Oo! Shiny log^^


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Well! I took care of the two babies, Kyo(V4.5) and Hana (V4), and Hana, being older evolved first, into a Mohitamatchi, then just a few seconds ago, Kyo evolved into a Tamatchi! :lol: I am happy with them. Here's there stats:


Training: 1/9


Intelligence: 0

Arts: 13

Kindness: 0

Age: 0 years

Weight: 19 lbs

Generation: 2nd

Gender: girl duh


Training: 1/9


Smiley Face: 6

Sparkle: 3

Blobby Thing: 20

Age: 0 years

Weight: 13 lbs

Generation: 3rd

Gender: boy duh

Well, that is all for now! :lol:

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Well, Kyo and Hana got into preschool today!

I've also been connecting them a lot.

They both have 2 smileys with eachother in the friend list! :D

I forgot to post yesterday when they evolved into TEENS! ;)

Here is wjhat they are:


Kyo: Ura Young Mametchi- YAY!! SO CUTE! ;)

Hana: Ichigotchi- YAY again! Ichigotchi is my favourite teenager!!! ;)


Well, more later...

Oh my gooshness!! I haven't posted here since... 10 days ago. I just unpaused the tams, too. Nothing much happened, exept I caught Hana with the stink lines, and got her on the toilet.

~Flame B)

~Hana :)

~Kyo :mametchi:

PS, Thanks for the comments, peoplez! And I PM'ed u back, TamaGirl7225! (Finally :mellow: )

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Okay, I've decided to turn this log into the kind that my Tamas write in. I think that type of log is way cute, and I've not really tried it before, just had my Tamas add comments randomly. Well, I hope people like it this way, cause I know I will! :mellow:



Hello everyone! This is Hana the Ichigotchi. Today, Flame unpasued me and Kyo. Kyo is my best friend! Although, sometimes he is annoying... I connect with him a lot. He likes to play tricks on me, like giving me poo! :) I honestly don't know why. So, I give him things like that for revenge, but he never stops. Flame says its because he likes me?! Thats a bit weird. Anyway, Kyo wants to talk now, ttyl!! :mametchi:



Hi!! My name is Kyo and I'm a Ura Young Mametchi! But you probably know that, huh! Well, I have no idea what I'm gonna evolve into.... Neither does Flame. She doesn't know the characters of the V4.5 well yet so... Yeah. I like Hana. A lot! Don't tell her I said that though. Oh! Today the King came to visit me! He gave me a pencil...? I can't even use it yet, so I don't see much point. Well..... Bye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! B)

Flame: Well isn't that cute... <3[/color]

Hi, Hana here. I just got a poo in the mail, and it made me sad. :) Well, before that happened, me, Kyo, and Flame went outside and we watched Flame's dad fly a Dragon fly (not a real one)!! It was cool, but it kept crashing. Then Flame got a turn. She was good at it (at least on the first time)!!! But the sun kept shining in Flame's eyes, so it was hard for her to see what she was doing. Well, now I gotta go, bye!

Yo :( This is Hana again, and this time, I have news!!! Well, first news is that Flame slept in, and I lost all my happy hearts, and almost all of my hungrys. :( And then Flame finally woke up and fed me! And guess what? I'm an adult now! I am now a cute Memetchi!! YAY! :D I don't know about Kyo, though... I wonder what he'll think of me now? Hmm... Anyway, Speaking of Kyo he wants to talk. See ya. :)

GOOD MORNING!!! As Hana said, Flame slept in. I got sick... But she cured me! And I'm an adult too!! I don't know what I am, but its some kind of penguin-y thing with a jacket and headband. I like myself like this! I don't know if Hana can see me, because in some forms, when I connect with her, I have to put on a Nazotchi costume. :eek: She has to do that too. Oh welll........ Bye now!!!!!


Oh my gosh!! Me and Kyo're really sorry for not writing in here!! So much has happened... Well, irst off, me and Kyo fell in love. We started dating. We had such a good time! EEE!! Sorry. And then, he................ Asked me............... TO MARRY HIM!!!!!!!!!!!! :wub: And I said YES!!! ^_^ We had a nice wedding in a park, it was sunny, and I HAD CAKE!!! :D ... Sorry. And then.... Well, Kyo will tell you! Its the most bestest news of all........ <3

Well!! After we got married, me and Hana had babies. Two boys! They're so nice, hehe. I love being a dad, and I can't wait until I can see our sons growing up. I love my family so much! Anyway, today is Me and Hana's last day on Earth. I'll miss it here, it was a fun and wonderful(I met Hana here after all!) experience! But I'll be glad to retire... Oh yes, and I have a job now. I lift weights.... Its not really a job, but at least now I'm buff! B)

Oh! And one more thing, dear! My job! Well now.... I am a singer!!!! Its so fun!!!! ;)

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(BTW, in case you haven't noticed, the orange text is Kyo, and blue Hana. Alright? Alright.)

(OMG!!!! I'm SOOO SORRY! I haven't been here for SO LONG!!!!! =( and yes, Kyo and Hana left they're babies. My tamas are now teens. Hkaru (aka Hikaru) and Kaoru. Named after teh twins bros in Ouran High School Host Club. An anime. They'll be here, after being paused, tomorrow to add details! goodnight.)

... Hey there! :angry: I'm Hikaru (really Hkaru, but thats because of the 5-letter-limit.)!!!! I'm a V5.4 teen, I don't know exactly what breed I am! :hitodetchi: Well, today nothing really happened, except it is Flame's mom's b-day. She got an iPod Nano from Flame, Flame's sister, and Flame's dad. Um yeah, I'm getting off-topic here! :p I've a twin brother Kaoru. He is really nice. And he knows WHAT he is! :) Um... Nothing else okay!!!! Seeya

~Hikaru :D

Hi people, as mentioned before I am Kaoru! B) As for what I am, I am a young Kutchipatchi. Yes yes! I like myself a lot. Well today me and Hikaru got in school. Sadly, we are in different classes. :angry: Have I mentioned that I love music? No I haven't! I do! Its my most favourite thing EVER (next to Flame and my bro), all of it! :D Flame got me into it. She loves music just as much as moi. .... g2g.

Love, Kaoru :D

Hi! Its Kaoru. Nothing happened today, really. Flame played lots of games with me and Hikaru...That's pretty much IT. Bye!!! :ph34r:

Yo, this is Hikaru! :ph34r: As Kaoru said, NOTHING! ;) I really want to be an ADULT! NOW! ;) *sigh* Flame says I'm as impatient as she is. Which is a LOT! :wacko: ANyway, Christmas is NEARING!!! :angry: YAY! Ehh.... Bye now!

Hey. Guess what! ME AND HIKARU ARE ADULTS! I am..... Gozarutchi. Oh well! I'm a ninjaaaa!! :ph34r: Flame just went to the store, and got a battery for a tamagotchi! She was planning to put it in her first tama, grey V3, which was on gen. 21, but... It turns out Grey V3 is broken :mametchi: Yes, very sad. You see, once, Grey V3 got water spilled on it. But It was fixed, or so Flame thought! So.,.. Yeah. It doesn't work. Very sad! But, thw rest of the news I leave to my brother.


Love, Kaoru~

Hi!!! Anyway, continueing the news! Hehehehehe...... :p Flame put the battery in her Pink V2, who is a Masktchi named Saske (Sasuke). And, as for what adult I am! B) I'm.......... URA KUTCHIPATCHI!!!!!! :lol: YAY! Just like I wanted, I look sooooo cuuute! B) B) lol! Oh, I guess Sasuke wants to talk now huh! Okay, bye bye! From, HIKARU!

Hello... I be Sasuke! *sigh* Flame just loves the show Naruto! That is why my name is the name of Sasuke Uchiha. (Flame <3's him :) )

Flame: :hitodetchi: Shush up!!!

Heh heh! :kuribotchi: Anyway, Flame also loves ITACHI-- Oops. Better not have said that! :furawatchi: Um, bye everyone! :furawatchi:

FLame: Oh, worry not, I don't mind too much... :wacko:

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Hikaru: Hi, sorry we haven't been able to post! We've been busy.

Kaoru: Yes, but we did get jobs! (at least Hikaru did....=( )

Hikaru: Yes, I did, and I forget what job I got! Don't worry Kaoru you'll get one soon! Promise!

Kaoru: I know...



~and Flame

Hi! I, Kaoru have some AWESOME news!!!!! :D Well, today I woke up as usual, Flame played a game with me, I connected with Hikaru... And then, later, the Matchmaker came! I was pretty surprised when that creepy old lady showed up on my door... But she brought me a lovely wife!! I accepted, and then! and theeen! WE HAD A BABY!!!! Now, I am with my little baby.... DAUGHTER!! B) B) [/b]



Like Kaoru said!! The same thing happened to MOI!! B) :D and I have a son! I hope he'll grow up JUST like me! That means- really awesome! lol!

-Kaoru and daughter

-Hikaru and son



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