Pretty or Ugly?


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Apparently I look like the Grudge in the mornings.

i.e rly demented.

You look like an onion? :0 *cough* I mean ogre?

That'd be awesome. x3

*is going to shut up and stop being random now*

You look like an onion? :0 *cough* I mean ogre?
That'd be awesome. x3

*is going to shut up and stop being random now*
Lol, maybe not. xD

People tell my I'm pretty- not true, in my opinion.

Lol, maybe not. xD People tell my I'm pretty- not true, in my opinion.
I bet you're a very pretty girl.

I would say I'm average- there a few things I don't like about myself.

Everyone is pretty in there own way so don't say your ugly or get to snobbish and say OH I think I'm the most prettiest girl in the world (sorry that's happend before at my school and she was really mean and made every girl feel bad about their selfs)

Well,my parents tell me that I'm pretty,two boys from my German class said that I'm pretty,but sometimes I think that I'm so ugly. It depends. :D

Remember,if someone says that you're pretty/ugly,he/she doesn't always mean that. The most important thing is that you think you're pretty. You are you,and if you think you're ugly,you should really look at a hippo. o_O. I don't think that you'd compare yourself to a hippo. :D

everyone says i'm pretty and that i have a cute smile, prettiest eyes, nice hair.

i love the way i look and i feel great!

i never have zits or every needed braces or ever need braces.

*but i not a snob*

Less than 1% of students in my school think I'm pretty. (That less than 1% is me and my very tiny group of friends... six people if you include me.)

EDIT - I dont have low self esteem... I shall emphasize that fact that I'm a part of that 1% that thinks I'm pretty.

Also, not meaning to be pretentous but if girls and women were considered of as pretty by intelligence, I'd be the most gorgeous (sp?) girl in my graduating class.

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Meep. I think I'm decent in the looks department, but really short.

Here I am ^^ <- I'm in purple though you can barely see me.

And again <- The pic I use most of the time...Glove Hut. About a year ago.

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Actually, these last couple days I've been feeling very good about my looks...I actually think I'm pretty for once! Her are my new stats:

Skin color: White, slightly palish

Freckles?: Yes, but very light ones

Eye color: Greyish blue

Hair color: Light brown

Height: 5''0

Weight: 78 pounds

Actually, these last couple days I've been feeling very good about my looks...I actually think I'm pretty for once! Her are my new stats:
Skin color: White, slightly palish

Freckles?: Yes, but very light ones

Eye color: Greyish blue

Hair color: Light brown

Height: 5''0

Weight: 78 pounds

I've always wanted freckles <3

i think i look good,and wen girls are after me it boost my cofidence alot more,but really sometimes i stare in the mirror and i doubt my looks

I think I'm real pretty, but at school I always feel ugly. o_o I guess 'cos I don't really look or act like your conventional girl, you know. And also in fifth grade I had some issues with people calling me a lesbian and a man 'cos I cut my hair short. So, it's weird... I'm self-assured everywhere except school... yet another reason I hate it so much...


I think I'm real pretty, but at school I always feel ugly. o_o I guess 'cos I don't really look or act like your conventional girl, you know. And also in fifth grade I had some issues with people calling me a lesbian and a man 'cos I cut my hair short. So, it's weird... I'm self-assured everywhere except school... yet another reason I hate it so much...

That's mean about that thing in 5th grade, I feel bad for you, but at least your okay now.

I think your very pretty by the way. :kuribotchi:

That's mean about that thing in 5th grade, I feel bad for you, but at least your okay now.
I think your very pretty by the way. :lol:
Well, it's kind of hard because I still will look in the mirror sometimes and be like "Aw geez, I look like a man." But, I suppose my getting over that is a work in progress.


Yeah, and the guy who was calling me a man ("Are you a boy or a girl?" Wow, aren't you clever... :mellow: ) was a goofy looking fat kid named Cedric, so it shouldn't have bothered me as much as it did... :kuribotchi:

Thankee for finding me pretty, too. xD

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