Polite or Inpolite?


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Ahahaha I've always been polite. I'm one of the nicest of my friends. Ya and a lot of ppl used to call me a goody-two-shoes but i've hardened. I'm always polite to adults but when i'm with friends and no one cares... I'm not lol

I don't go out of my way to be polite. But I know when I HAVE to be... Around my friends, I don't NEED to be...but I don't want to be totally impolite either. I'm definitely not a goody-goody though! :p


I'm very polite when it comes to trying to get people to think good of me, and I think being polite makes people see you as more mature.

I say please and thank-you, I wish my teacher a good weekend, I always try and talk poliety.....but with my friends and stuff, I forget about being polite! xDD

I forgot to add: I think burping in public is very impolite!
You toke the words write out of my mouth.

I find burping very rude and gross. Totally impolite.

eh so so i get hyper in public sometimes Rofl but i don't like burp out loud or anything maybe at home lol but not in public :) XD

Depends on where you are. A fancy dinner party, impolite. At a family picnic, it is okay.

In my family, bodily functions are hilarious. There are numerous times I can count my mom or me have accidently had out a huge belch or fart in somewhere public. It's natural, and majority of the time I don't care. Only time I would probably be a bit more consious is at a friend's place in front of their parent's or meeting my boyfriend's parents XD.

It's impolite.
I wont burp in a group of people I don't know, but when I'm with my friends I don't care.

I wouldn't be rude in front of a group of strangers or at some formal thing or when I'm in class. But when I'm with my friends or at my house I'll fart and burp whenever. In fact, I just farted right now. TWICE!

I guess I would be considerd a "Goody two Shoes' as you refer to it. I find that insulting, just a tad. Just because we are polite doesn't mean we should be titled like that...

I am also a perfetionist.

I honestly don't care. Nobody seems to care,and nobody stares. I'm not very poliete, but on occasion, i am.

tottaly NOT! (i mean burping in public) thats DISGUSTING!!! espesialy farting in school! :( :( :D trust me, i no. but i bur in front of my family though -_-

In public like on the street and stuff I'm pretty hyper and crazy with friends, but if I'm in a store or something I'm very polite. I think I say please and thank you way to much.

School, well that's another story..


ok its rude BUT!lol,

if im around friends i could care less, but yes it really is rude in public

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