Oo! Shiny log^^


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Whooo! Nira's an adult today!!! :D :D She's weird looking though. She's shaped like a gourd or something (Gaara's gourd! Eh heh... :huh: ), and when she comes up close she's drooling and holding a cup. I think she's drunk. My poor drunk tama! :( She is kinda cute though.

Nira: W-woahh!! Hey ya... I'm an adult..... yup...... ok bye.....


-Flame B) :huh:

Oh! To all you Canadians, happy Thanks Giving! :huh:

- Flame :huh:

- Nira! :huh:

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I just set the time so the match maker would come for Taru, and she came! She brought a Minotchi, and together with Taru, they had............... A..........





Oh well, I'm sure Taru loves her baby daughter anyway!! :D

Taru: Oh, hello!! I just got married... :huh: I just love my baby!! I think I'll name her Hana!!!!!! Yup!!! :D Now, Hana wants to type:


Hana: fjhfjnfnjj3333333333333333333333333333333333ie490ddms


Taru: :huh:


-Flame B)

-Taru :huh:

-Hana :(

-Nira! B)

Today was cool, because Nira got a job!! :rolleyes: I have yet to play it though, and I don't know what it is...

Eee! I set the time on Taru so she'd leave her baby, and she is!! Bye bye Taru... :rolleyes:

She left! :rolleyes: I woke up the baby, named her Hana and paused her for now. Until tomorrow...

Goodnight from:

Flame :angry:



Nothing... happened.... nothing worth telling, at least..... I've been lazy, so Hana is paused and a baby....................... B)

[SIZE=14pt]Sorry I've not been posting! [/SIZE]


Flame's Excuse #1: I've misplaced my tamas... :huh:

[SIZE=14pt]Yaaay!! I found My Tamagotchis!! <_< Okay, I only really want to use Nira (V4.5 if u forgot). So she's unpaused!!![/SIZE]


EDIT: nvm. I found them, and the unpaused one, Nira , is sleeping.

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The title says it all... SHINY LOG.

i hope the best for the v4.5 oh and the adult i belive it was a horoytchi , that meansyou must of played alot of games of apple

Thanks for the comment kutchipatchi~candy!

But yesterday...



Well, I left her unpaused so now she lost all happy hearts!! :) G2G play a game.

Didn't end up playing a game. I fed Nira 4 snacks. She now weights... 52... pounds. :D Well, on the bright side, the matchmaker will come SOON! Or maybe today if I set the time right, cause Nira's 7! Okay, 'm gonna do that. Time is set. La de da.... SHE CAME!! She brought a tama unknown to me. Aww now Nira is meeting him... she had with him, a... baby.....................

































What do you think, boy or girl?
























If you guess correctly, you get a cookie! :)

















Nira had a............



























BOY!!!!!!!! OH YEA!!! :angry: Just what I wanted!!!! If you guessed boy, here is your cookie.




There it is, up there!^^

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Lol... yummy cookie. Anyways, love the log. Nira is called a Horoyotchi and you guessed right! She's is actually drunk! The cup in her hand is a cup of Sake... alcohol from Japan I think.

Anyways, send Taru and Nira! my love.

I changed the timer on Nira and her son, and now she is leaving!!! Well, standing there, staring at her baby. Still. She's got a cute little smirk on her face- AA! SHE LEFT!! Byebye Nira!!!!! :)

Well, I woke up the baby boy and named him Kyo (like from Fruits Basket). He's paused now, until morning. Then I'ma unpause Taru's baby girl, Hana, and they'll grow up together and eventually get married. :)


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