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I stood outside when there was an awful storm. It was super windy and sharp things kept going in my eyes. Dx

Oops. XD

Probably when I accidentally told mummy that our house smells like the dump because of her nail polish remover thinggo. She got really offended D:


In band, when I wa supposed to bang the crash cymbals, but I had the triangle in my hand and I used that instead of the drum sticks, x.x

Um.... I think probably when I left my cellphone on top of my bag in the school library. It got stolen. Luckily after 2 or 3 weeks I got it back.

I told Jacob he could use the desktop if he cleaned up his crap in the lounge and I never saw him again. Now I'm stuck with the crap.

When mummy caught me on my DS lite, while I was meant to be sleeping... I still haven't learned, and am sneaking on the computerer at the moment.

I should go off soon. My eyes are going all NYAHHHH.

I uh.... Thought I lost my phone and started freaking out... until I asked my friend if she could ring it for me.. She did in lessons and it rang during the test. I got kicked out of the class and had to finish my test in the heads office. Dx I was sure it was on vibrate.

I slipped in the shower. It was terrible. I fell on my knees, and my chest bumped the tap and now I'm all achy and painy. That's probably one of my biggest injuries this year.

So I'm not clean, as I didn't get to finish showering.

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