OMG i will never forget.


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Once, when I was younger (I think I was about 5) I was sitting on a little plastic chair, I fell off and banged my head on the wall corner. It was bleeding and I had to have a bandage wrapped around my head.

Another thing that I won't forget, which is similar, is I was leaving the school library at the end of lunch to go back to form room. People usually hold the door open for the person behind them, but they didn't this time, and it closed on my head as I was walking out. It was only a small bump, but like the one mentioned above, it was bleeding a lot. I had to use heaps of toilet paper and a paper towel to stop it and I had to use an ice pack because it hurt. I know I won't forget it because I now have a scar from it. This is why I hardly ever trust push doors now.

funny: barfing on my lil brother at the amusment park after eating 6 cotton candies :hitodetchi:

bad: i almost killed my brother after i tryed to push him over the safety bars at a mall

happy: I GOT A 3DS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :babytchi: :mametchi: :mimitchi:

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