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I wore a fake tongue piercing to school once. They freaked. XD It was so much fun.

Yeah. My best friend and I bought ours at Spencers. >=D We both wore them to school. I showed mine to the teacher right as I walked out the door, then kind of skipped down the hallway. I dunno if she saw the tongue ring or not, but whatever. It was hilarious to see the reactions of my classmated anyhow.

Off Topic: Another outrageous thing I did at school would have to be go to school with fake rub-on tattoos all over my face. They were easter tattoos too. XD Oh, so funny.. Yet they made me rub it off. XD Still. Again, hilarious to see everybody's reactions.. They all totally flipped out. And I was known for the most 'holiday spirit'. lmao

Thank you, thank you! *Bows* LMAO. It was actually really funny, because the teacher flipped out most, and sent me to the nurse, and from then on the nurse hated me. XD It was really fun for the 2 hours it lasted.

I have 29 piercings in all ^^

11 in each ear

Left ear The top one's hiding.

Right ear

Both sides of lip and nose

Snake bites and nose

Belly button

Belly button



And two others I'll spare everyone and not say xP

I'm a piercing fiend :3

Before I get asked, the only ones that hurt were my nose and the two that wont be mentioned xP Most of them I didn't feel.

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I have three in each earlobe and one in the cartilage of my right ear. I want one of my nostrils pierced, too; I think the bull ring in the nose is hideous. I also hate top lip piercings; it looks like you have a giant mole there and it's pretty gross.

I have 29 piercings in all ^^
11 in each ear

Left ear The top one's hiding.

Right ear

Both sides of lip and nose

Snake bites and nose

Belly button

Belly button



And two others I'll spare everyone and not say xP

I'm a piercing fiend :3

Before I get asked, the only ones that hurt were my nose and the two that wont be mentioned xP Most of them I didn't feel.
lmao cant be mentioned...niiice

my nose really didn't hurt all that bad.

*sighs* Rubbing alcohol doesn't properly sterilize a sewing needle, piercing studs used in guns, or anything else. Neither does boiling it in hot water or holding the item under a flame. Neither does asking your grandmother to kiss it, holding it under hot tap water, or praying to god. I don't care if "it worked fine for me when I did it!" because simply put - you got lucky.

Same goes to anyone who gets pierced at a place like Claire's, the Piercing Pagoda, or any other place that uses a stud gun (also called a piercing gun.) Those things aren't sanitary and they work about like stabbing a sharpened end of a pencil through your skin.

If you actually care about your body's well being, but want to start an argument with me, please read through this article about sterilization fully.

Let me introduce you to the word "autoclave". An autoclave is the industry standard used by piercing and tattoo professionals to sterilize jewelry to be worn in piercings. An autoclave basically sterilizes jewelry and tools by using pressurized steam usually at 274 degrees Celcius under 18 PSI (pounds per square inch of pressure.) It is somewhat like a pressure cooker in concept, except it works a whole lot better because it was specifically designed to sterilize, while a pressure cooker... cooks food.

Another point of fact: a "gauge" is a measurement for determining the diameter of an object. You do not "gauge a piercing," you stretch it. There's been a mild debate about what word is proper, but in the end, if you go up to a piercer and say "I want you to gauge my ears to 14ga" they will most likely correct you in some way or another.

I guess anyone I've unintentionally offended is now saying to themselves, "why the heck is this chick talking as if she's so high and mighty, like she knows everything?"

Well, I don't know everything. I've just read up about piercing because the topic holds great interest to me. I hate to stumble upon people who go around subconsciously hurting themselves and putting their bodies at risk, so that's why I'm making this post. In the end though, if a person wants to go on and shove dirty objects through their flesh and cartilage, that's their decision. Not a smart one, but it's theirs.

Anyways, as for what I've got pierced: right now, nothing. I had my septum pierced at 14g but had to remove it because of my nose's anatomy and am planning on getting it repierced. I had my first earlobe piercings stretched to a 2g, but let them close up completely, which, despite how it may seem, is actually a good thing for my earlobes. I don't think people are interested in the specifics so I won't even bother. I will have them repierced at a 4g and tapered to a 2g when I can afford it since it costs money to go to a professional who will do the job right.

Technically, right now I don't have anything pierced, but just because I lack holes in my body, doesn't mean I don't have something to say about it.

I have my ears pierced (lobe). I want to get my bellybutton pierced and my eyebrow pierced, and also my nose and my cartilage on my ear. ^^

*sighs* Rubbing alcohol doesn't properly sterilize a sewing needle, piercing studs used in guns, or anything else. Neither does boiling it in hot water or holding the item under a flame. Neither does asking your grandmother to kiss it, holding it under hot tap water, or praying to god. I don't care if "it worked fine for me when I did it!" because simply put - you got lucky.
Same goes to anyone who gets pierced at a place like Claire's, the Piercing Pagoda, or any other place that uses a stud gun (also called a piercing gun.) Those things aren't sanitary and they work about like stabbing a sharpened end of a pencil through your skin.

If you actually care about your body's well being, but want to start an argument with me, please read through this article about sterilization fully.

Let me introduce you to the word "autoclave". An autoclave is the industry standard used by piercing and tattoo professionals to sterilize jewelry to be worn in piercings. An autoclave basically sterilizes jewelry and tools by using pressurized steam usually at 274 degrees Celcius under 18 PSI (pounds per square inch of pressure.) It is somewhat like a pressure cooker in concept, except it works a whole lot better because it was specifically designed to sterilize, while a pressure cooker... cooks food.

Another point of fact: a "gauge" is a measurement for determining the diameter of an object. You do not "gauge a piercing," you stretch it. There's been a mild debate about what word is proper, but in the end, if you go up to a piercer and say "I want you to gauge my ears to 14ga" they will most likely correct you in some way or another.

I guess anyone I've unintentionally offended is now saying to themselves, "why the heck is this chick talking as if she's so high and mighty, like she knows everything?"

Well, I don't know everything. I've just read up about piercing because the topic holds great interest to me. I hate to stumble upon people who go around subconsciously hurting themselves and putting their bodies at risk, so that's why I'm making this post. In the end though, if a person wants to go on and shove dirty objects through their flesh and cartilage, that's their decision. Not a smart one, but it's theirs.

Anyways, as for what I've got pierced: right now, nothing. I had my septum pierced at 14g but had to remove it because of my nose's anatomy and am planning on getting it repierced. I had my first earlobe piercings stretched to a 2g, but let them close up completely, which, despite how it may seem, is actually a good thing for my earlobes. I don't think people are interested in the specifics so I won't even bother. I will have them repierced at a 4g and tapered to a 2g when I can afford it since it costs money to go to a professional who will do the job right.

Technically, right now I don't have anything pierced, but just because I lack holes in my body, doesn't mean I don't have something to say about it.
no offence but why do you care wat i do to my body anyways....

that doesn't even make sense to me.

if i wanted to chop my finger off cause i didn't need it

would you give me instuctions on that as well???

i mean wtf?

I don't have anything pierced. >__> I just don't want anything pierced.

Why does it offend you that I'd say something in an attempt to be helpful?

I don't expect you to care about me in the least, you don't know me. That's fine by me.

I guess I'll quote myself:

"I hate to stumble upon people who go around subconsciously hurting themselves and putting their bodies at risk, so that's why I'm making this post. In the end though, if a person wants to go on and shove dirty objects through their flesh and cartilage, that's their decision. Not a smart one, but it's theirs."

To expand upon that, I also dislike people who talk about their self-piercing ventures in a bragging way because it can give others the idea that it's okay, that things will turn out fine and that there's nothing to worry about.

Also, I didn't give you instructions on anything. I haven't given anyone instructions. Don't take what I've said out of context.

Why does it offend you that I'd say something in an attempt to be helpful?
I don't expect you to care about me in the least, you don't know me. That's fine by me.

I guess I'll quote myself:

"I hate to stumble upon people who go around subconsciously hurting themselves and putting their bodies at risk, so that's why I'm making this post. In the end though, if a person wants to go on and shove dirty objects through their flesh and cartilage, that's their decision. Not a smart one, but it's theirs."

To expand upon that, I also dislike people who talk about their self-piercing ventures in a bragging way because it can give others the idea that it's okay, that things will turn out fine and that there's nothing to worry about.

Also, I didn't give you instructions on anything. I haven't given anyone instructions. Don't take what I've said out of context.
well sorry for the misunderstanding

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