Pretty or Ugly?


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I'll describe me...Hair colour: Brown with blode streaks

Hair-do: Usually a ponytail- down to my shoulers. I also have a wave in the middle of my hair.

Eyes: Really bright blue- my mean REALLY bright. Some people come up ti me and say "Nice contacts! Where'd you get them?!" Then I tell them it's my natural eye colour.

Skin: Uh... normal-ish.

Personality: Hyper, dare-devilish, I curse alot, I giggle alot.

Height: About 4"8
Your discription is just like me, only I am like 4"11.....

But I am sure they look prettier on you. Like I said I only think I look pretty with makeup.

I'm not really either. Except some of the 'cool' boys last year in P.E. told one of my friends that I was 'hot'.

I like my nose, my eye color, my freckles (on my nose) and my hair color. And I'm getting a hair cut soon, so I'll also like my new hairstyle.

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I just wanted to know if you thought yourself pretty or ugly. I am confident with myself and I like the way I look. What about you? ;)
i don't care about what other peeps think if someone said something i don't really care..... i know i am beautiful the way i am!

and everyone who thinks they are pritty on the inside and out are very beautiful peeps..... i don't think looks matter......... but we all have are days that we think looks matter.........on hot guys :angry:

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I remember CuteDancerRachel made a topic like this one time and everyone blew it all out of proportion..

BUt anyways. I've got hazel eyes, brown hair with blonde and carmel highlights. I;ve got a beauty mark right next to my nose (a little below it, next my mouth little above it.) and a couple freckles that you can't see until you get really close to my face. But yeah, I don't know. I don't think I look very good. And I don't care what others think, I know I'm beautiful too, hottie10196.And here is a link to a pic of what my hair looks like, so you'll know atleast what my hair looks like.

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I don't know about me. you tell me.

I have:

long silky black hair

dark brown eyes

tan skin


length:4 ft. 11

2 lost teeth

now tell me if i'm pretty or ugly. I don't mind if you say i'm ugly as long as it's the truth.

No one should call themselves ugly. I bet your mom is right you should listen to her. :D I used to be like you when I was younger, I'd sit there and call myself ugly but you know what, never let those people get to you. If they want to judge you that fast then they really are just shallow inside and aren't worth your time.
This world today we live in is really messed up. People are to conerned with looks and what defines what is pretty and what isn't. I weigh 230 lbs and never get a guys attention because I'm cosidered a "Fat Chick" I may be big but that doesn't make me ugly:¤t=me.jpg
I don't call myself ugly, others call me ugly. B)

Lots of my parent's friends say I'm pretty, and I don't think I'm ugly, so I'll just say pretty. Yay! :D


I'm defidently not the prettiest I could be(my hair is very poofy and frizzy) :eek: , but I'm pretty happy about how I look. I'm sooo not one of those people who constantly obsess about how they look and still call themselves ugly. Those people are attention seekers. :angry:

I think I am very ugly, especially with no eyeliner on. But everybody tells me I'm not, which is kinda nice. :angry:


i think i'm in-between.

like average, ya know?

sort of everyone else..

but i don't think i'm like ultra-super ugly. but i don't think i'm beautiful, either.

a lot of people have said that i'm REALLY pretty...

but i don't know.

i kinda base my confidence on that "look good, feel good" kinda stuff...if anyone has heard of!

i would post a link to a picture of myself..but my computer is too dang slow :angry:

so i'll describe myself:


color: dirty blonde, highlights-ish

frizz factor: oh, really big. not unless i use my oh-so wonderful hair products.

length: it used to be a least shoulder-length until i cut it. now it's just above my shoulders.

bangs: used to be non-existent (lol), but now i have like these side bang thingies going on.

facey stuff-

eyes: greenish, yellowish, blueish...i can't tell!

teeth: not the best...but most likely, i'll get braces very soon (but i don't want them, although i know it's for the best later)

acne: kind of varies. my face is never clear these days though.

freckles: well, not like those clustered kind of freckles. i do have the other kind...but i don't like to refer to them as beauty marks lol. few of those.

wow...i seem very conceited to myself o_0 i'll probably have a link up later...haha my posts are always so long!!

Your discription is just like me, only I am like 4"11.....
But I am sure they look prettier on you. Like I said I only think I look pretty with makeup.
Cool! If only I was taller... xD That's one thing I hate about my apperance. Teenagers call me titch. x.x But other than that, I guess I'm pretty enough... :D

well people tell me I am pretty, but I dont believe it..

Shoulder length orange/gold hair

Big hazel eyes

Kind big lips

Lots of freckles

I am bigger then most girls my age

Crooked teeth

Really tall

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Hair Color: Dark brown, but not so dark it would be mistaken for black.

Hair Legnth: To my shoulders

Hair-do: Down. No ponytails, no pigtails, sometimes a extremely TINY braid next to my face

Frizziness: As frizzy as frizzy can be, dawg.

Eye Color: Dark dark dark brown. Once mistaken for black.

Skin Color: Tan. Naturally. My mom is Caucasian and my dad is African American.

Freckles: None.

Height: 5'6". Very tall for my age. (11)

Personality: sarcastic, smart, funny, I like outsmarting people... um... I guess I'm nice. usually.

Other: Not too much acne... I'll try to find a good pic later.

You decide whether I'm pretty or ugly.

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You are soo pretty from what I see!, CuteDancingBailey! :angry:
You guys can decide. I'll post pics later, I promise. :(
Thank you! I'm sure your very pretty yourself! :angry: (You made me feel speacial and squeeze out a smile! :( )

I remember CuteDancerRachel made a topic like this one time and everyone blew it all out of proportion..BUt anyways. I've got hazel eyes, brown hair with blonde and carmel highlights. I;ve got a beauty mark right next to my nose (a little below it, next my mouth little above it.) and a couple freckles that you can't see until you get really close to my face. But yeah, I don't know. I don't think I look very good. And I don't care what others think, I know I'm beautiful too, hottie10196.And here is a link to a pic of what my hair looks like, so you'll know atleast what my hair looks like.
You look very pretty CuteDancingBailey! ^.^ I love your hair!!

I feel...sort of confident in how i look, but I do think I can improve aswell.

My looks:

Hair: Wavy brown, going half way down my back.

Eyes: Brown

Height: About 5'4

Age: Almost 13

Other: Alittle pudgy, but not exactly fat.

Things I don't like about myself: How I look in bathing suits! I am absolutely terrified to put on my new tankini for the second time.

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