdays and so I had very few pictures for the 3rd. Sophie evolved into Mikazukitchi on the 3rd. Too bad I didn’t get a picture because she’s a cute character. She evolved into Makiko on the 4th.


We got a pet that same day. Hapihapitchi followed us home.



Tamagotchi iD L

Manabu evolved into Bokuhoshitchi on the 3rd. On the 4th, he evolved into Gozarutchi.


Until next time!

April 5, 2012

15th Anniversary iD L

Today, I worked on getting Makiko’s happy items, which are the Sweet Eclair (Tama Bakery) Tamamori Cake (Tama Café), and the Makeup Bag from the Celebrity Seeds Packet (Tama Depa). I made sure that Sophie had a proper meal first before having all of those desserts, so she had some diced tofu; I like to keep things balanced. :D


After having some food, we went to Tama Depa to purchase some seeds. Hapihapitchi helped plant them. Here’s hoping for the Makeup Bag tomorrow morning!




Completing the maze game for the first time!

Just in case you missed my previous post, I do have videos of the 2 mini games in action.

Tamagotchi iD L

No pictures of Manabu the Gozarutchi today. I will be taking him to the matchmaker first thing in the morning.

Thanks for reading! :)

April 6, 2012

15th Anniversary iD L

Makiko’s final happy item is the Makeup Bag. Yesterday, she planted a Celebrity Seed and this morning, it sprouted. Took a few times, but we eventually got our item.


After Sophie earned all 4 happy signs, we took a long-awaited trip to the matchmaker.


She and Hirotchi fell in love and got married.


An egg appeared and out came a baby boy. I named him Sheldon (yes, I am very much obsessed with The Big Bang Theory and the actor who plays Dr. Sheldon Lee Cooper, Jim Parsons :D ).


To be continued...

April 6, 2012 (continued)

Sheldon evolved from the adorable Pantsutchi to Ahirukutchi after an hour.


I decided to try for Mametchi, the smart one. It would be very fitting, since Sheldon in the show is very smart as well. :D

Tamagotchi iD L

Manabu went to the matchmaker today also. He and Perotchi fell in love and got married. Manabu came home with the egg and out hatched a baby boy. I named him Masanori (“model of justice”). Don’t know why I stopped taking pictures around this point :p but he evolved into Kaubotchi after an hour.


I know I’ve been falling behind with logging but all the work I’ve been doing up to this point this semester was to prepare for the highly-anticipated (but not really :p ) April 17th date. So yes, I will have more free time after tomorrow. Thanks so much for sticking things out with me as I continue to backlog. I’m going to try and crank out the updates as fast as I can so that I can finally be all caught up. More updates to come!

Special shout-out goes to MagicMimitchi! Your words mean a great deal to me and I am honored that you are able to take some time to stop by! Thank you! :)


To my readers out there: from the bottom of my heart, thank you! I couldn't have made it this far without you. *HUGS*

April 7-8, 2012

Must…keep…logging… :D

15th Anniversary iD L

I’m trying to think back and remember why I didn’t take many pictures at all on the 7th. Maybe I was out of town. Anyway, nothing much happened except for the fact that Sheldon evolved into Kujakutchi, an Ura character that looks like a peacock.


Can’t remember which character’s birthday we celebrated on the 7th.

The 8th was a very exciting day for Sheldon. He evolved into Mametchi, as anticipated.


In preparation for the next day, he made sure to plant an Exciting Handmade seed in hopes of getting the experiment kit, one of Mametchi’s happy items.



We celebrated Furawatchi’s birthday on the 8th, on both Tamagotchis I’m running.


Tamagotchi iD L

Masanori evolved into Hanikamitchi on the 7th. He evolved into Mametchi (just like Sheldon!) on the 8th.


To be continued...

April 7-8, 2012 (continued)

Since one of Mametchi's happy items is the Kurimi Pan from Tama Bakery, I made sure he had a proper meal first, as usual. :D We paid a visit to one of Masanori’s relatives, where they enjoyed a TamaTomo meal together. We stopped by Tama Bakery for some dessert after that.


He was really eager to get home and play with the science kit. Initially, his experiment went a little awry, but he got it right in the end!



Mametchi’s other happy item is the crown from Tama Mori.


We rounded off the fun-filled day by heading to the park to bring home a pet. Masanori took an instant liking to Bagubagutchi and after playing in the park for a while, the little guy followed us home.


Phew! Masanori was absolutely exhausted after all that. Needless to say, he slept well that night.

That’s all for now. Thanks for reading!

April 9, 2012

15th Anniversary iD L

Took a few tries with the time trick, but we finally got the science kit from the Exciting Handmade seeds we planted yesterday.


Sheldon proceeded to work with said science kit. After reassuring me that he knew what he was doing (and I believed him…he is named after a genius after all :p ), I watched in half amusement and half shock when his experiment took an interesting turn, and he was engulfed in a copious amount of white smoke. After that initial surprise, the end result was satisfactory. “I meant to do that,” he said. Uh huh. :p




To be continued...

April 9, 2012 (continued)

I didn’t forget about Sheldon’s other happy items: Kurimi Pan from Tama Bakery (meal first, as usual…my guy had the Katsu Curry) and instead of a crown like on the regular iD L, the 3rd happy item is the royal mantle. I told Sheldon that he had better take good care of it because it had a whopping 4000 GP price tag! Holy moly! Well, he does look quite handsome all dressed up. The things I do for this guy…



Tamagotchi iD L

I took Masanori to the Henshinjo today so that he could transform into his alter ego, Prince Mametchi. Saved it for last so I don’t make my silly mistake of the character not being in the right costume when it’s time to get the final happy symbol again. :p


I love the little red rose he carries!

He should be ready to woo a special lady at the matchmaker's tomorrow. :D

Stay tuned for more adventures!

April 10, 2012

15th Anniversary iD L

Sheldon earned his very last happy sign today, meaning that I now have the TamaTomo for 2 unique characters, which opens up a new location: TAMAX-TV (one of the “Henshinjo” locations).




Sheldon wasn’t able to change into his alter ego (I found this out later…Mametchi has to visit the Ura location, which opens up later on, in order to transform into Uramametchi) but he enjoyed his visit anyway. I decided to keep Sheldon around for a little while longer.

Tamagotchi iD L

One more Henshinjo character stored! Man, am I doing this at a slow pace or what? :p


To be continued...

April 10, 2012 (continued)

After all happy signs were earned, I took Masanori to the matchmaker. He and the lovely Lovelitchi were married in a simple ceremony.


They had a baby girl, Arisu (“noble sort”).


Father-daughter moments :)

I don’t have a picture of this, but she evolved into Paletchi after the hour of care. She enjoyed a restful day afterward.

Thanks so much for stopping by!

I love you guys. I'm just going to put that out there. :)

April 11, 2012

15th Anniversary iD L

I took Sheldon to the matchmaker today. It was love at first sight as he and Meloditchi locked eyes. After a date, which culminated in the presentation of a stunning engagement ring to his beloved, they were married.


Sheldon came home with an egg, which hatched to reveal a baby girl. I named her Penny (I'm continuing to be inspired by my Big Bang Theory obsession fascination :D ).


So much love :)

She evolved from Marutchi to Kusatchi after an hour.


Tamagotchi iD L

Arisu evolved from Paletchi to Sabosabotchi on the 11th. Hoping to wind up with a Henshinjo character.


We also celebrated Hirotchi's birthday today on both Tamagotchis.


Until we meet again!

April 12-14, 2012

15th Anniversary iD L

Penny evolved from Kusatchi to Morutchi. She’s got a curious assortment of what I assume to be flowers hovering above her head. Cute.


Nothing much going on with her for the rest of the 12th. On (Friday) the 13th, she evolved into Madonnatchi.


I took care of her happy signs on the 14th. First off, I took Penny to visit one of her male ancestors, who presented her with a TamaTomo meal. We then spent the afternoon out on the town, where she got not only one, but TWO desserts (Fuwafuwa Castella and the Fruit Sandwich from Tama Bakery).


I spoil this one so much, I tell ya. To further prove my point, :p I caved and bought her the pink microphone she’s been eying since she was a little girl. As we made our way home, our bellies full and our hands laden with shopping bags, I told her we’re going to have to play extra mini-games to make up for all those Gotchi Points we doled out today. Seeing her perform on stage in front of some of her friends made it all worthwhile though. My heart swelled with pride as she effortlessly and skillfully belted out song after wonderful song.


Tamagotchi iD L

Arisu evolved into Furawatchi on the 12th.


I worked on her happy items on the 13th. They are Fuwafuwa Castella from Tama Bakery, Kendama from a Retro Toys seed, and the Flower Hat from Tama Mori.


I think it was here that I did some weird time change thing (Arisu had already gone to bed for the night but I changed the time back when I finally had a chance to sit down so that I could work on her happy signs), so as a result, Arisu didn’t get her last happy sign until the 15th, instead of the 14th as expected. More on that later.

That’s all for this block of time. Thanks so much for stopping by!

April 15, 2012

15th Anniversary iD L

As soon as Penny earned all 4 happy symbols, she made her trip to the matchmaker.


It was there that she met her husband-to-be, Maisutatchi. They got married in a gorgeous wedding ceremony.


Penny came home with a new egg and after a few moments, it hatched to reveal a baby boy. I named him Ryan.


He evolved into the sparkling Daiyatchi after the hour of care.


Tamagotchi iD L

I am such a total n00b…again! I didn’t change Arisu into her alter ego, and by the time I remembered to do so, she was already getting her fourth happy sign and there was nothing I could do to stop it, of course. Sheesh. Looks like I’m going to have to try again with Furawatchi at a later time. :p


To be continued...
