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My iPod was laying on my bed, and I flopped myself onto my bed.

I got impaled by my iPod and cracked the screen.

Still works though lol.


I banged into the door :/

Today has been full of injuries and accidents. In the morning I hit my foot on the bed, than I hit my head on the bed and asked for a wheatbag, than mummy spilt my chips, than I ran into the mirror, and now this... and it's only 4pm and I've been on the bed for most of the day.

Aww ): I'm glad she's okay.

I sent a text to Daniel that was supposed to go to Katie that said.

"YO MAH HOME SLICAGE. What up you tome buzzer?"

And he sent me a text back saying.

"WTC is a tome buzzer?"

I lol'd SO much.

Probably when I realised I've been spelling Brendon Urie's name with an A instead of an O in Brendon. I'm surprised Starry didn't kill me for it 8DD

Also, I just spilt a drop of juice onto my computer. But that's not much.

Well, I was playing Wii Sports, bowling, and I didn't have the wrist strap on. I basically whipped the ball (I knocked down 8 pins :) ) but I accidentally threw the wii remote and it bounced off of my wooden shelf and hit the door and landed. xDD

When my elbow crashed into the wall because I was scratchin it.

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